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Chinas Xi blinks on trade?


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1 minute ago, GardenStateBaller said:

DOW up 400 at opening. And the anti-Trump/America naysayers thought China would ruin us. LOL 

Our shrewd Negotiator in Chief just schooled you. And President Xi. Live and learn. More to come. #whatraid



#Winning. Guess China needs US more than we need them??

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26 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

DOW up 400 at opening.

That's great! 

Just like yesterday, we can expect another 25 point gain. 

Let's see, 1.5 trillion at 25 points a day times number of days to reach 1.5 trillion means that we can recoup our investment during my great great great great great.... grandson's lifetime. If there are no downturns of course in the meantime. 

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