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15 minutes ago, 181pl said:

Most Jewish people that are affluent (myself not included, guess its the lack of affluence) are big Lefties that blindly support Dems and give generous donations to the party. Wonder how this will sit them?

what am I missing here?

We have a president who has little regard for Muslims, why not a DNC leader who has little regards for Jews? 

See how that works?


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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

what am I missing here?

We have a president who has little regard for Muslims, why not a DNC leader who has little regards for Jews? 

See how that works?


Nice try. Liberal Jews make up a huge donation base for the left. Alienate them (or worse yet, if that donor base moves to the right), it will be big trouble for the Dems. 

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8 hours ago, 181pl said:

R Dems really going to nominate him to lead the party?

Anti-Semetic (Farrahkan drone) black separatist. This should get them far...



I watched CNN's Democratic debate last night and it brought back some memories of the Republicans debates.  First, I am an independent who has voted for Presidents from both parties for many years.  I am not a liberal but I also deeply dislike the altright, in particular Bannon and a lot of what many Republicans are agreeing to, especially in the House for fear of not being re-elected.

I believe Trump won because of passion and his willingness to convincingly promise anyone anything.  To accomplish this he had to-and did-trash everything positive about the U. S. since Obama took office.  He also played to fear which he stoked.  And he created and played to the belief of many that Hillary would represent the third Obama term.  In doing this he also legitimized racism.

He also won because nobody on the Republican stage would stand up to him.  Not the debating champion Cruz, nor Jeb Bush ("no energy"), "little Marco," Carly Fiorina (Her "face") or anyone else that he could trash.  He insulted Cruz' wife (Harvard MBA) and his father (JFK's assassination and possible involvement).  He went after everyone except possibly Kasich, at one point implying that he was offering him the Vice Presidency if he was elected.

But he did all of this with passion and the conviction of a reality show professional.  Only Vince McMahon (whose head he once shaved)(this is the link-one of the best WWE videos ever:  http://www.masslive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2017/02/donald_trump_vince_mcmahon.html )

For the Democrats Bernie Sanders spoke, I thought, with equal conviction and passion.  But Sanders didn't trash anyone nor call any names. He wasn't the showman that was Trump. But he presented and represented issues (as did Trump) that he passionately pursued and won votes and fans for their belief in him.  Then there was the HIllary connection and her position with votes leading up to the Democratic convention which hurt her (she was also not a passionate speaker-note the last Philadelphia speech with Barack, his wife and Joe Biden.  Hillary was a huge step down.  This the night or so before the election.)

I didn't see anyone on the level of either Trump nor Sanders last night.  Ellinson was expressive (as was the former Secretary of Labor, Perez) and the mayor of South Bend).  But I didn't see anyone who I thought could even approach Trump or Sanders on that state.

There is one person, however, that I think did successfully go one on one with Trump.  And will be a serious consideration in 2020:  Elizabeth Warren.  Yes, Elizabeth Warren.  (I would love to see her in leather and heels on a stage next to Trump:  he would be her wimp.)

She was good!  I believe she was the one person that was the equal of Trump. (She was also a professor at Harvard law) I don't know who else the Democrats will have in 2020 but she'll be there.  I don't know if I'll vote for her but I guarantee I will watch every one of her appearances on television.  As I did Trump for the first six months.  She, as Trump, is totally entertaining.

Elizabeth Warren is a showman.  It's may take a "performer" to beat Trump in 2020.

If he makes it that far.  


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Difference between Bernie and Trump were ideas. Bernie is a socialist loser with no understanding of the American system. This is guy that would be on welfare if he wasn't a Senator from a rural, backwards, hippie state.

Everything Bernie stood for is wrong. Higher taxes, open borders, less military, free this and that, creation of an entitlement state, cowering from terrorism, PC, etc. He was HORRIBLE. An evil witch like Clinton with NO MESSAGE beat him (now some of this was due to the nefarious actions of an evil regime known as the Democrat party). Bernie never received the groundswell of support with normal people (ie, job holders over the age of 25) to ever have a chance to win the primary or general election. 

