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This is one of my favorite things that Nolebull813 does.

He's completely unable to articulate any ideas or thoughts of his own so he points you in the direction of somebody or something that he *thinks* is smart and then asks you to prove them wrong.

Not only does he not understand what the burden of proof is but then he directs you to some bargain bin Sean Hannity who spent 10 minutes *not* supporting anything that he said.

This is quintessential modern day right-wing commentary: make a bunch of statements and then sit there looking smugly at the screen.

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48 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is one of my favorite things that Nolebull813 does.

He's completely unable to articulate anything ideas or thoughts of his own so he points you in the direction of somebody or something that he *thinks* is smart and then asks you to prove them wrong.

Not only does he not understand what the burden of proof is but then he directs you to some bargain bin Sean Hannity who spent 10 minutes *not* supporting anything that he said.

This is quintessential modern day right-wing commentary: make a bunch of statements and then sit there looking smugly at the screen.

Everything he said was spot on. He backed up ever claim with evidence. Like the Philly hack DA saying there’s no violent surge when Philly is breaking records for homicides. 

And the left wing media is covering up Biden’s incompetence. 

You can’t refute one claim he said in that entire video 

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Just now, Nolebull813 said:

Everything he said was spot on.

Saying that Alec Baldwin was a "Trump-hating narcissist" who "reaped what he sowed" is not only complete nonsense but it's unbelievably cruel.

One of the most common characteristics of conservatives today is a complete lack of empathy for anybody who's not like them.

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

 He backed up ever claim with evidence.

He didn't.

As I said, he just made a bunch of claims and then smugly looked at the screen.

"Alec Baldwin accidently shot someone on set. Haha, too bad so sad, Trump hater!"

This is not even an argument for or about anything.

"12 cities broke murder records in 2020. They have Democratic mayors! Haha!"

This is also nothing. It's just a statement which fails to make any point. I could respond simply with America saw a huge increase in murders in 2020 and a Republican was President. That would be just as empty a claim as his was.

"Here's a video of thieves robbing a jewelry store! Haha!"




Again, zero evidence for anything.

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7 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Like the Philly hack DA saying there’s no violent surge when Philly is breaking records for homicides. 

No, he said they don't have a crisis. You'll have to forgive the DA of Philadelphia for actually knowing the facts.

So you lied about what he said.


I couldn't find a graph later than 2019 but the reason why people freak out about "surges" is because previous to the last few years the murder rates were at all-time lows.



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13 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Saying that Alec Baldwin was a "Trump-hating narcissist" who "reaped what he sowed" is not only complete nonsense but it's unbelievably cruel.

One of the most common characteristics of conservatives today is a complete lack of empathy for anybody who's not like them.


He hates Trump certainly. You'd have to wrap yourself up like a pretzel to deny that.

And I think it's fair to argue that the cruel part was pointing an unchecked gun at a woman and mother, resulting in her death. And then playing the victim.


I'm guessing cancel culture and the droves of leftist sickos who celebrates the deaths and suffering of conservatives and Republicans are indications of leftist empathy? Clown.


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23 minutes ago, concha said:

And I think it's fair to argue that the cruel part was pointing an unchecked gun at a woman and mother, resulting in her death. And then playing the victim.

This is what I mean.

All common sense and empathy is toss aside because you hate Alec Baldwin.

Or better stated, Alec Baldwin hates your hero so you then hate him.

It's pathetic.

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24 minutes ago, concha said:

I'm guessing cancel culture and the droves of leftist sickos who celebrates the deaths and suffering of conservatives and Republicans are indications of leftist empathy?

Jesse Watters wasn't celebrating the death of Alec Baldwin since he's still alive. He was marinating in the personal anguish that he's going through because of an accident he was involved in.

And trying to say that it had something to do with his Trump hatred.

That's asinine.

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Also, I can't be the only one who enjoys the irony of claiming that hating Trump invites bad karma but yet seemingly *being* Trump invites none.

Perhaps the greatest narcissist in modern history who treats people as poorly as he does and throws more people under the bus than any politician in recent memory apparently invites no karmic justice at all.

Who woulda thunk it?!

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is what I mean.

All common sense and empathy is toss aside because you hate Alec Baldwin.

Or better stated, Alec Baldwin hates your hero so you then hate him.

It's pathetic.


You are an idiot.

The man pointed a gun he did not check at another person. He knew basic gun safety.

She's dead.

He's playing victim.

All facts.


My opinion of the man is irrelevant.

But your love of a fellow leftist shines through.



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14 minutes ago, concha said:

The man pointed a gun he did not check at another person. He knew basic gun safety.

This is a gross mischaracterization of what happened.

It was on a movie set with professional handlers. To act like he was grossly negligent is exactly the kind of shit that you would only do because it's Alec Baldwin.

Have some decency for once in your life.

I know it's hard for you but try.

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

I have empathy for people involved in accidents.


This was a negligent homicide.

I'm sure he feels terrible, but this guy knew basic gun safety and has been anti-gun for ages.

Yet he was negligent and now someone is dead because he didn't follow the most basic of gun safety protocols.

I feel great empathy for the family and loved ones of Halyna Hutchins. She's dead because Alec Baldwin was negligent.

Alec Baldwin is alive and he and his family will grow old living lives of privilege and luxury.


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha is the living embodiment of partisan hackery.

His entire life is driven by his hatred of who he perceives as leftists.

This would be sad if anybody actually cared about him at all.


I think the entire board will note the colossal hypocrisy and irony of the above.




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6 minutes ago, concha said:

I guess this is Andy's best response given that a guy had a gun in his hand, did not check it, had it pointed at another human being and now that other human being is dead by gunshot.

This is my reaction to a clown who constantly proves himself to be one.

He was handed a gun that was announced as cold while filming a movie. It was an accident and one that he's obviously upset about.

But nothing will stop concha from pushing agendas that smear and/or attack who he perceives as leftists.

It's seemingly the only thing that motivates him in life now.

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