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Was there a FULL MOON last night?


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MAN, there be some freaky deaky shit going on in SOWEGA last night! Tift-Coffee, Thomasville-Cook, and Colquitt-Valdosta, if not more, were ALL for the history books in absurdity! In the Colquitt game alone, the Packers scored 27 points! No big surprise with the score! Except the way they GOT THOSE POINTS! 27 the HARD WAY! ONE offensive touchdown and PAT! One defensive touchdown vie strip and score! FOUR FG's, and a FRICKIN WEIRD ASS SAFETY! THEN, it gets REALLY WEIRD! Colquitt strips yet another pass reception from a Mildcat receiver, which was subsequently returned some forty yards to the CAT twenty five! But NOOOO, the officials said that the receiver had DROPPED the fricking ball before gaining possession! INCOMPLETE back to the CAT twenty! Then later, the CATS ALL WORLD DB/kick returner, decides he's gonna field the ball at the ONE YARD LINE, as it was about to go into the end zone! He gets WHACKED at the TWO! THEN later, the CAT punter, who has been averaging about a mile and a half on his punts during the game! Decides he's gonna kick the ball straight up into the air, where it is not fielded, and travels fifteen yards! THEN, on another occasion, he is about to punt from inside his end zone, where he drops the ball, and thinking that the rush is about to crush his nuggies! He kicks the ball sideways out to about the SEVEN yard line! I'm thinking EASY TOUCHDOWN RIGHT? OH NOOOOOO, the officials deem it a SAFETY, for illegal kicking! SAAAAAAY WHAAAAAT? I've watched football for a hundred years! And I've NEVER seen that called before! OHHHH, it get's BETTER! SOOOOOOOO, instead of getting the ball inside the ten! Colquitt has to receive a free kick from the CAT twenty! But instead of kicking off a tee, the punter decides to kick the ball to the Packers! THEN, our ALL WORLD LBer/return man, decides he's gonna let the frickin ball hit the turf, and it grazes one of our playas, and is NEARLY recovered by VALDOSTA, at OUR twenty! I LOOKED for Rod Serling in the stands! Cause I KNOW that this HADTA be the TWILIGHT ZONE!

And from what I heard on the SOWEGA sports call in shows during the night! OUR game was TAME in comparison to others! There were about a half dozen or so blocked FG's and PAT'S in the Thomasville game!

And Tift winning on a forty five yard FG, as time expired against Coffee, fifteen SECONDS after COFFEE had taken the lead! The winning FG was set up after a good return and a penalty after the Trojan score put the ball in good KO field position!:$ SAY IT AIN'T SOOOOOOO, JOE?

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