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Spanking in the news today


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Parents should not spank their children, the American Academy of Pediatrics said on Monday in its most strongly worded policy statement warning against the harmful effects of corporal punishment in the home.

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

Freakin' common sense. Anyone with a brain knows it's not good to smack around your kid.

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7 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I do it because I know my message is instilled. 

To answer as to is there a better way, that would depend on the child.


with all respect, it does not. Some children are more challenging to deal with is what you are really saying. 

The biggest problem in parenting is and has always been inconsistency of consequences and establishing boundaries. 

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2 hours ago, noonereal said:

Parents should not spank their children, the American Academy of Pediatrics said on Monday in its most strongly worded policy statement warning against the harmful effects of corporal punishment in the home.

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

Freakin' common sense. Anyone with a brain knows it's not good to smack around your kid.

Theres a difference in snacking a child around (child abuse) and spanking your child for discipline. Generation after generation grew up with spankings. Now parents dont spank their kids and look at the shit kids cant handle today

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Someone write this on a calendar, but I agree with Sportsnut. Ive encountered numerous parents who bring their children to the Sheriff's Office wanting us to speak to their unruly out of control kids.... First question i always ask is what do you do for discipline at the house. Not one time has the answer ever been spankings

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3 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

Theres a difference in snacking a child around (child abuse) and spanking your child for discipline. Generation after generation grew up with spankings. Now parents dont spank their kids and look at the shit kids cant handle today

Kid, you understand exactly NOTHING about this subject. 


But thanks for your perspective! 

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3 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

What does not?

I know what worked for me and mine.

You can't say what the biggest parenting problem is because you are you and you don't have other peoples kids and personalities. 

Damn, comprehension evades you I see.

You realize your stance is identical to those who deny climate warming. 

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7 minutes ago, noonereal said:

I get that it's hard to convince folks there is a better way when spanking is cultural. But the studies are all in line. 

I like to defer to individual results.  In my case, brother and sister included, along with my children the effect of spanking was beneficial and attributed to the well disciplined people we/they are today.  It works if done right.  I think that’s where the discussion should be is “how was corporal punishment  administered” 

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2 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

I like to defer to individual results.  In my case, brother and sister included, along with my children the effect of spanking was beneficial and attributed to the well disciplined people we/they are today.  It works it done right.  I think that’s where the discussion should be is “how was corporal punishment  administered” 

Not scientifically sound, as you know. 


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14 minutes ago, noonereal said:

Not scientifically sound, as you know. 


We still have not had a discussion on how it was administered.   Spanking is negative reinforcement, after a while my children responded to correction much easier and faster (a verbal talking to) instead of my having to elevate to spanking.  Eventually misbehaving was minimal or nonexistent. This literally is the desired outcome wanted from spanking.  

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1 hour ago, Horsefly said:

There’s a difference between beating a kid and spanking for discipline, it works as an escalated/scaffolded consequence for misbehavior. 

I'm with you on this.  When my sons were young, I tried the timeout method (usually by making them kneel in the corner) and it worked for a while, but sometimes they didn't care and became unruly anyway.  So, I would spank them lightly on their behind when they really started to get out of hand, like getting into fights and then make them kneel in the corner. That worked much better than just a timeout.

But the thing that helped keep them in line, was making them take  Karate classes.  The Instructors thought them about self discipline and respect.  Plus they enjoyed it.

However, I never used a switch, belt, or smacked them around like my parents did with me when I was their age.  I remember how my parents disciplined me, and I didn't want to do the same.  So, I didn't really want to spank there behind, but I didn't know how else deal with them.

My ex never spanked them.  So, obviously they tried to go to her when they did wrong.

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8 hours ago, noonereal said:

Parents should not spank their children, the American Academy of Pediatrics said on Monday in its most strongly worded policy statement warning against the harmful effects of corporal punishment in the home.

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

Freakin' common sense. Anyone with a brain knows it's not good to smack around your kid.

I am not for causing serious injury to a child. However, I found corporal punishment to be an effective parental tool when my kids got seriously out of line.

There are times when appeal to reason does not work. 

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