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dan in daytona

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  1. The President doesn't oversee or manage the running of towns, cities, municipalities, counties, or states. Bozo, it's not their JOB ! They handle, in conjunction with the House and Senate, National Issues that effect all Americans. Generally Demorcrats are the proponents of welfare, food stamps, free children's breakfast and lunches, free or reduced healthcare and prescriptions costs, clean air, water, land, they tax the rich (Sorry Nolebull you don't qualify) and protect a woman's right, particularly at this time, to have an abortion. What else you want to know ?
  2. If only black people were as smart as you, Slopback, and Ironhead they would be so much better off. Why can't they see and comprehend what you 'necks clearly are seeing ? It reminds me of that old adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Now "if only" you could vote Trump this November and forget his long history of lies, bankruptcies, indiscretions, infidelities, and not wanting to rent to black Americans for fear of lowering the value of his property, you can finally be on a path to real freedom and independence. Join the new MAGA crowd of flags and Bibles. Trust them, they know what's best for YOU.
  3. Like Hyman Roth "I'm a retired investor living on a pension." (Godfather 2) The occupier of the White House very rarely effects my standard of living. But how a soon to be multi-state convicted felon could be better for me or the country than Old and confused Joe isn't even a close choice. The Orange Clown will say and do anything to be re-elected. He needs it too much.
  4. What an unhealthy ego.....and the fan Boys take it, hook, line and sinker.......SUCKERS !
  5. Of course you've missed the point again. That being some believed the New York charges were dubious at best and probably not the knockout that other state criminal charges are most likely to be more serious felony convictions. At what point do you and your fellow conservative message board morons admit Trump's a spoiled self centered egomaniac who thinks the law doesn't pertain to him. How do you eat that Woe-is-me garbage he spews every day. That baby son of bitch has been crying nearly 4 yrs now about the unfairness bestowed upon him. Look in the mirror Clown, your problems start there.....at your mouth.
  6. I heard last night Out of State felons, now Florida residents can vote in state elections. Not surprising, since northern made-men have been migrating to Floor-ra-da for years.
  7. ...Lemmings over the cliff. Wait for the totality of all the other cases in distant jurisdictions.....Popcorn popping.
  8. All the Trumpy's need to be holding their breath. I couldn't be happier.
  9. Since we're predicting the future my crystal "balls" see a tough road ahead for Mr. Trumpy the Clown. When the other jurisdictions in the country now after his ass get through he'll look tared and feathered. Then we will see the lowlife deplorables lose their G.D. minds. I think the state legislature of Idaho beats Texas in floating bills of secession. Better go buy some more guns like your stooge brothers. Things are going to get "Real Interesting."
  10. Think he may lose a few "law and order" votes come November ? Or does the Orange God do no wrong regardless of truth and facts.
  11. Don't know the final results, but fellow New Yorkers voted 34 times that their native son was guilty. If they were unanimous that's 34 charges x 12 jurors or 408 Guilty votes. The judge picked no jurors, and Trumpie's lawyers had a hand in all those New Yorkers who were selected. One would think after all the love Trump received this week in his Big Apple campaign that some New Yorker would believe him at least one time on one charge alone ?? The city of New York has over 8,000,000 residents. If 1% were at the rallies that's 80,000. Does that mean 7,920,000 favor Biden ?
  12. Well she's finally gone and done it. Marjorie Taylor Green, over the last several days, has confirmed what I was thinking early on. The loud and uncouth Georgia Rep ate another one of her own (lifelong Republican) John Bolton. Can't say I cared for the man, but he deserved better from that sleaze. Way "back in the day" in my area of Florida we had a name for low disgusting females like MTG. She's a "Skank." Haven't called one that or heard one in over 40 years and I apologize to any female who may be offended. But if ever I saw one, this little classless tart fits the bill.
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