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28 minutes ago, 181pl said:


I’m 100% sure that John thrasher has a hell of a lot more information than you do.

You mean the former President of Florida State University believes in a ridiculous conspiracy theory that harmed....Florida State University?

Knock me over with a feather!

By the way, the Homestead head coach knows more about his roster than you do but that didn't stop you from running your mouth like a bozo.

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If you can’t kick a 19 yd and 30 yard field goal it shows you’re not a complete football team . The fact that they made it to the 3M final is a statement on the strength of that class.

And Thrasher has first hand knowledge of how much influence the SEC and ESPN have. So stop being a dingbat.

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3 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Homestead beat 4M champion Columbus by 2 touchdowns.

But please continue with your unhinged rantings.

On this. STA would have won any class except for 1M because of CM. But Jones, Homestead, Gaither would likely (with the Columbus that showed up for the playoffs) not have won 4S, 4M, 3S, 2M,  or 2S (Cocoa). 


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1 hour ago, 181pl said:

On this. STA would have won any class except for 1M because of CM. But Jones, Homestead, Gaither would likely (with the Columbus that showed up for the playoffs) not have won 4S, 4M, 3S, 2M,  or 2S (Cocoa). 

You can avoid all the numbers that say otherwise if you want. Means nothing to me.

Jones lost to Cocoa by 2. Homestead beat Columbus by 16. There are 6 teams in 3M not listed above that were rated ahead of Gaither.

There's a reason that the calpreps rating of the average 3M was second highest in the state.

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