Trump wants to stimulate the economy (which he is doing), create good jobs, strenghten the military, strenghten our borders, and destroy Islmamic terrorism. 

When you look at the ideas of the two parties, there isn't even a questions as to which one has the interest of you and I in its heart. It is damn sure not the Dems. Elizabeth Warren would be a better candidate than Clinton or Sanders, but she is more the same PC socialist BS and people will eventually see through this. 

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Let me guess the Elizabeth Warren platform:

1. Women are oppressed (bull$h*t);

2. Republicans want to take your baby killing rights away (more BS; even though many would like to, its political suicide and nobody will really touch it).

3. The 2nd Amendment should be repealed (big daddy govt will protect you).

4. White privilege has to be stopped

5. Open Borders

6. Cowtow to the UN


Clearly will eventually be a terrible candidate. Again, TAX PAYERS and responsible citizens that believe in self-determination would never vote for her. 

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On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 0:57 PM, 181pl said:

Most Jewish people that are affluent (myself not included, guess its the lack of affluence) are big Lefties that blindly support Dems and give generous donations to the party. Wonder how this will sit them?

If they could support Barry, who wanted Israel GONE from the UNIVERSE! They'd support SATAN if he was a DEM!

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23 hours ago, BigDrop said:

I watched CNN's Democratic debate last night and it brought back some memories of the Republicans debates.  First, I am an independent who has voted for Presidents from both parties for many years.  I am not a liberal but I also deeply dislike the altright, in particular Bannon and a lot of what many Republicans are agreeing to, especially in the House for fear of not being re-elected.

I believe Trump won because of passion and his willingness to convincingly promise anyone anything.  To accomplish this he had to-and did-trash everything positive about the U. S. since Obama took office.  He also played to fear which he stoked.  And he created and played to the belief of many that Hillary would represent the third Obama term.  In doing this he also legitimized racism.

He also won because nobody on the Republican stage would stand up to him.  Not the debating champion Cruz, nor Jeb Bush ("no energy"), "little Marco," Carly Fiorina (Her "face") or anyone else that he could trash.  He insulted Cruz' wife (Harvard MBA) and his father (JFK's assassination and possible involvement).  He went after everyone except possibly Kasich, at one point implying that he was offering him the Vice Presidency if he was elected.

But he did all of this with passion and the conviction of a reality show professional.  Only Vince McMahon (whose head he once shaved)(this is the link-one of the best WWE videos ever:  http://www.masslive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2017/02/donald_trump_vince_mcmahon.html )

For the Democrats Bernie Sanders spoke, I thought, with equal conviction and passion.  But Sanders didn't trash anyone nor call any names. He wasn't the showman that was Trump. But he presented and represented issues (as did Trump) that he passionately pursued and won votes and fans for their belief in him.  Then there was the HIllary connection and her position with votes leading up to the Democratic convention which hurt her (she was also not a passionate speaker-note the last Philadelphia speech with Barack, his wife and Joe Biden.  Hillary was a huge step down.  This the night or so before the election.)

I didn't see anyone on the level of either Trump nor Sanders last night.  Ellinson was expressive (as was the former Secretary of Labor, Perez) and the mayor of South Bend).  But I didn't see anyone who I thought could even approach Trump or Sanders on that state.

There is one person, however, that I think did successfully go one on one with Trump.  And will be a serious consideration in 2020:  Elizabeth Warren.  Yes, Elizabeth Warren.  (I would love to see her in leather and heels on a stage next to Trump:  he would be her wimp.)

She was good!  I believe she was the one person that was the equal of Trump. (She was also a professor at Harvard law) I don't know who else the Democrats will have in 2020 but she'll be there.  I don't know if I'll vote for her but I guarantee I will watch every one of her appearances on television.  As I did Trump for the first six months.  She, as Trump, is totally entertaining.

