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You are being lied to


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This backlash has been brought about by both public health and the media opting to continue fixating on plain cases, as well as the decision NOT to distinguish “with” and “from” Covid hospitalizations. Public health departments want maximum fear because that’s just the personality of most who enter that profession. The media wants maximum fear because that gets maximum “audience engagement”.   

Had they been willing to change course, odds are extremely high that what we’d see is precious few fully vaccinated people being hospitalized FROM Covid. And that should be a relief, and further endorsement of the vaccines. Instead, both public health and the media got greedy, and now naysayers can turn it back around on them and amplify the significance of “cases” every bit as much as they’ve been doing for two years. The result, yet again, is two warring extremes, both of whom completely distort reality in pursuit of “victory” for their tribes.

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1 hour ago, badrouter said:

This backlash has been brought about by both public health and the media opting to continue fixating on plain cases, as well as the decision NOT to distinguish “with” and “from” Covid hospitalizations. 

You are replying to a thread in which the first post is fixated on cases.

Irony doesn't exist in whatever dimension badrouter lives.

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And, as if anybody was surprised, Nolebull813's tweet is from some bozo who purposefully misled with his graph.

He claims that Israel broke a "global record" for infections but his graph shows only 4 countries and lumps every European country as the EU.

So 5 data points.

Purposefully misleading.

This is funny in the context of people like Nolebull813 claiming that we're being lied to.

Has anybody been lied to more by his people than Nolebull813?

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57 minutes ago, badrouter said:

What they are doing to children is fucked up, no doubt.

If I ever need irony in my life I just read badrouter's stuff.

First, he claims that basically anything that he doesn't like is "alarmism" yet he doesn't seem to think that exaggerating the effect of wearing a mask on kids is not alarmism.

When nothing ever comes of it I doubt we'll see badrouter's mea culpa.

Just like concha and others never admitted that they were wrong when they claimed that suicide rates would increase because of the lockdowns.

Interestingly, when the accounting is being done about who was wrong and about what, this is never mentioned.

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26 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You are replying to a thread in which the first post is fixated on cases.

Irony doesn't exist in whatever dimension badrouter lives.

You missed that I was taking a bit of a shot at nolebull here. Everything I said amounts to a criticism of both the leftist tribe and his tribe.

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

If I ever need irony in my life I just read badrouter's stuff.

First, he claims that basically anything that he doesn't like is "alarmism" yet he doesn't seem to think that exaggerating the effect of wearing a mask on kids is not alarmism.

When nothing ever comes of it I doubt we'll see badrouter's mea culpa.

Just like concha and others never admitted that they were wrong when they claimed that suicide rates would increase because of the lockdowns.

Interestingly, when the accounting is being done about who was wrong and about what, this is never mentioned.

At no point in our history have we made children wear masks. Europe’s version of the CDC does not recommend masks for children under 12. The harms to children of a perpetually masked society should be fairly easy to recognize. And, all most of us are asking for, at a bare minimum, is to have clear, measurable criteria by which the masks are allowed to be removed. In response, we get nasty, derisive comments, shame and scorn. Remarkably, the mask crowd can not understand why this causes trust and social cohesion problems. 

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1 hour ago, badrouter said:

And, all most of us are asking for, at a bare minimum, is to have clear, measurable criteria by which the masks are allowed to be removed.

You insist on claiming that you speak for most people.

You also are hysterical in your presumed misunderstanding of the fact that federal, state and local governments are all different and might have opposing views and thus different standards.

To make it seem like one overall authority is giving mixed signals is perfectly dishonest.

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:


There was points where we didn't make children go to school, either.

I'm sure that's the solution!

Having never done it before, we don’t know what the harms- psychological or otherwise- may be. We certainly know it deteriorates the quality of life for most alL of us. We used to understand that we shouldn’t make brand new rules, which are not backed by evidentiary support and the harms of which are not understood. 

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:


What are they?

I also love the hysterical reference to perpetually as if they have to wear masks all the time or even a majority of the time.

Being able to see emotions and reactions- smiles, frowns, looks of astonishment, etc- are crucial for al humans. For children, masks can retard speech and language development. They can also impede development of personal connections and relationships. 

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

You insist on claiming that you speak for most people.

You also are hysterical in your presumed misunderstanding of the fact that federal, state and local governments are all different and might have opposing views and thus different standards.

To make it seem like one overall authority is giving mixed signals is perfectly dishonest.

I’m speaking out against the idea of there being this one Narrative that is the only acceptable Narrative, where any skepticism or dissent is framed as “conspiracy theory” or “dangerous misinformation”. So, you can point to a whole wide variety of names, but they all are sticking with one narrative. And that narrative is quite frequently NOT rooted in science or data.

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

The idea that you think these issues are an outcome of mixed COVID signals is proof of your delusions.

There’s the matter of mixed Covid signals AND the intentional suppression of conversation/dissenting opinions coupled with smears and personal attacks. I don’t pretend to speak for everyone, but I do speak for A LOT of people. Sadly, people on both opposing tribes are completely unaware of the most compelling arguments opposing their views. They only know the caricatured, absurd things their respective media echo chambers expose them to. 

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