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Why I am a Leftist


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This is the second of a handful of posts I intend to make before the end of the month when I take a five month break from posting on this board. The intent of this post is to provide insights into why I have always been a left leaning citizen. In order to do so cogently I believe it is essential that I define a number of terms. These definitions follow.

1.       Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

2.       Communism - a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which initially all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs, and which eventually leads to the withering away of the state itself, ultimately leading to a society that is truly self governed.

3.       Social Democracy - is a political, social, and economic ideology that supports economic and social intervention to promote scial justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and substantially capitalist economy. The protocols and norms used to accomplish this involve a commitment to participatory democracy; measures for income redistribution; and the regulation of the economy in the general interest of citizens; and welfare provisions, including the provision of free education through 18 years of age and free or at the very least, affordable health care for all citizens and legal residents.

4.       Perfect Competition – a situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of individual buyers and sellers.

5.    Monopoly - the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

6.    Oligopoly - a state of very limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

Capitalism is a system that evolved with the passage of time. Its precursor was feudalism which existed for many centuries in Europe and coincided with the period now referred to as the “Dark Ages.” Of course, the transition from feudalism to modern day capitalism lasted several centuries during which time New World slavery, as well as mercantilism preceded what is now regarded as modern day capitalism. Indeed, modern day capitalism needed rapid industrialization to transition to the system widely recognized as capitalism. It did not attain this till sometime near the end of the 18th century, rapidly expanding through the 19th and into the 20th.

Supporters and apologists for capitalism are quick to point out that as a system not only has it improved the material well being of humanity collectively, but that it has also enhanced individual freedom.

Communism, as can be seen from the definition, unlike capitalism, had its genesis in theory not natural economic evolution. It had its intellectual birth in 1848 with the publication of Marx’s Communist Manifesto, a short work with few communists, as well as detractors of communism, have actually taken the time to read for themselves. The first country to be governed by an espoused communist party was Russia, after the fall of the Romanov’s Tsarist empire. One interesting feature of avowed communist states is the fact that none have made the transition from the first, socialist stage of communism to the final stage, the ultimate self-governing one.

The true believers in capitalism, those that unapologetically support it and either totally ignore or discount its flaws, argue that the market should be allowed the unfettered ability, that any intervention must necessarily be evil in the sense that it interferes with an inherently “perfect system.” These include intellectuals such as the Milton Friedmans of the world as well as the politically motivated such as the Art Laffers and Larry Kudlows of the world.

The arguments of these true believers ignore one thing. In perfect competition (refer to the definition above), indeed, buyers and sellers would compete on fair terms and there would be no need tor intervention, as neither would be in a position to “exploit” the other. However, this ignores a basic truth. A truth that Lenin was quick to point out and focus on in his writings (yes, Lenin was an intellectual of some ability as well as a communist revolutionary). That truth is the tendency of capitalism to lead to monopoly power and concentration. Indeed, Lenin argued strenuously and convincingly, that under capitalism this was inevitable.

It is beyond my intellectual capacity to determine whether Lenin’s assertion is, inevitably true. However, one thing is clear. One need only look around to realize the extent to which monopolies and oligopolies dominate the American economic landscape. Under such economic arrangements not only do consumers get screwed via predatory pricing, but on a far more consequential level, individuals get screwed through the nature of the employment arrangements they are forced into. For in situations where large employers offer the bulk of the jobs available not only do the monopolize the terms of employment in a very lopsided way, but they affect and effect employment conditions for those that work for smaller non-monopolistic companies. This, as well as the demise of Trade Unions, accounts for the poor wages and lack of benefits that the average American worker faces today. (Continued)

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Indeed, I find it quite curious that the biggest defenders of capitalism totally ignore this unsavory aspect of the system itself. Two of the primary unsavory aspects outside the individual sphere are the blight it does to democracy, itself and the fact that negative externalities, are almost totally ignored, as corporations tend to get a free pass from the environmental degradation they often cause, as well as the non-privity effects of certain produces such as cigarettes which affect non smokers via second hand smoke.   

Looking first at the blight to democracy, consider this for a moment: The majority of us working people spend well over 50% of our awake time on the job. Yet, with the decimation of unions we have almost no say in how the job is supposed to be performed. Workers don’t approve mergers, largely don’t determine the level of safety provided by employers, don’t have any influence over whether companies move abroad or to other lower wage areas of the country. I ask: how can we begin to argue that there is any semblance of democracy in such an arrangement? There is none. At best we get benign dictatorship and at worse abuse from autocratic management.

Considering externalities, the fact that corporations largely pay no cost for their transgressions, some of which they were aware of before the consequences became widely known has contributed to climate change. For that and the fact we are now overpopulated, ensures that at best our children’s future will be bleak if at all tenable.

