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OT-Trump Throws America Under The Bus


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17 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

So when Bill O'Reilly says putin is a killer and chump says no he's not. Bill says Russia has killed for him so chump says what do you think this country is any better? You don't think we do worse stuff? Say what??????!!!!@

I thought the same thing. Does anyone else on here think that the president basically admitted that he/we have been involved in wrong doings to the same level of Russia and Putin? Now among those of us that answer that question yes... How many think Putin would ever implicate himself or his country in a similar manner? That dude would deny deny deny right until the end. 


Of course we do a lot of stuff. We never ever admit it though. Damn. 

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I'm listening to retired four star General Barry McCaffrey right now and wondering what Trump will tweet about one of the greatest American Generals ever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_McCaffrey

General McCaffrey:  "I think it is appalling.  I am a career soldier and the son of a career soldier.  My son is a career soldier.  Who is he talking about when he talks about killers? The 60,000 killed and wounded protecting the country since 9/11?.....Unbelievable paralellism that Trump has respected a man (Putin) who has stood behind Assad who has murdered a half million Syrians, invaded eastern Ukraine, threated Poland, the Baltic states and buzzing our neighbor ships at sea and, for God's Sakes, has threated western Europe with nuclear weapons....these people are dangerous to our neighbors and our interest and they are trying to shatter NATO-so why would the President of the United States be insisting on that line of argument?  It is beyond me."



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6 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I thought the same thing. Does anyone else on here think that the president basically admitted that he/we have been involved in wrong doings to the same level of Russia and Putin? Now among those of us that answer that question yes... How many think Putin would ever implicate himself or his country in a similar manner? That dude would deny deny deny right until the end. 


Of course we do a lot of stuff. We never ever admit it though. Damn. 

I think he was equating Putin's killing to the war and our soldiers in Iraq.  I don't think Trump was thinking of US covert operations and Bill O. was speaking to Russia's killing of journalist and political rivals.  

We both are involved in covert shit and probably some of it is unethical and so far it has remained secret.  So far...

Trump continues to show how completely unfit he is to be President.  Its been 3 weeks, what's taking people so long to see this. Lol 


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10 hours ago, AztecPadre said:

So when Bill O'Reilly says putin is a killer and chump says no he's not. Bill says Russia has killed for him so chump says what do you think this country is any better? You don't think we do worse stuff? Say what??????!!!!@

I started a thread on this a couple days ago. 

OT: Things I like that Trump does.

No one cares.

Yes, I like that he said it. It's true, what he said. About time american realize they are not "special" or virtuous. 





I am much more concerned with the continuing alternate facts coming from Trump. 

He is an extremist right wing talk show come to power. If that is not scary, I don't know what is. 

The news media does not cover terror attacks? 

People belive the stuff he makes up. His office lends credibility to the stuff he makes up. It costs us tax dollars to investigate the stuff he makes up, like voter fraud or to build walls that are effectively worthless. 

I was very open minded to Trump.

But honest, he is to be watched very closely.

I have started to wonder how exactly a president is removed for not breaking any laws? Just endangering uit's people and causing societal unrest and conflict.

Lying is just not impeachable stuff. 



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2 hours ago, Ararar said:

He said it because he has to.If people can't see that Putin has something on our president they are completely ignorant.This is the real threat to our national security.Russia is going to run roughshod over what they want.

I really don't think stuff like this is productive.

It's no different than all the junk the right wing radio guys have made up all these years. 

Let's stick to know fact.


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10 hours ago, AztecPadre said:

This fool is going to give up all the secrets when he throws another one of his tantrums.

and it will be over his ego...

he will be accused of something and he will not be able to stand the misplaced disapproval and he'll divulge things, absolutely. 

Presidents have to be men of character, even Bush 2 learned this and acted accordingly. 

Trump never will. 

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The US being viewed as killers is in the eyes of the beholder.  We simply are not viewed worldwide as innocent bastions of democracy and freedom many here think we are viewed as.

when you take his previous statements into account along with this one ( he was not apologetic in describing us as killers it was a matter of fact statement) it paints him as a brute that believes in torture and taking the spoils(oil) after the US invades a country

so my takeaway is if less aggressive US presidents were "killers" what would a more tyrannical Trump be like?

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

I really don't think stuff like this is productive.

It's no different than all the junk the right wing radio guys have made up all these years. 

Let's stick to know fact.


Known fact, Our intelligence says Russia tried to influence our election in favor of Trump...Why? 

Known fact,Trump is willing to talk down to and belittle everyone and everything except Russia and specifically Putin.The mere mention of his name puts our president on his best behavior....Why?

I think I'll stick with my original comment 

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5 hours ago, World Citizen said:

I think he was equating Putin's killing to the war and our soldiers in Iraq.  I don't think Trump was thinking of US covert operations and Bill O. was speaking to Russia's killing of journalist and political rivals.  

We both are involved in covert shit and probably some of it is unethical and so far it has remained secret.  So far...

Trump continues to show how completely unfit he is to be President.  Its been 3 weeks, what's taking people so long to see this. Lol 



So you think that the president didn't understand the context of the conversation? That may be just as or more dangerous than understanding and then claiming that we are dirty too. 


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13 hours ago, AztecPadre said:

So when Bill O'Reilly says putin is a killer and chump says no he's not. Bill says Russia has killed for him so chump says what do you think this country is any better? You don't think we do worse stuff? Say what??????!!!!@

If a Democrat had done this his political career would be over and Republicans would be calling him a traitor, un-American, etc.

Trump does it and nobody says a word. It's like it never happened.

They called John Kerry un-American because he simply thought Vietnam was a mistake.

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Just now, Drummer61 said:

John Kerry brokered a deal  with IRAN with nobama'approvel and gave them over 2 billion in cash!!!!!! 

It's their money. We just unfroze their assets in return for huge concessions on their use of nuclear energy.

Read a book sometime, old man. You might learn something.

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6 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

and our ex cowardly president who told Asad to stop gassing his people or else...Did nothing.....THOSE ARE MISTAKES OF THE WORST KIND...

And upon taking office, our new President was so bold on Assad that he did......nothing.

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1 hour ago, Ararar said:

Known fact, Our intelligence says Russia tried to influence our election in favor of Trump...Why? 

Known fact,Trump is willing to talk down to and belittle everyone and everything except Russia and specifically Putin.The mere mention of his name puts our president on his best behavior....Why?

I think I'll stick with my original comment 

well then you lost me

lot's of real stuff to be concerned about, doing as Trump does, just making stuff up, is not productive. Hurts your own cause. You just get labelled, correctly, as an extremist and ignored substantively. 

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35 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

John Kerry brokered a deal  with IRAN with nobama'approvel and gave them over 2 billion in cash!!!!!! Biggest sponcers  of terror who laugh at us.....and our ex cowardly president who told Asad to stop gassing his people or else...Did nothing.....THOSE ARE MISTAKES OF THE WORST KIND...




we gave Iran 2 Billion in cash?

Come on Drummer, you know better. 

last post I responded to was from a left wing nut, now this.

No wonder no one knows crap and everyone is in conflict. 

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