Elizabeth Warren is a showman.  It's may take a "performer" to beat Trump in 2020.

If he makes it that far.  


You need to reassess your affiliation! You are so far up the DEMS ass you won't see daylight til July! Where was your condemnation when Barry set RACE relations back a 100 years? Where were YOU when he trashed law enforcement at every turn? His border patrol agents were afraid to do much of ANYTHING, for fear of reprisal! And IF the liberal media dared to take their tongues out of his butt, he chastised them unmercifully!

And talk about trashing family members! Where were YOU when the libtards trashed Barron and Melania? Where were YOU when HILLS called Trump supporters DEPLORABLES? She stepped on her dildo that night! You can't have it both ways, unless you are batting for the LOOOOOSERS!



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On 2/23/2017 at 10:52 AM, 181pl said:

R Dems really going to nominate him to lead the party?

Anti-Semetic (Farrahkan drone) black separatist. This should get them far...



Best thing that happened to the GOP in the mold of barry hussein. And they still can't figure out how to beat the gutless GOP.

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On 2/23/2017 at 11:16 AM, noonereal said:

what am I missing here?

We have a president who has little regard for Muslims, why not a DNC leader who has little regards for Jews? 

See how that works?


No we have a president who has little regard for muslims blowing up buildings and killing Americans. Big difference than the pussy who just left office that was afraid to even call them what the were. 

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On 2/23/2017 at 9:03 PM, BigDrop said:

I watched CNN's Democratic debate last night and it brought back some memories of the Republicans debates.  First, I am an independent who has voted for Presidents from both parties for many years.  I am not a liberal but I also deeply dislike the altright, in particular Bannon and a lot of what many Republicans are agreeing to, especially in the House for fear of not being re-elected.

I believe Trump won because of passion and his willingness to convincingly promise anyone anything.  To accomplish this he had to-and did-trash everything positive about the U. S. since Obama took office.  He also played to fear which he stoked.  And he created and played to the belief of many that Hillary would represent the third Obama term.  In doing this he also legitimized racism.

He also won because nobody on the Republican stage would stand up to him.  Not the debating champion Cruz, nor Jeb Bush ("no energy"), "little Marco," Carly Fiorina (Her "face") or anyone else that he could trash.  He insulted Cruz' wife (Harvard MBA) and his father (JFK's assassination and possible involvement).  He went after everyone except possibly Kasich, at one point implying that he was offering him the Vice Presidency if he was elected.

But he did all of this with passion and the conviction of a reality show professional.  Only Vince McMahon (whose head he once shaved)(this is the link-one of the best WWE videos ever:  http://www.masslive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2017/02/donald_trump_vince_mcmahon.html )

For the Democrats Bernie Sanders spoke, I thought, with equal conviction and passion.  But Sanders didn't trash anyone nor call any names. He wasn't the showman that was Trump. But he presented and represented issues (as did Trump) that he passionately pursued and won votes and fans for their belief in him.  Then there was the HIllary connection and her position with votes leading up to the Democratic convention which hurt her (she was also not a passionate speaker-note the last Philadelphia speech with Barack, his wife and Joe Biden.  Hillary was a huge step down.  This the night or so before the election.)

I didn't see anyone on the level of either Trump nor Sanders last night.  Ellinson was expressive (as was the former Secretary of Labor, Perez) and the mayor of South Bend).  But I didn't see anyone who I thought could even approach Trump or Sanders on that state.

There is one person, however, that I think did successfully go one on one with Trump.  And will be a serious consideration in 2020:  Elizabeth Warren.  Yes, Elizabeth Warren.  (I would love to see her in leather and heels on a stage next to Trump:  he would be her wimp.)

