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One of Barack Hussein's parting shots, that MAY screw his pooch!


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At the eleventh hour on News Years Eve, when everybody was drunk and not paying attention to Barack Hussein! Homie took it upon himself to abolish the Writ of Habeas Corpus through Executive Order! For you unwashed left Wing whackados! THAT eliminates the privilege of having charges filed against you within 48 hours! Or they hafta release you! As it stands NOW, they can hold you FOREVER without ANY charges! And as far as I know, PRESIDENT Trump has NOT rescinded that order! IF the rule of law ever returns to the NATION, instead of the Left Wing whackado Deputy AG and company! We MAY be able to test out that theory on the DEMS, and THROW AWAY THE KEY FOREVER!

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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

Based on your post, you have no idea of the concept of the rule of law. What you are talking about is the law of lawless states. 

Hey,  Barack Hussein wanted his OWN MILITIA, answering ONLY to HIM! And Devil DAAAWG was to be his general! He ALSO wanted to do away with the Constitution of the United States of America! WHERE is the rule of law in THAT? 

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On 6/29/2018 at 9:51 PM, ORabidOne said:

At the eleventh hour on News Years Eve, when everybody was drunk and not paying attention to Barack Hussein! Homie took it upon himself to abolish the Writ of Habeas Corpus through Executive Order! For you unwashed left Wing whackados! THAT eliminates the privilege of having charges filed against you within 48 hours! Or they hafta release you! As it stands NOW, they can hold you FOREVER without ANY charges! And as far as I know, PRESIDENT Trump has NOT rescinded that order! IF the rule of law ever returns to the NATION, instead of the Left Wing whackado Deputy AG and company! We MAY be able to test out that theory on the DEMS, and THROW AWAY THE KEY FOREVER!

I feel for you, squirrelito.  Truly.

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On 6/29/2018 at 9:51 PM, ORabidOne said:

At the eleventh hour on News Years Eve, when everybody was drunk and not paying attention to Barack Hussein! Homie took it upon himself to abolish the Writ of Habeas Corpus through Executive Order! For you unwashed left Wing whackados! THAT eliminates the privilege of having charges filed against you within 48 hours! Or they hafta release you! As it stands NOW, they can hold you FOREVER without ANY charges! And as far as I know, PRESIDENT Trump has NOT rescinded that order! IF the rule of law ever returns to the NATION, instead of the Left Wing whackado Deputy AG and company! We MAY be able to test out that theory on the DEMS, and THROW AWAY THE KEY FOREVER!

FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump paid off a hooker!

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On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 10:28 PM, DarterBlue said:

Based on your post, you have no idea of the concept of the rule of law. What you are talking about is the law of lawless states. 

NOOOO, MY post refers to the law of lawless GOVERNMENT! Barack Hussein cared NOTHING about the Constitution of the United States of America! HELL, he wanted to abolish the Constitution, and create his own million man militia, answering only to HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 10:09 AM, Drummer61 said:

nobama wanted Sol Alinsky and his play book....Still working on it too...FEMA youth corps or nobama has some intentions....

And Alinsky ALSO had as his credo, RESIST, RESIST, RESIST, PROTEST, PROTEST, PROTEST, until they SURRENDER! But he forgot ONE small factor! Humans with a backbone, will grow tired of constant badgering, and RISE UP to take BACK THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 10:40 AM, Sportsnut said:
That was Bush
updated 10/11/2006 1:35:00 PM ET

On “Countdown” Keith Olbermann examined the Military Commission’s Act of 2006 and what it does to something called habeas corpus. 

The following is a transcript of Keith Olbermann's special report on habeas corpus, as reported on Tuesday, October 10th:

The president has now succeeded where no one has before.  He’s managed to kill the writ of habeas corpus.  Tonight, a special investigation, how that, in turn, kills nothing less than your Bill of Rights. Because the Mark Foley story began to break on the night of September 28, exploding the following day, many people may not have noticed the bill passed by the Senate that night. 

Congress passed the Military Commission’s Act to give Mr. Bush the power to deal effectively with America’s enemies—those who seek to harm the country.  He has been very clear on who he thinks that is. 


GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  For people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it does great harm to the United States of America. 

That fact that we’re discussing this program is helping the enemy. 


OLBERMANN:  So, the president said it was urgent that Congress send him this bill as quickly as possible, not for the politics of next month’s elections, but for America. 



BUSH:  The need for this legislation is urgent.  We need to insure that those questioning terrorists can continue to do everything within the limits of the law to get information that can save American lives.  My administration will continue to work with the Congress to get this legislation enacted, but time is of the essence.  Congress is in session just for a few more weeks and passing this legislation ought to be the top priority. 

The families of those murdered that day have waited patiently for justice.  Some of the families of with us today, they should have to wait no longer. 


