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Cen10 vs Pittsburg


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16 minutes ago, Pops said:

as to what happened tontheirboreseason ranking can ask the same thing about chaminade being #4 in socal until it became apparent that the Devil is going to throttle them and now guys are scurrying away like rats on a sinking ship 

True, you can’t always predict if your opponents are gonna be less than anticipated.  I never bought into Chaminade and mentioned it several times before they started sliding.  Still, Folsom will have to prepare and should dominate, as good teams do.

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Here is what happend when Bosco and CC tried to schedule Folsom this year and how Chaminade got on their schedule....

Bosco- Hi Folsom, we would like to schedule you this year to come down and play us in our brand new stadium. We are a private school with deep pockets and will pay all your expenses, fly you down 1st class, and put you up in a beautiful hotel. Would that work for you?

Folsom- We are sorry, we are completely booked for the next 20 years, and we cant break our commitments to Antelope or Jesuit....

CC- Hi Folsom, we would like to see if you would like to play a game this year. We are a Public School like you and are 100% willing to pay our own way to come play in your stadium and you can keep all the money, we just want a game because we have a hard time filling out our schedule... Heck, we even had to play IMG twice just to find games....Will that work for you?

Folsom- You Played IMG twice, OH GOD NO WE CANT SCHEDULE YOU!.... I Mean, we are very sorry but our schedule is booked for the next 25 years due to our commitments to antelope and the other crappy, I mean solid local teams on our schedule...

Now Chaminde calls Folsom....

Chaminade- Hi Folsom, this is Chaminde calling, we would like to see if you would like to play us this year...

Folsom- Arn't you that team that almost beat Bosco last year? I am sorry, we are full...

Chaminade- That is too bad, while we did play a close one with Bosco, we have lost almost all of our players to graduation, we were just hoping to add a finge Top 10 CA team to our schedule to challenge our young players, we didn't actually think we could beat you....

Folsom- Oh Really?, As a matter of fact, we just had 4 dates open up, which one works for you?... we will even come play you at your stadium. The only Date you cant have is week 1 because we are holding that for DLS... Everyone knows that is the only weak us nor cal teams have a chance to beat them and they have all new players on their offense so we HAVE to schedule them for that week... we certainly don't want to face them when their offense gents rolling... Why do you think we got the "Folsom Rule" enacted....

There it is! Now you all know how the #9 team in CA put together their monster schedule this year! 🙂

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25 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

What about Cen10 playing it safe with Pitt!?

These SoCal guys are masters of diversion. It is comical. Little women. 

I’ve got no problem with CC playing Pitt — in fact, this is great, mainly for Pitt

CC sometimes played it soft during preseason (or even league) in old days, but CC stepping up big time with chandler, OLu, Pitt, and Narbonne 

although, interestingly, those teams all appear to be not quite as advertised coming in (cc deserves SOME credit for that)

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19 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

LOL those posts aren't even the same! This proves that the DLS guys are TROLLING MULTIPLE FORUMS! LOL!

Still awaiting a comment on the BOD schedule.......................................

If BOD is ranked #81 and Antelope is #111 it sound like DLS scheduled a more difficult opponent then Folsom... And since they beat them by a larger margin (42pts vs 41pts) it sounds like DLS is better then Folsom...

Actually since DLS shut Folsom out on the field, and sacked their over matched QB 7 times I guess they are better then Folsom...

That was difficult, but I think I answered your question....

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2 minutes ago, THEOC89 said:

If BOD is ranked #81 and Antelope is #111 it sound like DLS scheduled a more difficult opponent then Folsom... And since they beat them by a larger margin (42pts vs 41pts) it sounds like DLS is better then Folsom...

Actually since DLS shut Folsom out on the field, and sacked their over matched QB 7 times I guess they are better then Folsom...

That was difficult, but I think I answered your question....

I think you missed the entire point of my post. Are you slow?

The point is everyone calling out Folsom for Antelope but DLS taking on BOD at home is right on par. 

Please try and keep up. Slow people make it tough here. 

Oh- and enjoy the Chaminade beatdown on Friday big boy. 

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13 minutes ago, On2whls said:

True, you can’t always predict if your opponents are gonna be less than anticipated.  I never bought into Chaminade and mentioned it several times before they started sliding.  Still, Folsom will have to prepare and should dominate, as good teams do.

I think chaminade was still riding their relatively competitive game with SJB last year

at this point, though, they’re probably better than perceived and, you’d have to admit, a team that should be dangerous to a team that is somewhere between #5 and #10 in CA

im not saying Folsom will dominate but I think if they do, that’s bona fides against a very good socal team (, ie better than Helix)

i know you guys wont make the D1 an Open this year but Upland could work their way into a top 5 socal team and/ or Narbonne can shock the world vs you guys and regain some of their lost respect

i just sincerely think Folsom a very good team that I’d have very high confidence on vs anyone in socal outside the big 3.  And norcal would much rather put Folsom in a nothing to lose game rather than a nothing to win (except another 1A title, which is getting boring)

CC-Folsommis the game I’d most like because I think they’d have a pretty good chance (I’d bet on them straight up) 

i think md and SJB at a different level from cc, Folsom, and DLS (ahead of rest of CA) so not so optimistic there 

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9 minutes ago, THEOC89 said:



If you are going to troll, at least get it right!

