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“They all look alike” and not a peep from our race liaisons.


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Not a peep from our dumb and dumber race liaisons, SportsNut and Cajun. 

Darter doesn’t want to move to China for the great quality of life over this.

BigDrop hasn’t came out from his bombshelter to let us know how this is destroying America and how great Germany is. 

DB66 hasn’t told us how hateful this statement was.

No Wu Tang clown show arrival yet.

Where ya all at calling out the blatant racism?

YOUR president is a racist....

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33 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Almost as good as Senator Donnelly from Indiana, “I have 2 minorities on my staff, BUT they do an excellent job”.

He definitely needed to prepare that speech better. 

I don’t think he meant anything negative on it, just came out all jacked up. With that said, if a republican said this in these times it would be front page news and liberal pussy costume wearing protestors would be calling for him to resign. 

Hillary on the other hand meant exactly what she said and giggled like only she can. “Well played”

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10 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

He definitely needed to prepare that speech better. 

I don’t think he meant anything negative on it, just came out all jacked up. With that said, if a republican said this in these times it would be front page news and liberal pussy costume wearing protestors would be calling for him to resign. 

Hillary on the other hand meant exactly what she said and giggled like only she can. “Well played”

Hillary thinks young Black Males are Super Predators and now old black men all look the same and Slick willie said this once about Obama 

Clinton is quoted as telling Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), "A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would be getting us coffee."

Yeah I think both sides have damn racist and I don't support either side.  President Trump was right to call this out. 

 Sharpton: Bill Clinton's 'coffee' remark about Obama may have been racist



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6 hours ago, NorCalRuss said:


Not a peep from our dumb and dumber race liaisons, SportsNut and Cajun. 

Darter doesn’t want to move to China for the great quality of life over this.

BigDrop hasn’t came out from his bombshelter to let us know how this is destroying America and how great Germany is. 

DB66 hasn’t told us how hateful this statement was.

No Wu Tang clown show arrival yet.

Where ya all at calling out the blatant racism?

YOUR president is a racist....

Like DJT, Bill Clinton, and by extension, his wife, is a racist, who, for particularly dysfunctional reasons, found popularity in certain sections of the black community. 

That Hillary would say the above does not surprise me one bit. In the 2016 election, she failed to win, because unlike her husband, who still has appeal among black folks, they saw through her and did not enthusiastically go to the polls. Unfortunately, this begat us an even more dangerous racist. 

It is what it is. Selah!

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34 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Yeah I’m not sure what the big deal is.  She’s racist and so is trump.  

Right wingers though need to spend more time denouncing steve king, an active politician, than worrying about Hillary who is a “has been”.   Their silence has been deafening.   

What did Steve king say? 

Hillary cant be a has been when you know shes running again

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1 hour ago, HSFBfan said:

What did Steve king say? 

Hillary cant be a has been when you know shes running again


As for Hillary, how do you know she is running again? Please enlighten.

If she does, it is the worst thing the Democratic party could do and would ensure Republicans winning again. 

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14 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:


As for Hillary, how do you know she is running again? Please enlighten.

If she does, it is the worst thing the Democratic party could do and would ensure Republicans winning again. 

Shes already scheduling talks and such for after the midterms....shes running. She just stated I'd like to be president. Shell run. 

Article doesnt say what he said. Just said a couple of companies wont be donating any more money. And that he keeps a confederate flag on his desk. Also he believes blacks and Hispanics will be fighting each other. 

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2 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Farrakhan is much more dangerous than King could ever be. Every party has a few whacky outliers. 

Of course. I'm sure there are many confederate flags flying around the middle of the country. People are allowed to Express their views in a non violent way

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2 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Farrakhan is much more dangerous than King could ever be. Every party has a few whacky outliers. 

Farrakhan does not hold elected office and the day he did within the Democrat Party they would never, ever get my vote. Steve King holds elected office within Republican party. That's the difference!

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3 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

Farrakhan does not hold elected office and the day he did within the Democrat Party they would never, ever get my vote. Steve King holds elected office within Republican party. That's the difference!

King sits on Congressional committees which are influenced by his hate and racism.  

You'll notice they still haven't denounced him.  Deflection and jokes so far.   Smh

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3 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Neither does Soros. They control the pols in many other, more dangerous ways. 

Soros donates a lot of money to Democratic candidates and causes. I have no knowledge of Farrakhan, controlling politicians through money or through any other process. 

If you know otherwise, please enlighten. I am serious about this and if you can point me to concrete evidence instead of the usual BS, perhaps I will begin to take you more seriously. 

The ball is in your court. 

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Just now, GardenStateBaller said:

The MSM will always protect their saviors with all their might and vigor. The pic is real. And everyone knows it. 

you pulled it straight from your sorry, lying rear.  And everyone knows it.  You have not posted any truth, typically what you post is debunked. 

I like dialogue but I can't stand it when one lies to make a point . 

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Just now, Horsefly said:

you pulled it straight from your sorry, lying rear.  And everyone knows it.  You have not posted any truth, typically what you post is debunked. 

I like dialogue but I can't stand it when one lies to make a point . 

When one is too lazy to evaluate anything for himself but instead chooses to cater to his own biases, this is what you get. When called out GSB usually comes up a day late and a dollar short. Not a serious poster.

There are some far right individuals I actually respect though I don't like them. They are the ones that are intellectually honest, state what they believe, state why and let the chips fall where they may. OldRabidOne was intellectually honest in a very lose way. Unfortunately for him he was almost totally devoid of intellect!

For the most part, Troll may be an exception, there is a dearth of intellectual capacity on this board from the Trump apologists. Very sad indeed, but not at all surprising.  

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