OLBERMANN:  Because time was of the essence and to insure that the 9/11 families would wait no longer, as soon as he got the bill, the president whipped out his pen and immediately signed a statement saying he looks forward to signing the actual law eventually. 

He has not signed it yet, almost two weeks later because, of course, he has been swamped by a series of campaign swings at which he has made up quotes from unnamed Democratic leaders and because when he is actually at work he’s been signing so many other important bills, such as the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act, the Third Higher Education Extension Act, ratification requests for extradition treaties with Malta, Estonia, and Latvia; his proclamation of German-American Day, the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act; and his proclamation of Leif Erickson Day. 

Still, getting the Military Commission’s Act to the president so he could immediately mull it over for two weeks was so important, some members of Congress did not even read the bill before voting on it.  Thus, as some of its minutia escaped scrutiny. 

One bit of trivia that caught our eye was the elimination of habeas corpus, which apparently use to be the right of anyone who’s tossed in prison to appear in court and say “Hey, why am I in prison?” 

OLBERMANN: Why does habeas corpus hate America?  And how is it so bad for us?  Mr. Bush says it gets in the way of him doing his job. 

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) Olbermann makes comments between clips of speeches by different politicians below.

BUSH:  This legislation passed in the House yesterday is a part of making sure that we do have the capacity to protect you.  Our most solemn job is the security of this country. 

OLBERMANN:  It may be solemn. 


BUSH:  Bush, so solemnly swear.

OLBERMANN:  But is that really his job?  In this rarely seen footage, Mr. Bush seems to be describing a different job. 

BUSH:  And will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. 

OLBERMANN:  COUNTDOWN has obtained a copy of this “Constitution” of the United States, and sources tell us it was originally sneaked through the constitutional convention and state ratification in order to establish America’s fundamental legal principles.

That was Bush

So you lie.



I believe that he was referring to what is called the Patriot Act! Barack Hussein didn't make that distinction! HELL, he incarcerated a Fox News reporter, for NOTHING!

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1 minute ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Trump paid off a old tired hooker. dude couldn't even pay to have a decent one. Loser. 

WHY would PRESIDENT Trump pay off an extortionist, when EVERYBODY KNEW he was a WHOREMONGER? HELL, THAT puts him in the same canoe with about 100,000,000 OTHER red blooded Amuuurican males, and ALL of the BLACK UNS!

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32 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Can't you see that Trump is going to go down as the worst president ever?

He is a walking scandal.

He creates them like no other.

He has changed the script and so the rules for examination have too.

Look around.

Many are not pulling for Dems or Repubs.

They want what is right.

ARE YOU SHITTIN ME FOOL? BESIDES, what does THAT hafta do with leading the nation to the promised land? And that's RICH, an AFRICAN AMERICAN talking about SCANDAL like it's a WHITE thing! Alinsky, Obana, Malcohm X, and MLK?

And PUHLEEEEZE, splain WHY PRESIDENT Trump is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad for this nation? Because he ain't a LEFT WING WHACKADO SOCIALIST like Obana, Bernie, and Hillary?

And THIS is why PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump, will go down as the GREATEST President in U.S. HISTORY!

1. 7,000,000 MORE well paying jobs, than workers!

2. 4% jobless rate, LOWEST in modern HISTORY!

3. Lowest AFRICAN American unemployment in thirty years!

4. Largest tax cut for the middle class, in DECADES!

5. Largest corporate tax cut in decades, enticing AMERICAN as well as foreign companies, to come back into the U.S.! 

6. The opening up of oil rich areas of the country, to exploration, to help eliminate U.S. oil dependence!

7. Lowest unemployment for women, in DECADES!

8. The relaxing of stifling regulations, in order to propetuate growth in small business America! 

9. The appointment of THREE Supreme Court Justices in his FIRST term! 

10. And ON, and ON, and ON! 

And Obana did WHAT, other than try to fuck up America, and set race relations back 150 YEARS!

Barry was a Community Organizer, versus a BUSINESS MAN, like TRUMP! And how did THAT work out in his adopted HOMETOWN of CHICAGO, with the HIGHEST CRIME RATE in the COUNTRY?

And for SOME reason, PRESIDENT Trump feels that it's good for ALL of our country, if we don't have OPEN BORDERS, giving every Central American, carte blanche to cross our border, infiltrate our welfare system, and over burden on our already overtaxed educational system! THAT, plus they're a breeding ground for MS-13!



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33 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Can't you see that Trump is going to go down as the worst president ever?

He is a walking scandal.

He creates them like no other.

He has changed the script and so the rules for examination have too.

Look around.

Many are not pulling for Dems or Repubs.

They want what is right.

The difference between Trump and Barack Hussein is, the Left Wing whackado media doubles down on Trump, every time he takes a shit! While IGNORING Barack Hussein's transgressions in the biggest SCANDAL in American HISTORY!

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