Meanwhile, SoCal schools play it safe in the preseason and send Chaminade to be the sacraficial lamb!

SJB- "we are calling out Folsom on Twitter!" No calls though. 

Folsom- "call em up. Lets do it" still haven't gotten a call back. 


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2 minutes ago, Pops said:

CC-Folsommis the game I’d most like because I think they’d have a pretty good chance (I’d bet on them straight up) 

Based on what I saw last night from CC- Folsom wins that game. 

Its funny to me that SoCal has 2 or 3 really good games. And then there are hundreds of mediocre schools despite that massive student population. It's actually really disappointing. 

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18 minutes ago, Ararar said:

Uh what? SJB can’t play people who refuse their advances


Seriously, do you have any insight as to what happened?

I’d like the know if Folsom refused 


clearly stepped their schedule up and SJB went RELATIVELY soft in what is supposed to be their monster year 

I think SJB would win but I would have loved this game 

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1 minute ago, Pops said:

Seriously, do you have any insight as to what happened?

I’d like the know if Folsom refused 


clearly stepped their schedule up and SJB went RELATIVELY soft in what is supposed to be their monster year 

I think SJB would win but I would have loved this game 

I will tell you happened.  

SJB- Twitter call out. Not one call. 

Folsom- coach calls and offers week 2 to come TO SJB 

SJB- says that wont work and apologizes for the Twitter spat. 

No lies. 

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23 minutes ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Oh BS- you are backing off like everyone is, running for the hills, because Folsom is about to running clock a SoCal school. 

After Cen10 put 135pts on Chaminade over the course of two playoff games 2015/2016, I couldn’t understand how people were making a big deal about them, and stated as much.  At that time though, you were busy with your antics on the NorCal board. Let’s not forget that you are the one with truth issues here.  

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On 9/1/2018 at 12:13 PM, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

I will tell you happened.  

SJB- Twitter call out. Not one call. 

Folsom- coach calls and offers week 2 to come TO SJB 

SJB- says that wont work and apologizes for the Twitter spat. 

No lies. 

Thanks for Clarifying!.... I am sure everyone believes this because Bosco has such a long history of Ducking Top Competition... I even heard that they are trying to get the "Bosco Rule" in effect down there so they do not have to play MD anymore in the playoffs and can go straight to the consolation bowl...

And the fact that you said "No Lies", I am totally sold! Especially since you have never been proven to be a liar...;-)


SD in an upset by 17....

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1 minute ago, On2whls said:

After Cen10 put 135pts on Chaminade over the course of two playoff games 2015/2016, I couldn’t understand how people were making a big deal about them, and stated as much.  At that time though, you were busy with your antics on the NorCal board. Let’s not forget that you are the one with truth issues here.  

There is a NorCal board? Link me please. I'd love to wreck shop there. 

You are just giving more excuses because you KNOW Folsom is going to roll Chaminade and theres nothing you can do about it but make up excuses. enjoy. 

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1 minute ago, FolsomPrisonBlues said:

Lol ya and I'm not the guy who called the DLS Folsom game before it was announced. 


Not exactly.... It was a Dude on the NCP board, you know, the one you post as cashisking on.... He called it out and you just piggy backed it....

Also, for the record he also said that Bosco offered Folsom 4 dates this year and Cen 10 offered 2 and Folsom declined all...

You know, so they could have their over matched QB put up fake stat on terrible teams...

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1 minute ago, THEOC89 said:

Thanks for Clarifying!.... I am sure everyone believes this because Bosco has such a long history of Ducking Top Completion... I even heard that they are trying to get the "Bosco Rule" in effect down there so they do not have to play MD anymore in the playoffs and can go straight to the consolation bowl...

And the fact that you said "No Lies", I am totally sold! Especially since you have never been proven to be a liar...;-)


SD in an upset by 17....

Clean up your spelling and grammar before you try to troll. You just end up on the long list of troll names that only posts about Folsom lol. Classic!

There is no Bosco rule because MD just won their FIRST EVER BOWL GAME last year. You are new to the party big boy. Thanks for allowing us to beat the brakes of Chaninade though. It will be fun. Rolling clock type of fun. 

Winning!!!!! Big time. 

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Just now, THEOC89 said:

Not exactly.... It was a Dude on the NCP board, you know, the one you post as cashisking on.... He called it out and you just piggy backed it....

Also, for the record he also said that Bosco offered Folsom 4 dates this year and Cen 10 offered 2 and Folsom declined all...

You know, so they could have their over matched QB put up fake stat on terrible teams...

NorCal doesn't even have a site you weirdo. You have a brand new name and have ONLY RESPONDED to me and talked about Folsom. Obsessed much!? Lol winning!

Calling out people on Twitter for games is for SoCal women. We call and respond via calls direct. we offered week 2 and they declined. 

Enjoy the loss big boy. 


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23 minutes ago, Pops said:

Seriously, do you have any insight as to what happened?

I’d like the know if Folsom refused 


clearly stepped their schedule up and SJB went RELATIVELY soft in what is supposed to be their monster year 

I think SJB would win but I would have loved this game 

I have no insight .My opinion is Folsom want to play DLS so they just ignored SJB.The announcers on the SJB game last night quoted Coach Negro saying teams didn’t want to play them and it was hard getting games this year.

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