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Another FL shooting


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This time at Forest high School in Ocala 


When the freaking hell Will this state actually do something to protect our kids


They frekin mandate more resource officers but won't increase funding to hire them yet they will give academies like img millions in funding a year while keeping publics near bankrupt


Bunch of morons running this state 

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1 minute ago, Columbiafan said:

This time at Forest high School in Ocala 


When the freaking hell Will this state actually do something to protect our kids


They frekin mandate more resource officers but won't increase funding to hire them yet they will give academies like img millions in finding a year while keeping publics near bankrupt


Bunch of morons running this state 

Yet you didnt bring up the two cops assassinated in FL yesterday

Didnt you hear the answer.....instead of armed security they are going to hire therapists LMAOOOOO

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

Yet you didnt bring up the two cops assassinated in FL yesterday

Didnt you hear the answer.....instead of armed security they are going to hire therapists LMAOOOOO

Yeah i saw that but i didn't see it until several hours after it happened 


This world has gotten so hateful that shootings and murders are becoming common place and the media has no problem using this to get ratings 


Seems people only look after themselves these days

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5 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Yet you didnt bring up the two cops assassinated in FL yesterday

Didnt you hear the answer.....instead of armed security they are going to hire therapists LMAOOOOO

Only the ones who will be helped with therapy are ones seeking it


If they don't want to get better they will not do so


Psychology 101

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Just now, Columbiafan said:

Yeah i saw that but i didn't see it until several hours after it happened 


This world has gotten so hateful that shootings and murders are becoming common place and the media has no problem using this to get ratings 


Seems people only look after themselves these days

MS-13 members just put a hit on the cops in LI. NYPD is on alert. This has been happening for the past few years. When you have politicians not willing to stand behind their local law enforcement its a huge program

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2 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Let's see the type of home this shooter came from..Nothing to do with "morons" running the state....This is all about personal accountablity, nothing else....Stop playing the "blame" game"...The teachers union as well the govt school system,which is without discipline, has become an abject failure...The family as we knew it has also lost its ability to control and monitor kids,who,in many cases are spoiled and undisciplined little brats..

These schools are easy targets


You can walk on campus and most schools won't notice



How can you not see the issue there? 

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3 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Let's see the type of home this shooter came from..Nothing to do with "morons" running the state....This is all about personal accountablity, nothing else....Stop playing the "blame" game"...The teachers union as well the govt school system,which is without discipline, has become an abject failure...The family as we knew it has also lost its ability to control and monitor kids,who,in many cases are spoiled and undisciplined little brats..

That's what happens when both parents have to work jobs Just to break even 


And btw I'm around kids regularly and the ones i interact with are some of the best young role models I see out there so there are more issues then just kids


The state of Florida legislature doesn't give a shit about the school system, they just throw them standardized tests and state curriculum to secure federal funding which they throw to academies and private schools so the schools will pay them under the table and let their kid attend the rich schools

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Just now, Columbiafan said:

That's what happens when both parents have to work jobs Just to break even 


And btw I'm around kids regularly and the ones i interact with are some of the best young role models I see out there so there are more issues then just kids


The state of Florida legislature doesn't give a shit about the school system, they just throw them standardized tests and state curriculum to secure federal funding which they throw to academies and private schools so the schools will pay them under the table and let their kid attend the rich schools

The social structure such as the family dynamic started to crumble with the womans march. They wanted all this equality and to go to work and such and the kids were left to crumble. 

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

The social structure such as the family dynamic started to crumble with the womans march. They wanted all this equality and to go to work and such and the kids were left to crumble. 

I know families where the mother works and the kids turn out to be perfect role models 


It's a case by case basis IMO

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2 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

The social structure such as the family dynamic started to crumble with the womans march. They wanted all this equality and to go to work and such and the kids were left to crumble. 

However when both parents work it's easy for kids to fall into the wrong crowd which is where things start to decline rapidly 

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Just now, Columbiafan said:

I know families where the mother works and the kids turn out to be perfect role models 


It's a case by case basis IMO

Yes of course im talking in generalities. Of course kids are going to turn out fine and some kids are not. But people say discipline is gone well thats because there is nobody at home whooping ass anymore. Both parents are at work. They dont have time to be interested in the kids social academic etc world. They are out there trying to make a living. You can say this world was better when the man worked the woman stayed home. 

