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The beginning of the end is near for football

SJR 04

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At the end of the day concussion are real...The majority of concussion are coming from Whip Lash which has nothing to do with form of how someone tackles.  Fact is most concussions are not even head to head blows.  

The biggest reason you are seeing more and more concussions is that majority of HS and many Colleges across the country are not training the neck.  The neck is what will stabilize the head - It is truly lost art in the training protocols across the country.

In the 70's and 80's Football players had big necks - In the middle 90's things started changing - Now we have athletes that look like Greek God's with pencil necks. The Neck training movement is starting to take off again in the major colleges where they have truly educated strength coaches.  

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On 1/31/2017 at 2:04 PM, Drummer61 said:

Funny, NY hs football is not much with the exception of very,very few teams... Liberal states,in many cases,deplore any contact or violent sports,and therefore want them banned. This is a result of the softening of our culture driven by many left wing pussies... If kids were taught to tackle with shoulders,drive through runners chest or waist,we might be better off.. We are getting soft not only here but in many aspects of life...The appeasers are out in force and for me, appeasement means the alligator eats you last..We should have learned years ago when Miami LB Nick B's son was crippled for a bad tackle with his head down..

are we getting soft or continuing, through intellect, to separate  our self from beast?

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1 minute ago, maxchoboian said:

I think the latter, certainly more so than a failed species which is driven by want and bias, unable to see the macro all around us. Or something like that.

I respect you. 

I am and will continue to be a pessimist but appreciate those that would throw water on me to be better. 

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