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2021 St X Schedule


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1 hour ago, GardenStateBaller said:

DAYUM, the scheduling of Eagles Landing Christian, speaks volumes about what Ohio thinks about their football prowess! For the third time, they have scheduled Georgia teams from the lower bush leagues!

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23 minutes ago, Old Rabid One said:

DAYUM, the scheduling of Eagles Landing Christian, speaks volumes about what Ohio thinks about their football prowess! For the third time, they have scheduled Georgia teams from the lower bush leagues!

Stil counts towards GAs OOS W/L record!! And it's more about ELCAs courage than Xs scheduling! Plus, ELCA has been a T250 team of late. 

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ELCA did lose some All stars but the coach knows something we dont... 

Coach Gess is a smart man he wouldn't take this if he didn't have something in the tank. 

That being said I don't expect ELCA to win... 

Top level Ohio team vs  one of GA's best privates.... 

Thing is St.X is a different breed and Privates in Georgia overall are not on that level

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