The above is why I am a leftist, at least by American standards. For while I recognize that capitalism has, overall, been a dynamic force for good, at least material good, I see its flaws for what they are. In fact, I strongly believe that current circumstances, will, one way or another, render it non-functional in the not too distant future. One need only look at the way artificial intelligence (machine intelligence to some) is rapidly replacing many jobs to realize that consumer demand, which I regard as the engine that keeps capitalism going, will be severely impacted by this as large segments of the population will become not only unemployed, but unemployable. Yes, that’s right, many new jobs that may spring up, will be beyond the capacity of the average human to perform due to intellectual constraints. You will pardon my saying so, but the rantings that often take place on this very board are proof positive of this.

As to defenders of the system such as @concha, who keeps rambling about unemployment been at all time lows particularly for minorities such as myself, I will leave you with a parting shot. The only time those of African American heritage have been fully employed was under the system of slavery. I don’t think many of us, and certainly not I, would ever, ever want to go back to such a system. Jobs are fine and I can assure you I am a very hard-working guy who not only brings effort, but thought, to everything I do. But I most certainly have no use for low paying, benefit less employment.

To conclude, unless there is significant reform to capitalism, I believe its time is past. No, I don’t advocate its replacement with communism as that system has never worked the way Marx envisioned it, perhaps and most likely, because our basic human condition would not allow it to. However, the kind of unregulated capitalism advocated by many will lead to the end of human life on the planet as we know it, in my very humble (not) opinion. As a father of children who would like a habitable world for his descendants, a world with greenery around, a world with the four seasons, a world not full of the concrete jungles that our major population centers have become, I can only hope that wisdom, if not humanity, prevails before it is too late.

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37 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:


As to defenders of the system such as @concha, who keeps rambling about unemployment been at all time lows particularly for minorities such as myself, I will leave you with a parting shot. The only time those of African American heritage have been fully employed was under the system of slavery. I don’t think many of us, and certainly not I, would ever, ever want to go back to such a system. Jobs are fine and I can assure you I am a very hard-working guy who not only brings effort, but thought, to everything I do. But I most certainly have no use for low paying, benefit less employment.


Seriously man, screw you.

I express positive views that things are getting better for minorities and you bring up slavery? Seriously?  The closest equivalent to slavery we have today is government dependence in return for votes. Brought to you by... the Left! TRUTH.

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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

Indeed, I find it quite curious that the biggest defenders of capitalism totally ignore this unsavory aspect of the system itself. Two of the primary unsavory aspects outside the individual sphere are the blight it does to democracy, itself and the fact that negative externalities, are almost totally ignored, as corporations tend to get a free pass from the environmental degradation they often cause, as well as the non-privity effects of certain produces such as cigarettes which affect non smokers via second hand smoke.   

Looking first at the blight to democracy, consider this for a moment: The majority of us working people spend well over 50% of our awake time on the job. Yet, with the decimation of unions we have almost no say in how the job is supposed to be performed. Workers don’t approve mergers, largely don’t determine the level of safety provided by employers, don’t have any influence over whether companies move abroad or to other lower wage areas of the country. I ask: how can we begin to argue that there is any semblance of democracy in such an arrangement? There is none. At best we get benign dictatorship and at worse abuse from autocratic management.  I lost my job at GE because my division moved to Mexico for cheaper labor.

Considering externalities, the fact that corporations largely pay no cost for their transgressions, some of which they were aware of before the consequences became widely known has contributed to climate change. For that and the fact we are now overpopulated, ensures that at best our children’s future will be bleak if at all tenable.  Sad but true

The above is why I am a leftist, at least by American standards. For while I recognize that capitalism has, overall, been a dynamic force for good, at least material good, I see its flaws for what they are. In fact, I strongly believe that current circumstances, will, one way or another, render it non-functional in the not too distant future. One need only look at the way artificial intelligence (machine intelligence to some) is rapidly replacing many jobs to realize that consumer demand, which I regard as the engine that keeps capitalism going, will be severely impacted by this as large segments of the population will become not only unemployed, but unemployable. Yes, that’s right, many new jobs that may spring up, will be beyond the capacity of the average human to perform due to intellectual constraints. You will pardon my saying so, but the rantings that often take place on this very board are proof positive of this.  It seems that there is a growing economic disparity between the working class and the investment class.  Even now, Federal workers who are not getting paying are suffering in only a month partial Government shutdown.  In the new economy people need to learn to save again and to wisely invest more...because you never know when the rainy day will come.

