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The response will be that murder rates went up in Republican cities too.

Here is a list of the top 50 biggest increases homicide rates amongst American cities for Q3 2021 vs Q3 2020  and 2019.

I see one city with a Republican mayor in the top 25.  I don't even see 10 in total (happy to be corrected) and those are bunched at the bottom.



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19 hours ago, concha said:


The response will be that murder rates went up in Republican cities too.

Here is a list of the top 50 biggest increases homicide rates amongst American cities for Q3 2021 vs Q3 2020  and 2019.

I see one city with a Republican mayor in the top 25.  I don't even see 10 in total (happy to be corrected) and those are bunched at the bottom.



Are you complaining about the truth being reported?

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16 hours ago, concha said:

Andy not recognizing that crime os controlled overwhelmingly at the state and local level.

The next time that you prove a causation between mayors and violent crime in cities will be the first.

concha still has figured out that living your entire pathetic life trying to dunk on people is a sad way to live. If he had dedicated even half the time he does hating liberals to actually learning how to argue he might have the shadow of a point sometimes.

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Their control over the police, schools and local economic and social policies for decades.


Andy is arguing that the shit conditions in our inner cities that Democrats have been promising to improve - for literally generations now - have nothing to do with the people who control local laws, law enforcement, schools, economic and social policies...

It's a neat trick in Andy Land. You go to poor neighborhoods - more often than not of people of color - and swear to them for decades you'll fix all the shit they suffer.  "Just vote for us". Things actually get worse. And then bootlicking toadies like Andy run around claiming it has nothing to do with them.

Seems like that means:

  1. You're fucking liars
  2. You're fucking incompetent
  3. Both of the above (see "Andy")




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On 12/11/2021 at 9:53 AM, concha said:

Their control over the police, schools and local economic and social policies for decades.

concha insists of embarrassing himself on this issue year-after-year.

He makes a claim (crime is a problem in these places!) and then a follow-up claim (these places are run by Democrats!) but then leaves it there as if he's done something profound.

This is not argumentation.

concha desperately wishes that he was more capable and/or that his thesis was more supportable.

Every year it's proven to not be.

I don't even have to leave my own state to prove this claim to be fallacious and non-sensical.

The two cities in Florida (Jacksonville and Pensacola) with the highest murder rates in 2020 have had their "police, schools and local economic and social policies" controlled by Republicans for decades.

Overall crime rate drops, but Jacksonville is still the murder capital of Florida

Duval County, with 14.5 murders per 100,000 population, retained its dubious distinction as the murder capital of Florida in 2020. Escambia County, including Pensacola, had 9.8 per 100,000. Leon County, which includes Tallahassee, had 9.7 per 100,000. Statewide, the rate was 5.9 murders per 100,000.

The city with the highest volume of murders? That would be Miami which has also been run by Republicans for decades.

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And Jacksonville is the largest city in the country with a Republican mayor (source: Ballotpedia) and per a CBS report from earlier this year, it comes in 45th - nowhere near the top - in the nation in murder rate. Miami (it appears with a lower population in its city limits) does not appear in that CBS ranking of 65 American cities though "Miami Gardens" does (12th). Not a Republican area.

Again, Andy throwing up chaff.

The top murder rates amongst cities in this nation are a laundry list of Democrat-controlled areas. For decades.


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22 hours ago, concha said:

And Jacksonville is the largest city in the country with a Republican mayor (source: Ballotpedia) and per a CBS report from earlier this year, it comes in 45th - nowhere near the top - in the nation in murder rate.

Your thesis is bunk as is proven every single year that you say it.

Having Republicans (or non-Democrats) run your city doesn't lead to low murder rates or solve issues that plague all big cities.

Jacksonville, the largest city in Florida, has the highest murder rate in the state by far. Completely run by Republicans for decades.

Pensacola, one of the most reliably Republican areas in the state, has the second highest. Completely run by Republicans for generations.

Miami, which has one of the most reliable Republican constituencies in the state, would certainly have the highest if not for a technicality regarding it's small city limits and all of the unincorporated areas surrounding it, of which Miami Gardens used to be one. Completely run by Republicans for decades.

Nothing that concha says remotely approaches argumentation.

It's just a vomiting of statements that he leaves totally unsupported by causal evidence.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

Yet these cities in Florida that Andy mentions are behind legions of Dem-run cities around the nation.

If your half-baked theory held any weight you'd be able to demonstrate a causal relationship.

But you can't and we all know it.

You just hate "leftists" and will therefore vomit silly theories to prop up that hatred.

Republicans don't do anything to lower murder rates in cities that they govern. Also, Democrats don't cause high murder rates in cities that they govern.

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23 hours ago, concha said:

And Jacksonville is the largest city in the country with a Republican mayor (source: Ballotpedia) and per a CBS report from earlier this year, it comes in 45th - nowhere near the top - in the nation in murder rate.

Also, using *your* link, Jacksonville was 28th in per capita murder cases in Q3 of 2021.

More dangerous than "shitholes" like New York, San Francisco and Seattle.

The truth is that these liberal cities are among the safest large cities in the history of the world.

But that inconvenient fact doesn't fit with concha's narrative.

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Not in the developed world.

We aren't comparing to 3rd world cities.


Leftists have run our largest cities for generations now.  Black families are broken as a result. Schools suck and the kids can hardly read, write or do math. On the West Coast they are filled with homeless people and it is not uncommon to have to dodge needles and human shit on the sidewalks. In San Fransicko shoplifting is now a sport.  There is a special website to track murders in Chicago. In Baltimore there are schools where you can't find kids reading or doing math anywhere near their grade levels. 

But it's not their fault! bleats Andy.

It's the cops.  Run by Dems.

It's the schools.  Run by Dems and teacher unions who funnel cash to one another and make damned sure there are no vouchers or school choice

It's the lack of opportunity, as they do nothing to make their cities attractive for investment.

And they count on the Andy-types of the world to run cover and shit out chaff.


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3 hours ago, concha said:

Leftists have run our largest cities for generations now.  Black families are broken as a result.

I've heard it all now.

Black families are broken because their city had a Democratic mayor.

There will be no causal link made by concha or even an attempt to make one. He will just move on to his next cockamamie and unsupported claim.

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3 hours ago, concha said:

It's the schools.  Run by Dems and teacher unions who funnel cash to one another and make damned sure there are no vouchers or school choice

So now concha has moved on from grasping for straws to straight up lying which is par for the course.

There is a ton of school choice in Democratic-run cities/counties.

But this lie reminds me of a quote by Fran Lebowitz. She said that behind every conservative scheme there's a plot to destroy public education.

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I'd love fo Andy to explain the reasons the black family has disintegrated since the so-called "Great Society" was enacted that are not related to liberal policies.

Welfare programs that have paid for people to not marry.

Black men removed from the home due to the above and mass incarceration, whcih was aided by things like the 3-strikes laws begun in 1994...

Generational dependence on welfare.




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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Oy my God! There's a website with data on it! This is crazy. How will western civilization survive?



This what Andy is reduced to in his never-ending crusade to prop up the unforgivable.


Imagine how bad things are that people actually thought to create the following:



https://medium.com/@miller.stowe/snapcrap-why-i-built-an-app-to-report-poop-on-the-streets-of-san-francisco-aac12382a7ce#:~:text=Snapcrap is a mobile app,if they have been resolved.

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