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Trump gets a win on the 9th circuit on abortion


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1 hour ago, Sportsnut said:

I think a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body.

Is there a law regulating your reproductive rights?

I want you to make your daughter give birth after she is raped by some maniac and gets pregnant.

Is it YOUR choice?


It is her choice every time I am fine with that, however why do I have to pay 1 cent towards it?

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2 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

It still applies to you. You are the beneficiary of multi services that cost you that you may not partake of.

Your taxes go to the school, if you own and pay property taxes, so don't you want your money to but the best school money can buy?

You were born. Your mom may need services that are reserved for women.

Tell her you don't want to help pay her way when she turns 60 and needs a mammogram.

 Or maybe your niece when she becomes sexually active but wants to be sure not to get pregnant and take birth control.

You are so caught up in the political scene that you have given your life away without regard to any family member.

That penny you decide not to give was the difference in the paramedic rushing to your fathers side, in an equipped vehicle or one that is substandard,  during a heart attack .

Don't give.

Your choice.

See how life works?

In a great world that is how it would work. However we must live in reality. Reality is I bust my ass 50 hours a week. Im paid for 80 hours every 2 weeks. My check is taxed, to help support those programs you talk of. Every single one of my co workers are taxed as well. we all give what is required some give more. If any one of those people needed to use one of the programs you talk about I would have no problem whatsoever.

Now Jimmy, Nadine Jesus and Queenisha don't work a lick. They spend 40 hours a week playing vids, smoking weed and fucking. They are living off the programs you talked about. They are not paying one red cent into any program, they are not doing anything productive with their lives and our living off the programs I am taxed for. I have a huge fucking problem with that. 

You were born. Your mom may need services that are reserved for women.

Tell her you don't want to help pay her way when she turns 60 and needs a mammogram.

My mother worked most of her life and paid her taxes. She earned to have that mammogram. Consuelo from the Bronx is here illegally she can go back to wherever she came and have a mammogram. Im not paying shit for her

Or maybe your niece when she becomes sexually active but wants to be sure not to get pregnant and take birth control.

My brother and wife both work and pay taxes and pay for medical insurance. My niece is covered by them. She should receive birth control. Mesha from Ft Worth who doesn't go to school Smokes weed and fucks all day can buy birth control

That penny you decide not to give was the difference in the paramedic rushing to your fathers side, in an equipped vehicle or one that is substandard,  during a heart attack .

My father and I both worked, both paid taxes and both pay for medical. We both earned that ambulance ride and meds for a heart attack.

Jesus from Tijuana living in LA can go back to Mexico and receive all the medical care he needs. 

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I dont own anything so I dont pay any property taxes but I dont believe my parents should have to pay for schools we dont use anymore. Let the parents of school kids pay for it. Why should single people pay for schools we dont use.

I will never pay for anything my parents need. They should have the money for that. Sorry not sorry I wasnt asked to be put on this planet.

You should pay for any and all services you use. I don't want to pay for any of it. I dont use anything. 


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5 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Someone else paid when you went that did not have any kids.

I am glad you are your parents child and not mine.

I bet your mom does not know you feel that way. You should have more respect for her life and health than that.

You are a lost cause.

My mom knows exactly how I feel. I am very honest with my parents. I'm not a bitch. 

And that person has every right to complain about it. You should never pay for services you dont use. 

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21 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

You are living in a fantasy world. One one hand, you trumpet the fact that African American unemployment is at an all-time low, thanks to your resident. Then you say that none of them, us, are working. Make up your mind, dumb ass.

You have no knowledge of Black life as you do nothing but live in the far right. Probably haven't been around anyone but your cousins. Your stupidity is not limited to the Black community. You are ignorant to the simpler facts in life.

I seem to remember the fact that white men dominate the food stamp count. I know this for fact. So you need to check that old ass talking point at the door in this world.

Never have so many knew so little.

Resident Chump

Hey man reading can be your friend. Go back and read my post. You and your poor ole black man shtick has run its course. Ive never said shit about the Black unemployment rate. I said Jimmy I guess a white name Nadine a green name Jesus a brown name and Queenisha a black name. Some how in your pathetic existence, I said all back people live off food stamps. You really are a sorry piece of shit. Take  your poor ole black man shit on. 

And read my post again fucktard

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58 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

In a great world that is how it would work. However we must live in reality. Reality is I bust my ass 50 hours a week. Im paid for 80 hours every 2 weeks. My check is taxed, to help support those programs you talk of. Every single one of my co workers are taxed as well. we all give what is required some give more. If any one of those people needed to use one of the programs you talk about I would have no problem whatsoever.

Now Jimmy, Nadine Jesus and Queenisha don't work a lick. They spend 40 hours a week playing vids, smoking weed and fucking. They are living off the programs you talked about. They are not paying one red cent into any program, they are not doing anything productive with their lives and our living off the programs I am taxed for. I have a huge fucking problem with that. 

