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Have you ever seen this from google?


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Wow someone from big tech getting exposed, google is fighting hard to suppress the info. People literally caught on tape with some corrupt, groundbreaking admissions and google is planting the seed of doubt. Have you ever seen this type of disclaimer? Google being the shield for big tech 







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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

So they create a sickness and then sell you the remedy. Damn that’s evil. The ole nails in the road a few miles before the tire shop trick. Gets you every time 

The very likely reason Covid 19 exists is researchers taking a virus that previously impacted only animals, and were messing around with it, hoping to find a vaccine that worked, then ultimately applying the research to create a human vaccine so that in the event of another large outbreak like SARS, MERS etc., it could be more quickly contained.  It’s certainly not a diabolical goal, but at some point there needed to be “gain of function” to get this relatively harmless (in animals) virus that created mostly gastric distress, to jump to humans.  Kind of ironic that we had such a run on shit paper at the start of the pandemic.  It was thought that diarrhea was the most likely impact if the virus could jump to humans so no big deal.

This explanation was proposed very early on in the pandemic, but imagine the financial consequences if the US and China jointly agreed that a project went off course and created the pandemic?   


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37 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

They mutate and find cure or treatment.

Like milking a snake to make an antidote.

No further explanation should be needed.

 You are what’s wrong with our this and next generation. Clearly you’re not as smart as you think you are (trust me you’re not) you’re gullible, and you have zero ability to question shit. You have people older and more experienced than you telling you shit, but you think you’re smarter…typical. I did the same thing when I was like 17. 

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