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Do any of your Left Wing clowns know anything about HISTORY?


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Funny how NOBODY heard a peep come out of their ignorant asses about Civil War, and Revolutionary War memorials! That is, until some ACLU or BLM fool brought it to their attention! Then, ALL HELL broke loose! I use to live in the hometown of the Falcon's Chris Mohr, Green Bay's  Eddie Lee Ivery, and the Raiders Ray Guy! And it was the most disfunctional place I've ever been! RACISM EVERYWHERE! But nobody brought it to anyone's attention, because most Blacks know NOTHING about their U.S. HISTORY! I remember when I first moved there, there were two public swimming pools!(one WHITE and one BLACK) And there eventually was a Federal mandate to integrate the pools! The city's solution, CEMENT THENM OVER! This was in the mid seventies! And to THIS DAY, they have NO public pools! The THOMSON BULLdogs played at the stadium on  mainstreet, next to the armory, where they play today! The BLACKS played in a glorified parking lot next to THEIR high school, with about four rows of wooden bleachers! In 1970, when the teams consolidated, most of the WHITE kids started! And Eddie Lee Ivey BARELY made the cut! ANYWHO, the city limits was about a foot and a half PASSED the armory! And the REST was COUNTY! And there was a black neighborhood called CHEROKEE about five hundred yards down the road! ANYWHO, in this neighborhood adjacent to the CITY! They had NO paved streets, and NO indoor plumbing! Fast forward a coupla years! And there was Federal funding to GETRDONE with the street paving! WELL, about a year later, a Federal inspector came to town for a looksee! And not ONE street had changed! Turns OUT, those funds had been diverted to a local country club, for suburban renewal! Now, I said THAT to say THIS! THESE are the types of things that NEED to be addressed by the BLM and the ACLU! NOT defacing monuments to fallen heroes, right or wrong from 150-250 years ago!

And if you think that BLACKS are offended by the types of things that they protest over, consider THIS! In that same town, the street that the town named for MLK, was a drug infested back street next to the old black elementary school! And to this DAY, NOBODY in the black community,  has an issue with the names of city streets, because they don't KNOW ANY BETTER, because they don't give a SHIT about HISTORY! I use to live on a street in the city, that has since turned 95% black! The name of that street is DIXIE! DR. And many streets in the adjoining neighborhoods have names like Beauregard Dr., Manassas Dr., Lee St., Lee Dr., Jackson Dr. Jackson St., Hill St., Stonewall Dr., and Shiloh Rd.! And they have NO FUCKING CLUE!

Anywho, I believe that Thomson is the exception rather than the rule in GEORGIA! As far as I know, the black man in Moultrie, Ga.,  has always been  treated with respect! We SHARED a football stadium! And the William Bryant State Championship banner hangs proudly over Mack Tharpe Memorial Stadium! With a mandatory mandate for integration in 1970! Moultrie High School, class of 1966, had BLACKS in cap and gown! I know, I WAS THERE! About the same time I went to Vietnam, and Cassius Clay decided he didn't wanna go!

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10 hours ago, ORabidOne said:

Funny how NOBODY heard a peep come out of their ignorant asses about Civil War, and Revolutionary War memorials! That is, until some ACLU or BLM fool brought it to their attention! Then, ALL HELL broke loose! I use to live in the hometown of the Falcon's Chris Mohr, Green Bay's  Eddie Lee Ivery, and the Raiders Ray Guy! And it was the most disfunctional place I've ever been! RACISM EVERYWHERE! But nobody brought it to anyone's attention, because most Blacks know NOTHING about their U.S. HISTORY! I remember when I first moved there, there were two public swimming pools!(one WHITE and one BLACK) And there eventually was a Federal mandate to integrate the pools! The city's solution, CEMENT THENM OVER! This was in the mid seventies! And to THIS DAY, they have NO public pools! The THOMSON BULLdogs played at the stadium on  mainstreet, next to the armory, where they play today! The BLACKS played in a glorified parking lot next to THEIR high school, with about four rows of wooden bleachers! In 1970, when the teams consolidated, most of the WHITE kids started! And Eddie Lee Ivey BARELY made the cut! ANYWHO, the city limits was about a foot and a half PASSED the armory! And the REST was COUNTY! And there was a black neighborhood called CHEROKEE about five hundred yards down the road! ANYWHO, in this neighborhood adjacent to the CITY! They had NO paved streets, and NO indoor plumbing! Fast forward a coupla years! And there was Federal funding to GETRDONE with the street paving! WELL, about a year later, a Federal inspector came to town for a looksee! And not ONE street had changed! Turns OUT, those funds had been diverted to a local country club, for suburban renewal! Now, I said THAT to say THIS! THESE are the types of things that NEED to be addressed by the BLM and the ACLU! NOT defacing monuments to fallen heroes, right or wrong from 150-250 years ago!

