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Fred last won the day on January 10 2022

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  1. This is hilarious! South Georgia is infamous for writing the book on creative player acquisition as a former poster used to say. You can't be so young you haven't heard that.
  2. Ole Kenyatta Watson got more kids into colleges and did more good than you could ever dream about. Ole Kenyatta Watson played high school ball, college ball, and pro ball. Ole Kenyatta Watson helped Ga Tech greatly and is now doing the same at Auburn. Ole Kenyatta Watson was a successful youth coach. Tell again what you've accomplished? Seriously, tell us what you've done to help young people better themselves. Oh, and the correct phrase is "couldn't care less" not "could care less."
  3. My wife's Lexus does that to me all. the. time. It gets frustrating. I can assure you I don't have squinty eyes. According to Ancestry, I'm 93-95% Northern British Isles and the rest Northern Europe. The only thing I can figure is the hair is so long and white, the beard is so big and white, and I tend not to move my head much so it thinks I'm out of it. During the day I almost always wear my shades but at night I don't and the car complains all the time.
  4. The disregard many seem to have to points scored late in a series, in the fourth qtr, in the last minute, etc., amazes me! The game allows each team 4 downs to make the line to gain. That game allows each team 48 minutes spread over 4 qtrs. The points on the board carry the same weight if scored in the first 10 seconds of the game as the last 10 seconds of the game. I've never seem any rules that register scores on a sliding scale of when they were scored.
  5. The thing about telling the truth and not trying to play games with multiple logins is you don't have to remember what you said to someone as which one of your multiple IDs.
  6. No. They were around 4.500 but then a new school opened and took quite a few, over a thousand. North Gwinnett, Brookwood, Grayson, and one or two others are over 3,500. I lean towards no open enrollment. They are adding on to multiple schools. We added 43 classrooms, about 630,000 sq ft, 2 years ago but the building growth in our area is still super high. There are a couple of new subdivisions within 2 miles of Grayson HS that are built as rental from the start. They are 2,500 sq ft houses and the entire subdivision is rental with rents $2,300+ per month. It's crazy. That doesn't even touch the new apartments and house for sale. The county will go over 1 million in the next year or two tops.
  7. I think you need to seriously assess why you want to work there. From what I've heard, those types of jobs are extremely intense and demanding of your time. They can be all consuming. Burnout is real with little work/life balance. NY/NJ is an expensive part of the country to live in. You may wind up in a roommate situation just to make ends meets. Is this your true desire for a career or is it because it seems like a fun thing to do? I often say be careful what you ask for, you might get it. For me, having time to spend with my family and having a life outside of work was important. It took me a while to stop defining myself by my job. I was a lot happier and easier to be around was I figured that out. My wife and I watched the entire series "Suits" not long ago. There was a scene in one of the episodes that was talking about their partnership agreement and their agreement to bill 2,500 hrs per year. That works out to slightly more than 48 hrs per week for all 52 weeks. Take any time off and suddenly you are up to 60, 70, 80 hour weeks. I realize that was a show about lawyers but I suspect that is probably more typical than not. The point is that jobs in finance, law, and others require a very large commitment. Are you really ready to do that? If so, go for it! Just remember you will be committed like the pig and not the chicken for breakfast.
  8. You know waaaay less than you think you do Pinocchio.
  9. The funnest part of this reparte' is that it is the wealthiest people that are leading the exit charge! If you are going to try to troll, at get some of your facts right.
  10. You heard fairy tales Pinocchio.
  11. Does no one else see an underlying problem with paying a college player $13 million? That's insane.
  12. Your nose is growing Pinocchio.
  13. Congrats to Lowndes. We weren't projected to do well but made the championship interesting. Lowndes won 3-4 in 12 innings (!) in the first game and 4-2 in the second game. While respectable in the second game and I think leading going into the final inning, I think y'all probably had a little more depth than us. 12 innings with a short break and then another game right away is tough. Maybe we'll meet again next year. Enjoy the title. You definitely earned it!
  14. I am being a homer here but I think our 2020 team was amazing. Not the superstars of the 2016 team but they could flat get it done. I'll be honest enough to say I don't track the other GA teams outside of a few to be able to say.
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