As to defenders of the system such as @concha, who keeps rambling about unemployment been at all time lows particularly for minorities such as myself, I will leave you with a parting shot. The only time those of African American heritage have been fully employed was under the system of slavery. I don’t think many of us, and certainly not I, would ever, ever want to go back to such a system. Jobs are fine and I can assure you I am a very hard-working guy who not only brings effort, but thought, to everything I do. But I most certainly have no use for low paying, benefit less employment.

To conclude, unless there is significant reform to capitalism, I believe its time is past. No, I don’t advocate its replacement with communism as that system has never worked the way Marx envisioned it, perhaps and most likely, because our basic human condition would not allow it to. However, the kind of unregulated capitalism advocated by many will lead to the end of human life on the planet as we know it, in my very humble (not) opinion. As a father of children who would like a habitable world for his descendants, a world with greenery around, a world with the four seasons, a world not full of the concrete jungles that our major population centers have become, I can only hope that wisdom, if not humanity, prevails before it is too late.   Today, there seems to be a deregulation movement...but something will happen to crash the markets(a good time to short) and the economy and we will start getting more regulation to recover again.  The biggest problem that we have is overpopulation and until we can bring down the numbers, the world will have all kinds of problems.


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It’s amazing how darter is able to articulate his position with reasoned, rational and a well educated response.  Void of emotion, snide remarks and rhetoric.  He really blows the right wing posters away.  No wonder he’s bored. He’s writing with a montblanc pen and dealing with some scribbling with crayons.  

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6 hours ago, RedZone said:

You seem upset yet again, crying concha....





6 hours ago, RedZone said:

....are you sure?...make your case. Or, try to...

The above is the problem with these guys. They exhibit anger and make statements they cannot defend. It is the chief reason I am taking a break from the board. It is hard to argue with the lazy and the uninformed. 

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8 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:


The above is the problem with these guys. They exhibit anger and make statements they cannot defend. It is the chief reason I am taking a break from the board. It is hard to argue with the lazy and the uninformed. 

you'd be a big loss here...I hope you reconsider sticking around....you bring a lot to the table vs. the Trump meme brigade we see here everyday...keep keeping it real my friend!

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6 hours ago, Horsefly said:

It’s amazing how darter is able to articulate his position with reasoned, rational and a well educated response.  Void of emotion, snide remarks and rhetoric.  He really blows the right wing posters away.  No wonder he’s bored. He’s writing with a montblanc pen and dealing with some scribbling with crayons.  

You can articulate all you like....but that does not mean you provide an accurate description of your premise...

Lot's of "down with Democracy" speeches going around...

While you guys argue about a border wall, 150-200 MILLION PEOPLE are protesting in India against Democracy and try to promote and get free everything from a social state...

However eloquently you would like to phrase it tho, socialism has just as many 'evil monsters' lurking in an unchecked system...


If you are going to knock one type of government for the (corrupted) excesses, you must compare to the corrupted excesses of what you promote...

good to good, and bad to bad and all....

One great thing about our flavor of democracy, if you don't like it, you are certainly free to move to India and protest theirs...

And in a socialist government you will not even be allowed to protest. 


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13 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:


The above is the problem with these guys. They exhibit anger and make statements they cannot defend. It is the chief reason I am taking a break from the board. It is hard to argue with the lazy and the uninformed. 

Just got to say that this is the weakest shit that I have seen from you...

The "I'm leaving routine" is Bullshit....

No reason to announce it over and over, and in doing so you only make yourself seem silly...


I get what you are saying, and feel free to take your ball home and leave...

but continuing to play while threatening to leave is pretty much what losers do...

just sayin' 

yes I hope you stick around, but don't degrade yourself in doing so...


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9 minutes ago, Troll said:

You can articulate all you like....but that does not mean you provide an accurate description of your premise...

Lot's of "down with Democracy" speeches going around...

While you guys argue about a border wall, 150-200 MILLION PEOPLE are protesting in India against Democracy and try to promote free everything from a social state...

However eloquently you would like to phrase it tho, socialism has just as many 'evil monsters' lurking in an unchecked system...


If you are going to knock one type of government for the (corrupted) excesses, you must compare to the corrupted excesses of what you promote...

good to good, and bad to bad and all....

One great thing about our flavor of democracy, if you don't like it, you are certainly free to move to India and protest theirs...

And in a socialist government you will not even be allowed to protest. 


Oh but GSB “articulating” his position by placing a pic of a vagina is on point? That was a great retort and further illustrates my view.  lol 

addreess darter directly,  I’m observing the dialogue and it’s quite a lesson.  He’s doing what any academic would do in defining terms and providing his view point.   


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1 minute ago, Horsefly said:

Oh but GSB “articulating” his position by placing a pic of a vagina is on point? That was a great retort and further illustrates my view.  lol 

addreess darter directly,  I’m observing the dialogue and it’s quite a lesson.  He’s doing what any academic would do in defining terms and providing his view point.   

