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The Aftermath Of Colquitt's Spring Game....


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Well....it's over and it didn't tell us much.  I know...I know...it's a spring game.  It's not supposed to tell us much.  


How much have we fallen off since Rush was relieved from his duties?  How much do we hafta concede this season with Coach Rogers and a new crew of assistants at the helm?  Will Rab jump off the bandwagon...again...(Smile).  The untrained eye would probably say...not much.  But honestly, Coach Mo Freeman and his Brooks County Trojans (AA) would have brought the "hammer" to Meridian.   I was actually disappointed watching that game.   The Wildcats from Mississippi simply weren't competitive and their coaching woes apparently affected their play.  Them boys was big and they was strong but they also was slow and not very well coached.   They didn't appear to be in the best of football shape neither.

So what does this mean for Colquitt?

The Blackhat D looks like they're in mid-season form.   We got some assassins and a couple of ballhawks too.  They're pretty much ready to GATA.  North Morven is quite happy with the defense.  The Hawg offense is further along than I thought they'd be.  The new terminology and the new sets seem to be being picked up with little distress.  As in the past...Colquitt's RB group will be an asset that should produce positive results....IF we can continue to develop our O-Line.  We've got some potential there.   We're grinding everyday.  And if we can add technique and maybe a tad of power thru the hybrid grits....we might could make a run at 3rd place in our Region...behind Lowndes and Camden.  I'll just say it....we have the best group of WRs/TEs we've had in a LONG, LONG time.  We have both skill and depth at those positions.  Now...one of our question marks was gonna be at QB.  I won't say it's solved but I feel a bit better about things than I did a week ago.  I also like our depth at QB.  Makes me feel like we could go to "next up"...in the event we had to.  Another question mark was gonna be at kicker.  I think we're in pretty good shape in that area.  94Packer can probably add more to my comment cause he's close to the situation.  I'm feeling strong with the Packer kicking game.

So now...it's on to summer ball.  It's on to conditioning and polishing.  It's time to determine...how bad do ya want it?  The 2017 & 2018 seasons brought us back down to earth.  We fully expected to win AAAAAAA State Championships in both years.  We didn't win in either.  We lost both in the final game.   Let's say...SOBERING.  But those years are gone.  It's time to look at 2019.  It's time to tell Red Zone and Belly Bob....The Hawgs Are Coming !!!!

And we just ain't happy.....





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Big thing is it looked like all the kids from both teams were injury free. 


Certainly we have to feel pretty ok about the kicking game... except field goals. We showed two different place kickers kicking touchbacks on kickoffs. We showed a couple of brilliant punts from Tucker Pitts. We just never got a chance to kick a field goal. 

We didn't miss any p.a.t.s 

Definitely come away feeling decent in there on kicking. 

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8 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Big thing is it looked like all the kids from both teams were injury free. 


Certainly we have to feel pretty ok about the kicking game... except field goals. We showed two different place kickers kicking touchbacks on kickoffs. We showed a couple of brilliant punts from Tucker Pitts. We just never got a chance to kick a field goal. 

We didn't miss any p.a.t.s 

Definitely come away feeling decent in there on kicking. 

Hawg...you don't know how good it feels to come away..."injury free".  I remember not that long ago when we lost TWO of our best O-Line guys in a scrimmage a week before the season started.  And you mentioned Tucker Pitts.  he's one of my favorite kids.  He's a baller.  He may not have the most talent.  He may not be the most powerful.  But he'll play wherever he's needed.  He'll give you 100% on every play.  And he has an outstanding attitude.  Truly coachable.  He obviously takes after his mother...LOL.

We ain't there yet...but we definitely making strides.




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Found some footage of one of our very tiny and undersized hawgs taking on a much larger fully grown man... 




I'd like to share more footage of our line from hudl but they aren't on top of updating their pages. I had to look far and wide and I found some cellphone video from one of the Meridian Wildcats. Idk how he managed to get his phone out there on the field and actually capture the video, but, I'm glad he did. This way we can prove that Rufus hasn't been sandbagging.


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