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One of chief Never Trumpers humiliates himself


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11 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Kasich’s campaign guru John Weaver, who had basically called Trump a traitor, takes a lobbying gig with a Russian firm.  After being lambasted, he backed out.  #toofunnyforwords

So they just said Biden voted for NAFTA which helped destroy the midwest. How does he plan on winning the midwest knowing that he helped destroy it

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2 hours ago, Bormio said:

Biden is Edmund Muskie all over again.  Look it up if you are too young

You, unlike some of the idiot right on this site, remember when most all Labor Unions (to whom a vast majority are Democrats) were against NAFTA when the majority of the Republican Party and progressive Democrats wanted it and free trade. Maybe these fools really need a Union card and to stop shopping at WALMART. The American corporation that stocks it's full shelves with 98% cheap NAFTA products  :)    

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