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How do you know that Donald Trump's sister is wrong??


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

He's the most recent user of the plantation line.

But I'm sure you've all of the sudden "never heard of him", right?



I live in Georgia, Andy. Of course I have.

Tell us, Andy, was he a concern of yours before he spoke up the Dem plantation that you actively participate in?  🤡


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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


Do you have a counter claim to this?

Of course not.



What counterclaim is needed to an empty, bigoted projection from the likes of you, Andy?

You have no possible way to know their true beliefs and hearts.

You are despicable.




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1 minute ago, concha said:

Tell us, Andy, was he a concern of yours before he spoke up the Dem plantation that you actively participate in?  🤡

I had heard of a crooked Democrat who was hated by everybody in the Atlanta suburbs.

Didn't know his name.

Until he grifted his way into national prominence as just the next token grifter looking for the spotlight.

And the party that desperately needs black voices was more than happy to oblige him.

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6 minutes ago, concha said:

You have no possible way to know their true beliefs and hearts.

Because we all know that hearts are the only place that manifest personal beliefs.


Both women were Democrats until 2015 — their first video, not yet deleted, was pro-Black Lives Matter — but switched parties, interestingly, the minute it became profitable to do so.

The convenience of concha's "hearts" line is comical.


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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Because we all know that hearts are the only place that manifest personal beliefs.


Both women were Democrats until 2015 — their first video, not yet deleted, was pro-Black Lives Matter — but switched parties, interestingly, the minute it became profitable to do so.

The convenience of concha's "hearts" line is comical.




You realize that articles you linked here to support your plantation overseer behavior are works by two fellow liberal democrats?

You prove the point.

Step off the plantation and pay the price. It's open season.



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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The sentence copied/pasted and bolded is a fact.

One that you have no answer for and so you just continue the dog and pony show.



The one where they started to support non-Democrat ideas when everyone expected a Democrat to win the White House?

You realize that article describes Juan Williams as a black conservative?  I'd be curious to hear all about his conservative beliefs, seeing as he regularly supports and defends the Democratic Party and their policies.


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5 minutes ago, concha said:

The one where they started to support non-Democrat ideas when everyone expected a Democrat to win the White House?

The one where they switched parties because their BLM and Sandra Bland videos weren't getting hits.

Who gives a flip about who they thought was going to win?

They saw an opportunity to grift and jumped at it.

Same with Candace Owens and many others.

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

The one where they switched parties because their BLM and Sandra Bland videos weren't getting hits.

Who gives a flip about who they thought was going to win?

They saw an opportunity to grift and jumped at it.

Same with Candace Owens and many others.


Andy, is it possible for a black person to look at the world and come to the conclusion that conservative beliefs are the ones they believe to be best?


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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You realize that what I copied/pasted is 100% fact.


I realize you and the liberal democrat who wrote it are of like (bigoted) mind.

Speculation as to their reasons is just that.

As is the assertion that it was profitable to do so at that time. No way of knowing.


Plantation overseers at work.


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4 minutes ago, concha said:

Andy, is it possible for a black person to look at the world and come to the conclusion that conservative beliefs are the ones they believe to be best?

Yes, of course.

But that's not what happened with Diamond/Silk, Candace Owens, etc.

Your inability to treat these people as individuals and their cases in isolation is pathetic and proves what a feckless pussy you are.

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4 minutes ago, concha said:

Speculation as to their reasons is just that.

Facts and common sense are not speculation.

You also think Trum being a bigoted conman is speculation.

You are utterly incompetent at judging people's character and motivations.

At least when it comes to conmen that you feel the need to support unconditionally.

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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Yes, of course.

But that's not what happened with Diamond/Silk, Candace Owens, etc.

Your inability to treat these people as individuals and their cases in isolation is pathetic and proves what a feckless pussy you are.


Ohhhhh......  Andy is getting a little testy...  🤣

Can you name any negroes who espouse conservative beliefs loudly and proudly but aren't worthy of your Dem plantation overseer's whip?


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3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Facts and common sense are not speculation.

You also think Trum being a bigoted conman is speculation.

You are utterly incompetent at judging people's character and motivations.

At least when it comes to conmen that you feel the need to support unconditionally.


I'm actually not bad at it.

For example, I know you are a bigoted jackass who is utterly dependent on this site for social interaction and in real life is the equivalent of a wet burrito fart in an elevator in social situations.


BTW, I am serious about everything I said.



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1 minute ago, concha said:

Can you name any negroes who espouse conservative beliefs loudly and proudly but aren't worthy of your Dem plantation overseer's whip?

This is the kind of whiny dishonesty that concha has perfected over the years.

Tim Scott is not a token grifter.

He's a serious person with real responsibilities as a Senator.

You are simply flailing as usual. The idea that somebody would go to such lengths to defend obvious grifters like Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk and Vernon Jones is pathetic.

Nobody here is shocked and nobody here thinks that this is beneath you.

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