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Not my words, but we have more than a few that have given up their freedom for a song and a dance!


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We have no one but ourselves to blame.

"Pathetic does not nearly begin to describe the slave-like behavior of the American population today. People of this country have long bragged about how free they are, while claiming superiority over all others on earth by yelling loudly that they are “exceptional.” What is exceptional about hiding in their own homes fearful of doing anything normal, while taking orders from so-called experts that have only one agenda in mind? What is exceptional about not going to work and closing down all your businesses that are required to protect and support your families? What could possibly cause the “exceptional” to bow down and beg for the state they claim to control, to protect them from a common cold by destroying every liberty and right they allege to have. Where are those tens of millions of “exceptional” that scream out that they live in the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” while waving their flag of allegiance to the same government that has them imprisoned?” What is “exceptional” or brave about hiding under your bed because some politician demands that you do as you are told? Is the American dream only a farce? Is this the best that the so-called “exceptional’ can muster?

What has happened to this country is nothing short of a travesty. A fake virus pandemic long planned by the evil among us has brought this country to its knees. And the people who act so proud have done nothing but whine and complain, and beg for protection. What if a real threat was evident? All that seems left of this country is shame. Any that refuse to speak out, to go to work, to help their neighbors, to protect their families from poverty, to take charge of a government gone mad, and to eliminate a tyranny that has become unconscionable, should be ashamed of themselves, and should in the future keep silent and say no more unless they stand up to this coronavirus monster purposely created by their rulers.

Sadly, I do not expect much courage or intelligent thought from the people in this country, as they have forgotten that freedom is not free, it must be protected at all costs. I do not mean war or aggression, as that steals freedom and has never protected it. It is time to shun the government, the military, the mainstream media, and all agents of force in this country. Mass dissent is necessary in order to reverse this horrendous governing oligarchy, and to eliminate any orders from the state apparatus. Where are all the brave men who talk a good game, but when it comes time to resist, they run and hide?

Refuse to close your businesses and go back to work. Refuse to take orders. Refuse to be banned from travel. Refuse to abide by any “social distancing” nonsense. Refuse to self-isolate, and force the state to play its hand. Refuse to vaccinate, and help destroy those like the evil Bill Gates and his pawns at the CDC. Refuse to listen to any impotent governor that only seeks more power and notoriety. Refuse to accept a king, for mass disobedience will destroy the beast that is tyranny."

Gary Barnett

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Did the people back in 1918 feel the same way I wonder? 

I also wonder if there was fucking dummies running around claiming conspiracy this and that and blaming bioweapon engineering bullshit about bullshit back then. 


Semi-serious about both ponderances. I'll guess that'd be a big no on the second one simply because nobody could even imagine such technological advances that would lend any credence to it at all. 

I'll also guess that there was a few that wouldn't care about the common good of the rest of the population, just like today. Same type of idiots, just 102 years later. We never learn shit from our past. Well, at least some don't. 

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”I'll also guess that there was a few that wouldn't care about the common good of the rest of the population, just like today. Same type of idiots, just 102 years later. We never learn shit from our past. Well, at least some don't. ”

Please spare me the insincere concern about other Americans. You guys have made it perfectly clear, old people and the unborn are disposable!

Billionaire and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg said in a 2011 video that elderly cancer patients should be denied treatment in order to cut health care costs. “All of these costs keep going up, nobody wants to pay any more money, and at the rate we’re going, health care is going to bankrupt us,” said Bloomberg, who was then New York City’s mayor.  

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31 minutes ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:


New York City is adding people who did not test positive for the coronavirus to its count of those who died from COVID-19.


The CDC added thousands of people who didn't test positive for H1N1 to it's fatality estimate in 2010.

They will be added to the official count now or to the official estimate later on.

This is standard procedure.

You're just too dumb and uninformed.

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19 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

That's right. You are A Fucking Idiot!!

May I suggest a hearty helping of Gyne lotrimin! 

Clotrimazole, sold under the brand name Canesten among others, is an antifungal medication. It is used to treat vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush, diaper rash, pityriasis versicolor, and types of ringworm including athlete's foot and jock itch. 
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1 hour ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:

May I suggest a hearty helping of Gyne lotrimin! 

Clotrimazole, sold under the brand name Canesten among others, is an antifungal medication. It is used to treat vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush, diaper rash, pityriasis versicolor, and types of ringworm including athlete's foot and jock itch. 

You are still a fucking idiot! Do you know the average number of deaths from Covid-19 over the past 10 days in the USA? That's right, I know you didn't. Ignoramus! 

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Go live your life in fear you leftist asshole of a human. Continue to root for the virus! You mf’s lobby to cut off old people from medical treatment so they die, but now you somehow change your collective useless minds?!?!...cost effective I believe your ilk profess. Also you worthless piece of treasonous garbage, you assholes are counting anybody who dies, covid related. 

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7 hours ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:

Go live your life in fear you leftist asshole of a human. Continue to root for the virus! You mf’s lobby to cut off old people from medical treatment so they die, but now you somehow change your collective useless minds?!?!...cost effective I believe your ilk profess. Also you worthless piece of treasonous garbage, you assholes are counting anybody who dies, covid related. 

Like the number zero, you share a common trait. Zero squared = 0; Zero cubed = 0; Zero to the Nth power, where N tends to infinity = 0. You share the same property; you are nothing and always will be nothing. As such, you mindless ramblings have no effect on me, whatsoever. You are just worthless cosmic trash!

Chew on that!

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11 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

Like the number zero, you share a common trait. Zero squared = 0; Zero cubed = 0; Zero to the Nth power, where N tends to infinity = 0. You share the same property; you are nothing and always will be nothing. As such, you mindless ramblings have no effect on me, whatsoever. You are just worthless cosmic trash!

Chew on that!

Hmmm...then why respond? 

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