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On 3/4/2021 at 10:02 AM, Rippers said:

Stay the course with masks, distancing and hygiene, vaccinate the teachers now, open school back up.  Just stay smart about everything and slowly branch out instead of acting like its gone.

You’re absolutely right.  The higher risk you are, the more careful you need to be.  I hate the masks but if it provides any amount of protection, I’ll tolerate it.   I doubt it’s over though.  The numbers are a lot lower but it’s like sitting in the trough of a wave just waiting on the next big on the next big one.  

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18 minutes ago, On2whls said:

You’re absolutely right.  The higher risk you are, the more careful you need to be.  I hate the masks but if it provides any amount of protection, I’ll tolerate it.   I doubt it’s over though.  The numbers are a lot lower but it’s like sitting in the trough of a wave just waiting on the next big on the next big one.  

Wearing a mask has become the weaponized talking point.

Nothing wrong with being courteous of others when you venture out in public,

(So as not to accidentally spill your beer & shiat on others...)

as well as possibly protecting yourself (even if just from unknown bioweapons).


Problems come in with the method of mandate and change of protocol. 

But the bigger problem with the masks...

Is that while everyone gets to argue face diapers,

You are missing the REAL changes, and peril of freedoms.


Just my .02



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