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I Give "conch" One Thing To Do....


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And he can't get it done.

What good is he?

Why don't the Pubs tell Trumpy The Clown to go screw himself...and VOTE !!!!

There ain't a REAL person on this board that don't know...it ain't gonna make any difference.  IF...and that's a big IF....the FBI finds any tad of credence to the allegations....it ain't gonna matter.  The Pubs are gonna vote Brother Brett in.  What a circus !!!!!




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17 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

Angry old Rufus. xD

Losing sucks. Maybe next time knock on a couple doors in Wisconsin. 

Hey.....I didn't vote for Hillary.  I'm a Bernie guy.  And me and Bernie are just biding our time.

 The Democratic Socialists are coming !!!!!

We don't need no stinking Supreme Court.




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17 hours ago, Rufus69 said:

There ain't a REAL person on this board that don't know...it ain't gonna make any difference.  IF...and that's a big IF....the FBI finds any tad of credence to the allegations....it ain't gonna matter.  The Pubs are gonna vote Brother Brett in.  What a circus !!!!!

I have to disagree. Unless I am totally off base here, I think this nomination is in trouble. Will it matter in the grander scheme of things? That is unclear at this point. However, given the current makeup of the senate, I think Kav has trouble being confirmed unless he gets a clean bill from the FBI. 

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5 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

I have to disagree. Unless I am totally off base here, I think this nomination is in trouble. Will it matter in the grander scheme of things? That is unclear at this point. However, given the current makeup of the senate, I think Kav has trouble being confirmed unless he gets a clean bill from the FBI. 

One thing we know for sure is that he is not the choir boy he pretended to be on Fox.

What a disservice Fox is to America. 

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13 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

I have to disagree. Unless I am totally off base here, I think this nomination is in trouble. Will it matter in the grander scheme of things? That is unclear at this point. However, given the current makeup of the senate, I think Kav has trouble being confirmed unless he gets a clean bill from the FBI. 

Hoss....you know we love ya....BUT....how in the world can you type....this nomination is in trouble....with a straight face?  The Pubs have decided.  It's a DONE deal.  It has been since Trumpy The Clown uttered his name.  The Pubs have the votes.  It is what it is.  The Pubs know they gotta confirm him before the mid-terms.  

Is it Friday yet?




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conch....Hoss...it's about time.  We were almost ready to send out a search party !!!!!

But to answer your meme.....NO SIR....Trumpy The Clown is NOT and NEVER WILL BE...my President.

Now you answer me....what the fork are you letting happen?

Do the vote.  Do the frigging vote.  The mid-terms are coming.  The mid-terms are coming.

As an aside...did you happen to catch the SNL skit with Matt Damon playing Brother Brett?

SNL nailed it.  And I do mean...NAILED IT....LOL.

Come together...right now...over me.......





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6 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

conch....Hoss...it's about time.  We were almost ready to send out a search party !!!!!

But to answer your meme.....NO SIR....Trumpy The Clown is NOT and NEVER WILL BE...my President.

Now you answer me....what the fork are you letting happen?

Do the vote.  Do the frigging vote.  The mid-terms are coming.  The mid-terms are coming.

As an aside...did you happen to catch the SNL skit with Matt Damon playing Brother Brett?

SNL nailed it.  And I do mean...NAILED IT....LOL.

Come together...right now...over me.......





These posts of yours are just weird, rufus.


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57 minutes ago, concha said:


conch....it was like when me and Bernie were talking...and he said.....

"Rufus, the economics work well when you don't spend money where you shouldn't"

For some reason...we want to give everybody and their brother foreign aid.  We want to have military bases all over the frigging world.  We want to give the military billions of dollars that they don't need.  We need to keep all this money...and take care of the people here.  Me and Bernie would do exactly that.  It's all about HOW you spend your money.  If you were poor...you'd understand that.




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7 hours ago, Rufus69 said:

conch....Hoss...it's about time.  We were almost ready to send out a search party !!!!!

But to answer your meme.....NO SIR....Trumpy The Clown is NOT and NEVER WILL BE...my President.

Now you answer me....what the fork are you letting happen?

Do the vote.  Do the frigging vote.  The mid-terms are coming.  The mid-terms are coming.

As an aside...did you happen to catch the SNL skit with Matt Damon playing Brother Brett?

SNL nailed it.  And I do mean...NAILED IT....LOL.

Come together...right now...over me.......





Matt Damon crushed it out of the park with that performance.  And SNL is truly "fair and balanced" since they also allowed that great man Kanye on as well.  Pro Trump rant and all.  

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