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Regulatory Rollbacks vs. Health Risks

World Citizen

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I understand that a lot of you believe that regulations are hurting businesses and are just big government getting bigger.  The evidence says the opposite is true and as it pertains to the coal and oil/gas industries, the benefits to our health alone far exceeds any burden the companies claim to have. 

Below are links to Trumps EPA regulation rollbacks and other non EPA rollbacks.  I will post the ones I think are very important.




House Introduces Bill to Prevent Federal Agencies From Regulating Greenhouse Gases Under Existing Laws

It includes the following findings:

(1) the Environmental Protection Agency has exceeded its statutory authority by promulgating regulations that were not contemplated by Congress in the authorizing language of the statutes enacted by Congress;

(2) the Environmental Protection Agency was correct not to classify greenhouse gases as pollutants prior to 2009;

(3) no Federal agency has the authority to regulate greenhouse gases under current law; and

(4) no attempt to regulate greenhouse gases should be undertaken without further Congressional action.

It also directly amends the CAA to specify that greenhouse gases are not air pollutants, and specifies that the following statutes cannot be used to regulate climate change: the CAA, Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SDWA).

This one is very important bc Methane is many times more dangerous and last much longer in our atmosphere.

NOAA Identifies 12 Marine Protected Areas to Review in Accordance With Offshore Oil and Gas Directive

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued notice of opportunity for public comment on its review of twelve National Marine Sanctuaries and National Marine Monuments, which will be conducted pursuant to Executive Order 13795: Implementing an America-First Offshore Energy Strategy (April 28, 2017). That Order establishes a national policy “to encourage energy exploration and production” and directs NOAA to identify marine protected areas that were designated or expanded in the past ten years and to report back on “the opportunity costs associated with potential energy and mineral exploration and production” in those areas.

BLM Issues Final Rule to Postpone Core Requirements of the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM)  issued a final rule to postpone some of the key requirements of the Methane Waste Prevention Rule, which aims to reduce waste of methane from oil and natural gas production activities on federal and tribal land, until January 17, 2019.


One thing that amazes me is that Trump had the support of Coal country and some of his rollbacks will have negative consequences for the safety and health of those who do that type of work.

There are more like the rollback of proposed fuel standards for passenger vehicles.  We all have enjoyed and would have continued to enjoy better mpg. 

Along with all the other things we need to keep an eye on, these have a direct impact and the positive health benefits that these regulations have provided can't be underestimated. 




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8 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Along with all the other things we need to keep an eye on, these have a direct impact and the positive health benefits that these regulations have provided can't be underestimated. 

In this instance to deliberately misquote the Bible, "What doeth it profit a man to gain GDP and lose the whole world to a shortened life."

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41 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

I will write you today from the Isles...The wing nuts and me....Fish House tonight for grilled Salmon and Spinich salad....

Think I'll go with Swordfish, sauteed spinach, hummus and home made multigrain bread. 

Oh, and I never skip desert if I can help it. :P

still, I can't get the tanking Dow off my mind....

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Just now, noonereal said:

Trump once fought legislation requiring sprinklers in NYC buildings.

wrap your heads around this one 


Happens more than you think. 

Fire safety systems like sprinklers in commercial applications are a huge expense for developers. Many try to cut corners and/or do things differently in order to circumvent code on this stuff. 

Dependent upon the actual code in an area, sometimes, shaving a couple hundred sq. ft. off of the "occupied" area of a building or suite can keep the occupancy number under the requirement for fire suppression systems and cut tens of thousands from development cost.

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On 4/7/2018 at 5:44 AM, Drummer61 said:

Health risk ???? .......How many on this board are fat, smoke,eat poorly, have diabetes, are sedentary, take meds ,don't exercise and check your bio markers for illness ??? Look at all the fatties walking around,fat kids , obesity is resplendant in America as we have become a fat, soft  and out of shape society.....Then, look at other areas...Look in the mirror folks.....Be accountability for your own health...Just sayin.....

Talking about pollutants and putting chemicals in our water you dufus.  

How about companies and the EPA not put us at risk.  That is exactly what they are doing.  

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Just now, Drummer61 said:

I don't believe that will impact people who have a healthy lifestyle in all facets....Foods we eat,very little sugar, no smoking and stay fit and lean as I do....No, we all need to look in the mirror...Stop the blame  game...WC .....are you fat, do you smoke, eat bad food,sweets ,exercise, drink fresh water ??? That's what counts..PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY...

I know what personal accountability is.  It is the EPA and the companies that will pollute bc of the EPA deregulation.  This has nothing to do with personal accountability.  Try to stay on topic.  If you have trouble, may be phone a friend or ask for help.  

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12 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

You too concerned about this....But, rage on......

Yes I am.  Don't confuse caring with rage.  If I were to live in those communities that have toxic shit dumped next to where they live then I would be raging.  

Question.  Do you think clean air and water is important?  Do you want lower mpg for your car?  

Do you remember the rivers catching fire in the 70's?  Did you notice they don't catch fire anymore?  

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3 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

I don't believe that will impact people who have a healthy lifestyle in all facets....Foods we eat,very little sugar, no smoking and stay fit and lean as I do....No, we all need to look in the mirror...Stop the blame  game...WC .....are you fat, do you smoke, eat bad food,sweets ,exercise, drink fresh water ??? That's what counts..PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY...

How are you going to drink fresh water after the EPA is dismantled and the Clean Water Act (and it's follow ups) gets trashed.

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