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New push to delay Florida HS season until December. Why?


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What purpose would setting a start date of November 30, with games starting December 14, serve? Either it is feasible to play a season with no vaccine/therapeutic, in which case needed protocols should be set forth, or it s not feasible to have a season without a vaccine/therapeutic. If, as it seems, a season is not a realistic possibilty without a vaccine being available, they simply can not state with any certainty that November 30 will work. It's widely believed that a best case scenario for a vaccine is widespread availability in the first three months of 2021, but not before.


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5 minutes ago, badrouter said:

What purpose would setting a start date of November 30, with games starting December 14, serve? Either it is feasible to play a season with no vaccine/therapeutic, in which case needed protocols should be set forth, or it s not feasible to have a season without a vaccine/therapeutic. If, as it seems, a season is not a realistic possibilty without a vaccine being available, they simply can not state with any certainty that November 30 will work. It's widely believed that a best case scenario for a vaccine is widespread availability in the first three months of 2021, but not before.


Even if there is a vaccine during that time frame, it will take more than a month or two to administer it to enough people to make any difference, and, even having said that, many will refuse it anyway. 


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5 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Even if there is a vaccine during that time frame, it will take more than a month or two to administer it to enough people to make any difference, and, even having said that, many will refuse it anyway. 


I certainly wonder how the difficulties in getting the vaccine to people in a timely fashion will affect the government lockdowns and event prohibitions. My state and county has been pretty well locked down since Mid-March, only allowing gyms, indoor dining, and bars (all with masks and limited capacity) for roughly two weeks in June. Will they make meaningful changes once a vaccine is approved and healthcare workers and most at-risk populations can access it? Will those changes wait until ~March 2021 when widespread availability is a reality? Or will they  keep it all closed until herd immunity through the vaccine is reached? Whereby if enough whack jobs decline to get vaccinated, those folks could conceivably keep us in lockdown inevitably. Sadly, until EVERY state is ready to allow events again, we won't have any semblance of regular sporting seasons...even with a vaccine available. 

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