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Credit card companies need to start raising limits


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7 hours ago, GoBigBlack said:

Couldn't oil companies just lower the prices for us?

Yes they could.  I’ve heard some big talk about the “gouging” going on, but where’s the government action?  Surely the current regime which has shown no problem attacking evil minded right thinking institutions must have some appetite to nail big oil to the cross.  But…..the best way to force people to buy electric cars would of course be to allow gas to get so expensive, people would have to go electric en masse.  Sure there will be some temporary fallout and collateral damage but all in the interest of advancing the green agenda.  It’s a symbiotic relationship.  The Russia Ukraine conflict presents a good diversion and in this case scapegoat.

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The oil and gas industry makes percentage margins that are lower than nearly all other sectors. 

On average, it's about 8% to 9%.

The Tech, Pharma and Financial sectors are 20% to 25% for comparison.

Even dropping to break-even, current gas prices would be the better part of $5 a gallon on average nationwide.


Inform yourselves.


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1 minute ago, concha said:

The oil and gas industry makes percentage margins that are lower than nearly all other sectors. 

On average, it's about 8% to 9%.


All the major oil companies are posting record profits right now so it’s hard to break out the violin.  But, if it was flat out unabashed gouging which is a crime, and not normal market based price fluctuations, then the DOJ would have the basis for intervention.  The green agenda is going to be far more costly to the average person despite what gov officials tell us.  This is just the first step. 

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1 hour ago, On2whls said:

All the major oil companies are posting record profits right now so it’s hard to break out the violin.  But, if it was flat out unabashed gouging which is a crime, and not normal market based price fluctuations, then the DOJ would have the basis for intervention.  The green agenda is going to be far more costly to the average person despite what gov officials tell us.  This is just the first step. 


In dollar terms, yes. But for every $1.00 they sell they make $0.08.

Apple makes $0.25 or $0.30.

Halve their margins and guess what? Americans are still getting kicked in the nuts at the pump.

Meaningful price reductions will happen from one or both of two things:  increased supply and/or lower demand.

This notion that it's Big Oil that is gouging is bullshit meant to influence the ignorant.


We need to facilitate increased domestic production and use influence to get the other major oil producers to open the taps.


BTW, who is fucking us more? Big Oil? or the government?



Anyone live in Chicago?



... or the People's Republic of California?


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2 hours ago, On2whls said:

Yes they could.  I’ve heard some big talk about the “gouging” going on, but where’s the government action?  Surely the current regime which has shown no problem attacking evil minded right thinking institutions must have some appetite to nail big oil to the cross.  But…..the best way to force people to buy electric cars would of course be to allow gas to get so expensive, people would have to go electric en masse.  Sure there will be some temporary fallout and collateral damage but all in the interest of advancing the green agenda.  It’s a symbiotic relationship.  The Russia Ukraine conflict presents a good diversion and in this case scapegoat.

You're conservative, I take it? And you want the government to intervene in the free market and regulate prices?

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