🤣 yes I agree

and I was addressing Darter's thesis.... not the vagina LOL


BTW: Eloquence is mutually exclusive from right and wrong ....

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1 minute ago, Troll said:

🤣 yes I agree

and I was addressing Darter's thesis.... not the vagina LOL


BTW: Eloquence is mutually exclusive from right and wrong ....

I’m not arguing if he’s right, but he did a better job of laying it out and defending it. 

Which socialist countries have you been to for extended periods of time? 

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13 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

I’m not arguing if he’s right, but he did a better job of laying it out and defending it. 

Which socialist countries have you been to for extended periods of time? 

Never extended stays, but have visited a few.  I do not claim to know everything about the intricacies of socialism, but if you are going to attack our republican democracy with such claims of abuses, then at least compare accurately...

Much of Darter's thesis is inaccurate… most notably the part of capitalism being 'unrestricted' here, and other false portrayals.

Again, if that is how he views it that's fine, but the best part of a democracy....you don't like it you can leave...the government does not own you... as in some socialist states...   

...and here I thought you wouldn't actually support governmental 'slavery'....


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8 minutes ago, Troll said:

Never extended stays, but have visited a few.  I do not claim to know everything about the intricacies of socialism, but if you are going to attack our republican democracy with such claims of abuses, then at least compare accurately...

Much of Darter's thesis is inaccurate… most notably the part of capitalism being 'unrestricted' here, and other false portrayals.

Again, if that is how he views it that's fine, but the best part of a democracy....you don't like it you can leave...the government does not own you... as in some socialist states...   

...and here I thought you wouldn't actually support governmental 'slavery'....


I have not given a position on this topic.

But I do find it interesting you have a problem with his definition of unregulated capitalism but ignore the broader pic of its application as it relates to deregulation and the impact on society and the environment all in the name of profits?  He mentioned the cig industry and the impact to 2d hand smokers as an ex. .  

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8 minutes ago, Troll said:

I know 😉

ever hear of a pre-emptive strike??? LOL

But I do find it interesting you have a problem with his definition of unregulated capitalism,  but don’t address the broader pic of its application as it relates to deregulation and the impact on society and the environment? ( all in the name of profits) He mentioned the cig industry and the impact to 2d hand smokers as an ex. and the free pass the industry has without paying a heavy cost for its transgressions.  

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1 minute ago, Horsefly said:

But I do find it interesting you have a problem with his definition of unregulated capitalism,  but don’t address the broader pic of its application as it relates to deregulation and the impact on society and the environment? ( all in the name of profits) He mentioned the cig industry and the impact to 2d hand smokers as an ex. .  

I (and my whole family) lived through that whole 'deregulation' of the airline industry....so on that note, I can offer more expertise.

Did you know that Monopolies hold the highest profit margins?....and not competing factions. BTW

So any premise promoting 'monopolizing' any industry towards governmental ownership, needs look no further than our own airline industry to get a clearer picture...


As for any 'environmental impact' ...well monopolies don't generally handle those any better now without competition, regardless of statute industrial waste laws...




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54 minutes ago, Troll said:

Just got to say that this is the weakest shit that I have seen from you...

The "I'm leaving routine" is Bullshit....

No reason to announce it over and over, and in doing so you only make yourself seem silly...


I get what you are saying, and feel free to take your ball home and leave...

but continuing to play while threatening to leave is pretty much what losers do...

just sayin' 

yes I hope you stick around, but don't degrade yourself in doing so...



Looks like Darter is taking a page from the NOR playbook. 

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8 hours ago, Horsefly said:

It’s amazing how darter is able to articulate his position with reasoned, rational and a well educated response.  Void of emotion, snide remarks and rhetoric.  He really blows the right wing posters away.  No wonder he’s bored. He’s writing with a montblanc pen and dealing with some scribbling with crayons.  

It's amazing how you could read that and apparently have no reaction to the fact that I have never argued for unfettered capitalism (a bullshit statement by Darter), that this country does not possess an unrestricted capitalist system, nor that Darter could not control his inner grievance pimp and had to throw a race card.

Oh, wait. It's not amazing at all. It was you.

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2 hours ago, DarterBlue said:


The above is the problem with these guys. They exhibit anger and make statements they cannot defend. It is the chief reason I am taking a break from the board. It is hard to argue with the lazy and the uninformed. 

This is why you are a laughable clown at times.

I have never argued for unfettered capitalism. We don't have an unregulated form of capitalism. You couldn't help not only make a false assertion about me, but you had to throw a bullshit race card to boot.

Noble, above-it-all, honest and objective intellectual is something you like to play at. But you do it poorly.

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