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Just now, HSFBfan said:

Yes of course im talking in generalities. Of course kids are going to turn out fine and some kids are not. But people say discipline is gone well thats because there is nobody at home whooping ass anymore. Both parents are at work. They dont have time to be interested in the kids social academic etc world. They are out there trying to make a living. You can say this world was better when the man worked the woman stayed home. 

Ok i ask this then


As you know some families this day and age can't break even on just one income,  what do you suggest be done so one parent can stay home (it could be mother or father it really does not matter, if at least one is home it will be helpful)

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2 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Don't treat the aftermath, treat the cause for the result..  It's like the doctors who treat the symptom and don't prevent the problem...

Yeah that's what I'm saying 


I said after last shooting this state needs to increase security in schools or nothing will change 


Look what happened 


Hasn't even been 2 months and we got another shooting

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28 minutes ago, Columbiafan said:

Ok i ask this then


As you know some families this day and age can't break even on just one income,  what do you suggest be done so one parent can stay home (it could be mother or father it really does not matter, if at least one is home it will be helpful)

It cant be done anymore. The price of a lot of things including homes is based off a 2 income system. You would have to see houses collapse and the salaries go back down to what they were when the system I was describing was happening. People would freak out esp Wall St. if that ever happened. So people will continue to work 2 jobs(1 for each parent at least) and the rat race is real in a lot of places

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3 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

It cant be done anymore. The price of a lot of things including homes is based off a 2 income system. You would have to see houses collapse and the salaries go back down to what they were when the system I was describing was happening. People would freak out esp Wall St. if that ever happened. So people will continue to work 2 jobs(1 for each parent at least) and the rat race is real in a lot of places

So essentially it's something that can't be fixed in the general public 


So there has to be other ways to keep kids on the right path


Or at least make schools safer

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Just now, Columbiafan said:

So essentially it's something that can't be fixed in the general public 


So there has to be other ways to keep kids on the right path


Or at least make schools safer

Yep....Arm the people in the schools. 

Or hows this get rid of brick and mortar and kids can stay home and go to school online

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5 hours ago, Columbiafan said:

They frekin mandate more resource officers but won't increase funding to hire them yet they will give academies like img millions in funding a year while keeping publics near bankrupt


Bunch of morons running this state 

They are not morons. They just don't care enough about the common voter. IMG is well connected. So even though they need no help given the scandalous tuition they charge, they get it anyway. 

It's a shame!

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4 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

But people say discipline is gone well thats because there is nobody at home whooping ass anymore. Both parents are at work. They dont have time to be interested in the kids social academic etc world. They are out there trying to make a living. You can say this world was better when the man worked the woman stayed home. 

So given that's the situation, I am guessing you would advocate that these families should not bother to have children. Am I correct?

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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

So given that's the situation, I am guessing you would advocate that these families should not bother to have children. Am I correct?

I believe that a majority of people should have not kids. They do not have the patience and time that it takes to truly parent 

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6 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

Fair enough. I have often wondered why many people have kids myself. It is hard work and may or may not pay off in the long run.

Bingo. Esp in today's world with the amount of schedules such as work for yourself and than all of the kids schedules. The stress is sky high. Why would you wanna do that to yourself if you know that lifestyle isn't for you

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20 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Bingo. Esp in today's world with the amount of schedules such as work for yourself and than all of the kids schedules. The stress is sky high. Why would you wanna do that to yourself if you know that lifestyle isn't for you

What you say is one of the reasons I only had two. But in all honesty, adding up the good and the bad, the wins and losses, if I had my life to live over, I would still have two. There is something about seeing your kids grow, learn, mature, that is not duplicable. While the paths they have taken are not what I would have planned for them, at the end of the day, I realize they are their paths, not mine.

To bring life into the world is to both try and mold it, but even more importantly, to be accepting of their opinions and choices. It is one of the reasons I never gave a moment's thought to having a Jr. I would have never wanted to burden one of my children with the idea of being me.  

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3 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

What you say is one of the reasons I only had two. But in all honesty, adding up the good and the bad, the wins and losses, if I had my life to live over, I would still have two. There is something about seeing your kids grow, learn, mature, that is not duplicable. While the paths they have taken are not what I would have planned for them, at the end of the day, I realize they are their paths, not mine.

To bring life into the world is to both try and mold it, but even more importantly, to be accepting of their opinions and choices. It is one of the reasons I never gave a moment's thought to having a Jr. I would have never wanted to burden one of my children with the idea of being me.  

For me personally I dont want any. Too much stress. Overall it's just too much. And so that is a decision that needs to be made individually 

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