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20 years ago today


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Yeah! Those were the days huh?! 


When we impeached a president for lying about getting a blowjob and all the righties were all high and mighty with their morals and all. 


Fast forward 20 years... 

The same ones that were all high and mighty with their morals elected a dude on his third marriage, after forgiving him for saying he liked to sexually assault women by just straight grabbing them by they pussy, and come on here daily defending and spinning his constant lies and racist comments. They post thread after thread about stuff that he's doing that they like and spin the stuff they don't. 


Pop on here and post a thread like this, while some of them come and attack "liberals" for having their own nice little circle jerk thread. 

What a bunch of weirdos. 

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11 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Yeah! Those were the days huh?! 


When we impeached a president for lying about getting a blowjob and all the righties were all high and mighty with their morals and all. 


Fast forward 20 years... 

The same ones that were all high and mighty with their morals elected a dude on his third marriage, after forgiving him for saying he liked to sexually assault women by just straight grabbing them by they pussy, and come on here daily defending and spinning his constant lies and racist comments. They post thread after thread about stuff that he's doing that they like and spin the stuff they don't. 


Pop on here and post a thread like this, while some of them come and attack "liberals" for having their own nice little circle jerk thread. 

What a bunch of weirdos. 


All the People SAY Amen 

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