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1 last thing to wildcat so called fans


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Do not bring you,your kids,coaches, or anything else in or near Lowndes high school we do not want it or need it. The parents are quitters (some are also closet racist) and I know its bad to talk about kids but im a realist and ill tell those kids just like I would tell kids ive coached including my nephews. One of the biggest problems valdosta kids have no matter the race the don't have the heart that the old cats use to. The kids give up just like the parents and Lowndes doesn't need to become infested with that behavior. 

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4 hours ago, Ga96 said:

Do not bring you,your kids,coaches, or anything else in or near Lowndes high school we do not want it or need it. The parents are quitters (some are also closet racist) and I know its bad to talk about kids but im a realist and ill tell those kids just like I would tell kids ive coached including my nephews. One of the biggest problems valdosta kids have no matter the race the don't have the heart that the old cats use to. The kids give up just like the parents and Lowndes doesn't need to become infested with that behavior. 

Lol 😂 4am vent haha





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9 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Do a little research before posting old as assumptions from 247. That kid never came near Lowndes all you had to do was go check the roster. Come on i hope you're old enough to do simple things like that. 

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