You were born. Your mom may need services that are reserved for women.

Tell her you don't want to help pay her way when she turns 60 and needs a mammogram.

My mother worked most of her life and paid her taxes. She earned to have that mammogram. Consuelo from the Bronx is here illegally she can go back to wherever she came and have a mammogram. Im not paying shit for her

Or maybe your niece when she becomes sexually active but wants to be sure not to get pregnant and take birth control.

My brother and wife both work and pay taxes and pay for medical insurance. My niece is covered by them. She should receive birth control. Mesha from Ft Worth who doesn't go to school Smokes weed and fucks all day can buy birth control

That penny you decide not to give was the difference in the paramedic rushing to your fathers side, in an equipped vehicle or one that is substandard,  during a heart attack .

My father and I both worked, both paid taxes and both pay for medical. We both earned that ambulance ride and meds for a heart attack.

Jesus from Tijuana living in LA can go back to Mexico and receive all the medical care he needs. 

2 Jesus'?  I am glad you and your family worked hard.  But, like you said in reality there are others who can't or are in between jobs who could use those services.  I have no problem paying extra, to help those who need help.  No matter what country they come from.

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1 minute ago, AztecPadre said:

2 Jesus'?  I am glad you and your family worked hard.  But, like you said in reality there are others who can't or are in between jobs who could use those services.  I have no problem paying extra, to help those who need help.  No matter what country they come from.

God bless you, however I have a very hard time helping those that don't help themselves. My father worked from the time he was 14 served in Nam. Paid taxes basically his entire life. Right now he cant survive on his SSI he lives with me. Why should he have to barley exist so that an illegal emigrant who paid nothing into this country receive benefits that he, you nor I can receive 

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2 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

That such bullshit Aztec. That's not anyone problem but your own if your not working. That's not society problem. 

No I can agree with some of what he said. If you are working and have been laid off or are in between jobs. Then you have paid taxes. If you pay into the program you should be able to use it when needed. My problem is those that don't. They are not my problem.

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2 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

No I can agree with some of what he said. If you are working and have been laid off or are in between jobs. Then you have paid taxes. If you pay into the program you should be able to use it when needed. My problem is those that don't. They are not my problem.

Yeah if you have worked and paid into the system sure but if your not working and you never have you should never get a dime. 

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5 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

God bless you, however I have a very hard time helping those that don't help themselves. My father worked from the time he was 14 served in Nam. Paid taxes basically his entire life. Right now he cant survive on his SSI he lives with me. Why should he have to barley exist so that an illegal emigrant who paid nothing into this country receive benefits that he, you nor I can receive 

I hear ya.  Just like my parents, who worked hard and paid taxes.  People keep saying immigrants come here and don't pay for anything.  A while back I broke down a social experiment I did when I worked in agriculture for a few of the largest companies and found that billions of tax dollars that were being taken from employees checks, who the companies knew full well were using fake Social security numbers, would obviously never be used by those employees.  Every time they buy something there is sales tax.  Again money they are paying to the govt.  I hate how people just use blanket statements and say all immigrants are free loaders and just looking to get freebies.  100% false.  I have found they are the hardest working people who will do any job just to make some money to survive.  Jobs most americans would never do because they think its beneath them.  Sorry THC, your my homie, but your hatred is really blinding your rational thinking.  But its a free country and everybody is entitled to their opinions and feelings.  Ok getting off my soap box.  Just had to chime in and give my .02.  Carry on.

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1 minute ago, AztecPadre said:

I hear ya.  Just like my parents, who worked hard and paid taxes.  People keep saying immigrants come here and don't pay for anything.  A while back I broke down a social experiment I did when I worked in agriculture for a few of the largest companies and found that billions of tax dollars that were being taken from employees checks, who the companies knew full well were using fake Social security numbers, would obviously never be used by those employees.  Every time they buy something there is sales tax.  Again money they are paying to the govt.  I hate how people just use blanket statements and say all immigrants are free loaders and just looking to get freebies.  100% false.  I have found they are the hardest working people who will do any job just to make some money to survive.  Jobs most americans would never do because they think its beneath them.  Sorry THC, your my homie, but your hatred is really blinding your rational thinking.  But its a free country and everybody is entitled to their opinions and feelings.  Ok getting off my soap box.  Just had to chime in and give my .02.  Carry on.

Bro I have absolutely no problem with anyone who is here in America legally. None whatsoever. Regardless if they went thru immigration and paid or on a green card or working permit. Bro seriously I have no problem. They are being taxed they are being productive. You are right they are doing jobs that lets face it White people wd think is beneath them. We NEED legal immigration. But those who sneak in do nothing work and are paid under the table and then send money back to whatever country they come from. Then not only use these programs but DEMAND more. I have a huge problem with that. I have a huge problem with the lump of shit American who is paying under the table as well. 

Like I said I feel the same way about any American who is a free loader. 


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