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Ned Freeman taking the helm for FHSAA


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3 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

That’s crazy considering how many errors there on Maxpreps. They have teams with the same names from other states listed as games played. The scores are put by whoever and half the time they are wrong. They rank teams that don’t even field teams. 

Yeah agree, Maxpreps tends to be highly inaccurate on alot of stuff.

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4 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

It should be done instate not by some keyboard warrior in California. 

What shoulda happened is they consolidate to 5 classes 

5 classes with 100 teams each 

16 districts each class with 5-7teams in each district. Winner and runner ups make the playoffs. 

The district games would mean everything and the playoffs would be highly competitive. And all the top teams in the state wouldn’t get their own cushy class to win some watered down title. 

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17 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

They say that the MaxPreps ratings don't take into account margin of victory.

Do they use the Freeman Ratings and then just eliminate MOV?

When you have a chance to listen to the interview, Freeman is outspoken about this and the answer is the writer is mistaken.  Freeman won’t back his name/product without MOV included.   FL will have it.  

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27 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Which is good because MOV is important.

This interview was solid... just the one key "secret sauce" missing, which we know is human state scale... but not yet willing to share it or at least not until asked.   I tried with Ken Massey in an e-mail correspondence years back, but he didn't continue the discussion when I pressed him on that.   That was the one wish question not asked, otherwise A+.  

We got to hear how he got his start and what his mindset is.  I was smiling and identifying with my childhood.   I was a memorize the back of baseball card stats kind of guy.  I knew batting averages by heart at the snap of a finger.   Freeman was getting serious at age 10!  :)  Hobby to business, awesome.  

@dntn31I forgot to add you bud... have a listen!  It's fricking awesome!   You'll get to hear how he himself piggybacked.  :) 

I should have made a thread starter on this.   Everyone here should listen.  

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13 minutes ago, RedZone said:

is silly

STFU, sit down and listen to the interview.  You were scolded numerous times with knowledge.   Don't be a scumbag your entire life.  Jealousy is not the way to go.  Just enjoy the threads and learn something.  

Folks, here's the unathletic douchebag chiming in and a guy with inside knowledge and in the know ending his fantasy... notice how the thread ended abruptly?   He had nothing, he knows nothing.    


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18 hours ago, golfaddict1 said:

@ECHS05 @15yds4gibberish @steeler01@Atticus Finch@Omaha Vol@PopsNW et al 

Have a listen.  :)   

Thoughts welcome.  Thx.  I’m a bit shy with opinions, but I’ll do my best once I listen.  😉 


I think we can all see the flaw with FLApreps.com.  The bias toward Florida teams is right there in the name...😉

Thanks for the link, will give a listen.

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5 hours ago, golfaddict1 said:

Lying about being an athlete is silly.  Two sports even.  You couldn't just lie and post one sport.  

golfalice believes gardenstateliar sold his business for $150 million and is going to sink a million or two of it in high school football, but is struggling with someone playing two sports at a Catholic high school in NOLA. LMAO!!!!

The internet is fucked!....maybe it's just the weird people like this crazy ass MOV bat.

What a moron....

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20 minutes ago, RedZone said:

golfalice believes gardenstateliar sold his business for $150 million and is going to sink a million or two of it in high school football, but is struggling with someone playing two sports at a Catholic high school in NOLA. LMAO!!!!

The internet is fucked!....maybe it's just the weird people like this crazy ass MOV bat.

What a moron....

I believe you don’t have an athletic bone in your body… nor does the rest of the forum.  You can’t even prove a HS or college attending with a diploma.  
Lost puppy needing a hug with a there there LA is great pet and move along now to piss on the next thread. 
You have no shame.  Lying on a HSFB message forum and still posting as if you’re some guru on normal HSFB.  
Jizzing on LA isn’t a contribution, it’s an illness screaming I have no athleticism and I have no knowledge… but I’m gunna piggyback on anything LA.  You couldn’t even follow through with a top 30 poll.  You announced it and then poof. 
You’re a gnat.  A scumbag.  

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