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Packers Host Intersquad Scrimmage


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Gonna bang helmets tomorrow morning around 10 am.   HawgGoneIt and 94Packer are in charge of security.  Coach Rogers (who recently changed his name to Coach Jones) says it'll be vanilla...but it'll be competitive.  The 2nd string will scrimmage the 3rd string...since we don't actually have a 1st string....yet.

If I weren't getting Ms. Violet ready for her trip to Boston MA...I'd be there.  She's taking me to Fenway...and several OTHER historical places/pubs up near the harbor.  I hired a speech coach from the Amelia "Y" to help me with the Boston dialect so I could communicate properly.

Hopefully, the Hawgs will find something worthwhile.  With the likes of North Gwinnett, TC Jax, Grayson, Camden and Lowndes on the horizon...we need all the "worthwhile" we can get.  I didn't mention Tift cause they suck too.  I need to get this out there early and often....

OH WOE IS US !!!!!




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