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12 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

They also know that the Dems will give them everything free so they can be controlled and will vote Democrat..If you really look into  the Democrat Party, you  see a control group under the guise of fairness for  the less fortunate. Ie Bernie promised free everything and tax the rich more= class warfare= Socialisme  Marxism=no growth. All should read the book, " Hoodwinked"!by Jack Cashill.

this is a silly myth

a right wing war chant


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DJT can build on this by ignoring and not responding to the bait from the left. It's all they have. 


Put down Twitter. Put out one Presidential tweet a week and dont respond to silly BS with tweets. He should tell the left and the media, through actions, that it's time to grow up.

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

or... just imagine Trumpet as an adult because it was the same speech every Republican president gives in front of congress

the news was not the speech, it was that Trump gave it as an adult. 

Trumpy the Clown is a front man...a carnival barker.  He has the title of President...but he doesn't run anything.  The Group tells him what to say...and Trumpy adds the flair.  He's always been a saleman.  He will always BE a salesman.  He is what he is.



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20 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Offer up Troop..

Just mainly reading.  I agree with you on several points on the Democratic party mainly historically and disagree with you on several points on the Republican Party currently.  Peace be with you.  

I don't profess any kind of allegiance to either and never will.  I am socially Liberal and fiscally conservative.  Sadly being the step child of either party historically and present day still makes you not an acceptable family member.  But only one to be manipulated and used by each.  Democrats in the past haven't done anything that Republicans in the present aren't practicing.  So regardless of President I determine my own direction and success.  I don't depend on anyone to motivate me for success. 

The Republicans lost the Black vote after the Civil Rights act even though Northern Republicans voted for it.  Barry Goldwater opened the door for Racist segregationist into the Party and caused the shift.  Blacks In the South couldn't vote.  Hell Nixon got 1/3 of the black vote.  The Republicans lost its most ardent supporters and since this time became modern day Dixiecrats in new suits and slicker rhetoric IMHO.  Crafting a message wrapped in nationalism which is actually isolationism in a prettier package.


Peace be with you.  

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.


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18 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

He also announced football games..As time passed I realized how good he was.. 85-88 in his classes as I liked it..

He said something one day in his class that stuck with me my whole life....he said "before I get involved in a political discussion with anyone I always ask them if they voted.....if they say no I don't bother speaking with them"....makes sense to me!

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