And if you think that BLACKS are offended by the types of things that they protest over, consider THIS! In that same town, the street that the town named for MLK, was a drug infested back street next to the old black elementary school! And to this DAY, NOBODY in the black community,  has an issue with the names of city streets, because they don't KNOW ANY BETTER, because they don't give a SHIT about HISTORY! I use to live on a street in the city, that has since turned 95% black! The name of that street is DIXIE! DR. And many streets in the adjoining neighborhoods have names like Beauregard Dr., Manassas Dr., Lee St., Lee Dr., Jackson Dr. Jackson St., Hill St., Stonewall Dr., and Shiloh Rd.! And they have NO FUCKING CLUE!

Anywho, I believe that Thomson is the exception rather than the rule in GEORGIA! As far as I know, the black man in Moultrie, Ga.,  has always been  treated with respect! We SHARED a football stadium! And the William Bryant State Championship banner hangs proudly over Mack Tharpe Memorial Stadium! With a mandatory mandate for integration in 1970! Moultrie High School, class of 1966, had BLACKS in cap and gown! I know, I WAS THERE! About the same time I went to Vietnam, and Cassius Clay decided he didn't wanna go!

Lmao haha Rab is snapping Rab is snapping hahaha yes 

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9 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

Rab....I struggle with deciphering your point in this drug induced diatribe....unless you're trying to say that Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali was smarter than you.




It amazes me that you give this illiterate

bastard the time of day.


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11 minutes ago, RedZone said:

It amazes me that you give this illiterate

bastard the time of day.


RZ...me and Rab go back a ways.  We started our little "lovefest" back in 1997 on the GAVSV boards.  I'm not sure if Rab was struck by lightning...or his demeanor is just a direct result of once living in Augusta Ga....but...he is what he is.  You fellers haven't been indoctrinated into the Rab mindset yet.  You just haven't put the time in....(Smile).




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1 hour ago, Rufus69 said:

RZ...me and Rab go back a ways.  We started our little "lovefest" back in 1997 on the GAVSV boards.  I'm not sure if Rab was struck by lightning...or his demeanor is just a direct result of once living in Augusta Ga....but...he is what he is.  You fellers haven't been indoctrinated into the Rab mindset yet.  You just haven't put the time in....(Smile).




Enjoy your history, I guess....

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6 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

SNOPes......Not sure about your source which is run by two Jewish, Calf leftists that have little journalistic experience ,voted for and loved nobama .When you defend Warren with that site ????? She's a wacko and liar and you know it...Tic Tock.....Tic Tock......Conservative on the court....Do you like that ??? Whose your choice,tell us.....

It's simple, point me to the actual source of where she said this then post it.

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12 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

This is why you folks on the right are just as deplorable as any.  You spread lies and deceit to make a point and garner support.  


Haha. I was hoping somebody would show the right fools just how gullible they are. I saw this yesterday online and thought to myself that when I wake up I would check here to see what dumbass would post it. Lol. I was going to see how long they would post about it before a smart person would debunk it. Lol. Congrats brother.

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1 minute ago, AztecPadre said:

Haha. I was hoping somebody would show the right fools just how gullible they are. I saw this yesterday online and thought to myself that when I wake up I would check here to see what dumbass would post it. Lol. I was going to see how long they would post about it before a smart person would debunk it. Lol. Congrats brother.

It's unbelievable how gullible they are.  You post anything negative about the left and off to the races they go.  They have no mental checks and balances.

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1 minute ago, GardenStateBaller said:

I'm just forwarding the articles that make their way to my Inbox. All sources are properly and extensively vetted before I post. 

Sources you support and agree with are given a green flag, bc it's obvious you don't vet the information for accuracy and truthfulness 

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10 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Do you not have any shame?  Lies are your game just like your hero Trump.  Are you seriously this fucked up of a person?  Being known as a liar is not a good thing regardless of who you support politically.  

Well stated. If I were to post something I thought was real, but turned out to be fake, I would just say my bad. Unless, he knows it was fake and posted it knowing how many alt right gullible fools are on here, just to insight even more hate. Fucked up times we are in.

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Just now, AztecPadre said:

Well stated. Of I were to post something I thought was real, but turned out to be fake, I would just say my bad. Unless, he knows it was fake and posted it knowing how many alt right gullible fools are on here, just to insight even more hate. Fucked up times we are in.

Its jacked up.  They don't have real info to make their points, so they  fabricate and post ad nauseum hopIng something sticks, just like trump.  The whole administration is a lie.  

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