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Auburn Coach quits/forced out left for Tuscaloosa County. Coached the worst loss in Alabama HS history.


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1 hour ago, HooverOutlaw said:

After being up 2 scores with the ball and 30 seconds to go lost the game.

I knew the pressure and coaching the worst loss in state sports history he would be gone.  Auburn is a top 5 program in the state and he is leaving for one of the worst 7A programs in the state. Those kind of games will haunt you for life.

how long was he at Auburn?

either as HC or on staff?  tx.

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4 hours ago, sausmann9 said:

Six years at Auburn and its top 5 in the state so maybe he has what it takes to turn around TC or someone may have sweetened the pot for him so to say.  Are there money and/or athletes in that district just needing the right coach?  

Tuscaloosa County had a bad principal that was anti sports.  Has really hurt the program.  If got so bad a local church was mowing the grass around around the football field.   They used to be good at a lot of sports baseball, softball and girls basketball.  

I heard Winegaurd and his family after losing the title game took a lot of heat because of the way it happened.  Stuff like his kids and wife getting trash talked about losing the game.  He left 2 months after choking that game away.  I can imagine the heat on him has been hot. 

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