She was good!  I believe she was the one person that was the equal of Trump. (She was also a professor at Harvard law) I don't know who else the Democrats will have in 2020 but she'll be there.  I don't know if I'll vote for her but I guarantee I will watch every one of her appearances on television.  As I did Trump for the first six months.  She, as Trump, is totally entertaining.

Elizabeth Warren is a showman.  It's may take a "performer" to beat Trump in 2020.

If he makes it that far.  


I must clarify that for this past November if I could have voted for anyone it would have been John Kasich, the Ohio Governor.  My second choice would have been another Republican, john McCain, followed by either Lindsay Graham or John McCain.  Yes, they are all Republicans.  And, no I did not vote for Trump.  I voted for Hillary less out of belief and more out of fear of the Donald.

FWIW I would be quite happy if Mike Pence at some point takes over as President.  I believe he would make a good president and I would feel at ease and secure with him running the country.

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I think maybe that a shake-up was needed. IMO you guys were wrong about Ellison, although he does bring some baggage. He would have possibly given the party a well needed shake-up, much like Trump has done for the republican party. By going with Perez, it seems like the party is staying sort of in the same mold that eventually got them to where they are now... a losing streak. 

I was mistaken that running further right was wrong for the republican party, which obviously it was not. I think we are probably wrong in the same manner as it pertains to the democrats as well. The base is getting left behind by the recent decade's more moderate approach, even though it hurts me to admit that. I find myself being more of a moderate, so I personally prefer a moderate approach, but as we have seen, that more moderate type of approach is deemed as not fiery enough and even weak. 

Perhaps to turn the corner, the democrats have to do the same thing as the republicans have done, and undergo a hostile takeover by some far left/alt left wingnut that can fire up the base. Bernie may have been that guy. Ellison may have been that guy. Hillary wasn't that guy. Perez is pretty moderate, so I don't see much of a shake-up on the horizon. I'm not giving up on the guy just yet, but on the surface, it does look like the moderate and safe choice. 

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10 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

For me, Warren is a liar,Indian my ass, flipped houses,which she was against being a Marxist,got caught and tried to weasel out.. One of the worst and would give away the world,plus make aboration a wonderful act,never telling the dopes,that it's founder,Margaret Sanger,wanted to clean the "Races".......

But she is a "showman."  I believe someone with a sales personality, with that kind of presence, charisma, and yes, bs is what it will take to compete with Trump.  Again, I am not saying that I will vote for her.  BUT, just like Donald Trump, I really enjoy and respect her presence on a stage.  She is really good.  Indian heritage and whatnot aside she grew up blue collar (father was a janitor at Montgomery Ward before he passed away and she was a waittress when she was really young) and was an esteemed Harvard law professor who is powerful "across the table" or standing next to anyone.  She has a great "back story" that a lot of people will respect and many (including myself) will relate to.

As for who I would vote for there is one person that I would passionately support:  Governor John Kasich.  He was overshadowed on stage by Trump (as was even Cruz) but I like him and agree with many of the issues he supports.

Warren is my sales background:  I deeply respect someone who is an artist and has character and passion.  Trump is the best I have ever seen but I believe she can overpower him.  She is in league with Vince McMahon and Ric Flair.  That is the kind of presence and confidence it will take to beat Trump.

Addendum:  many, many years I ago sat next to Ric Flair on an airplane.  We talked for much of the 90 or so minute flight.   Fantastic amount of presence.  He took over the whole cabin.  I'm not sure that I would agree with him politically but I really, really enjoyed listening to him.

Trump couldn't go near Ric Flair's scalp.  He, Trump, would have been shaved instead.


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11 hours ago, BigDrop said:

But she is a "showman."  I believe someone with a sales personality, with that kind of presence, charisma, and yes, bs is what it will take to compete with Trump.

I can't stand her. 

and Trump IS THE BEST at animated, theatrical.

Only two things can stop Trump in 4 years, himself or people getting out in force to vote against him.  No Dem candidate will get enough people to the polls to vote for them. 

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