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Why? Why do people buy Iphones?


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Ok. Im all for freedom of choice...  

But if you buy the Iphone 8 or X... you deserve to go into debt....


1st off: 

Iphone X: 

No expandable memory... Still come on apple....  

No home button... it was a stupid feature on the note 8. But apple will find a way to fuck this up I assure you... 

Wireless charging only.... oh boy idk where to start.... 

Wireless charging isnt bad...  but having it as the sole and only option is a terrible idea... 

No headphone jack and it only works with apple airbuds... which are abyssmal... and cost almost 120$. 

Im not spending over 100$ for headphones... 

Hell I have a pair I spent 40 on 10 months ago. They still work just fine.

And the real dealbreaker....

Only and I mean only opens up by facial recognition.... TERRIBLE idea. 

Y'know my S8 is password protected and I'm satisfied with that... 

Oh and if that didnt deter you.... 

Starting price... 1000$ not to mention if you want a home button thats a seperate accessory... Dumbasses.... 

And the Iphone 8? Just a slightly better 7... I mean ever so slightly... 

But you know what really hurts me... 

A lot of people will spend over 2000$ getting these damn phones... 

Oh and warning... both phones have glass backs again... so have fun with that one... 

I'm guilty of paying high prices for my phones. A lot of us are... I got my S8 for 600$ yes I know I sound like a hypocrite for criticizing people who buy apple products. 

But you know what the difference is? 

I saved up 480$ and sold my old phone for 250. So I had enough to buy it and get a case and still had some left over.... 

I was smart about it. I didnt just see it and say "Hey I'm gonna go put myself in massive debt over the newest phone". 

On top of that I didnt go out and buy every accessory that existed for the S8... 

And another thing... 

Everybodys asskissing apple about wireless charging. 

Its been out for almost 9 years now... 

Its been out since the last legs of the Iphone 4... but now its some sort of big deal because apple has announced that their phones will finally be compatible. 


But you still have no VR. 



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16 minutes ago, dbcaptiron said:

Apple has always followed the 'proprietary' hold your customers prisoner corporate strategy.

Wireless charging was around when they introduced the proprietary 'lightning' charger, so you can easily call that 'built in obsolescence'....

You need go no further than realizing that you will NEVER be able to replace the battery in an iphone to realize just how f@cked you are.

Have had both (android + apple) and while apple has great interfaces and decent quality, you are a slave to their walled ecosystem.

USED to be the only saving grace was Job's resistance to fall subservient to the government(s) spying. He's dead and apple caved....

Ever wonder why Obama tried to make jailbreaking your (iphone) a federal offense?? 

My advice.... run a metadata stripping app on an iphone if you are using one.....

Jailbreak one Iphone and youve broke them all... 

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worst frigging thing I ever did. Going to this Iphone 7plus POS. I blame Samsung. I had the note 7. I loved it I had no issues. I started with the note1 and upgraded every yr. Then boom. Note7 recalled. So T-Mobile puts me in a V20. Frigging phone was like a fiat compared to the note7. Anyway I get this great idea to go to apple. I friging hate it. You are so handcuffed with this phone. Over the weekend I ordered my note8 and I cant wait to get it. Frick apple.

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11 minutes ago, dbcaptiron said:

Expert are we?

Try Emailing this GIF to your jailbroken iphone...

Do you notice anything? 




Oh no I dont have an Iphone... 

Im a college student... I dont have 800-1200$ for an Iphone...

But I can see that creepy guy faulk/Anonymous face with the star in the forehead....and that seizure procedure flashing.

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Also I'm no expert... Ive never tried to hack an iphone. 

But I know after the FBI backdoored that Iphone from the Terror attack in SB.

Apple and every Iphone user got pissed. 

Apple didnt wanna co-operate so the FBI did it themselves. 

Thats a red flag on apples part... 

Usually people who try to avoid backdoor. Have their data stored in a massive server or cloud system. And Backdooring usually exposes everyone... 


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4 hours ago, dbcaptiron said:

ok, that's cool....no remember remember LOL.  I won't go too far, but the point was that you are essentially stuck with your government approved ecosystem (spying and all) or can run greater risks by losing the built in defensive (portion of that) ecosystem.

There (should be LOL) no 'payload' in that GIF, but did you know something as simple as a GIF can be (and are) hacked?

 Advise from a (VERY) old school mainframe IBM guy...if you don't REALLY know what you are doing, you are better most of the time just working withIN the ecosystem.


What's the latest threat or method used that we should be watchful for?  I know that 'gifs' and other pictures can be used against you.  I'm savvy in tech but definitely not programming.  Got a mental block trying to learn that stuff, very frustrating.

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4 hours ago, dbcaptiron said:

I've been a programmer for 35+ years Starting on a Cray supercomputer on Unix in the early 80's.  I understand machine language and Assembler (core of how computers process), Cobol, Fortran, SQL, etc, etc, etc, and have installed systems in some of the largest corporations in the US.  

That being said, In IT, I can meet a 15yo rookie and he will know something I don't.  So information in IT is basically....you know what you have seen.  Also, there is probably no other industry where EVERYTHING is just a plagiarized version, with some new stuff added. (with the possible exception of the music industry) The only programmer that is not copying work is the guy who is first day on the job.  Second day he will copy his own work.  Those coding today generally only code in higher level  languages that are really just syntax according to 'whoever made up the syntax'.  Hackers mostly play in other peoples syntax playgrounds, while being bound by that form and looking for weaknesses/mistakes in the original methodology/code. Then exploiting any deficiencies.  Not much skill involved.  As an example there are probably THOUSANDS of  online video game  'hackers' that can run invisible or god mode, or use an Aimbot  in 'Black Ops II' online.  How? they all just add the same file to their system that ONE person created.  Funny part is there are now hundreds of different versions of the same file as these 'hackers' all try to add something and say they created it. xD

Bottom line is you are tied to the software/systems you use.....there is nothing really a basic user can do for 'system' hacks (like the recent experian one).  The only thing you can do as an end user is protect your own domain and hope the systems you tie to are protected.  Basically, for home, have a good firewall, stay current on security updates (and run scans occaisionally), offload data no longer used, and 'try' to stay away from sketchy websites  (use an old device with no other connectivity or data on it to watch your Porn lol).  I use an old laptop for surfing and such and the other is strictly for work and money etc. (i don't mix)

'Real hacks' you will not see coming and since most exploit 'system' functions there is really not much an end user can do (the flaw is already in your system (software you use), just with nothing taking advantage of it yet).  Trick is to not run any unintended executibles....and since you can do that just by hovering over a pic on the internet now, your pretty much screwed.  I know more than most, and if I surf online I cant go six months without having to scrub my system from all the malware etc.

 Bottom line...just use common sense  


Really appreciate your reply.  I know the standard 2 system rule; 1 for business and 1 for porn. Lol.  I've screwed my systems up enough to get it, finally.  

Sounds like and is excellent advice.  Imo, people get lazy when trying to maintain safe habits.  Another good thing to do is backups.  Good backups have saved me more than once.  

Surprised if a 15 yo could see something you haven't unless it just came out or they were a prodigy or something.  But I've been surprised before.  

Good post.  Thanks. 

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On 9/18/2017 at 5:10 PM, dbcaptiron said:

I personally don't use Facebook.

All of Facebook is comparatively easy to hack.  This is really due to the social aspects and way people use it more so than the code. Think Phishing and con schemes (not code)....

Stolen passwords and social viruses are the norm there, people look to control the account (not just read your messages usually).  If control can be gained, they can propagate things through your profile, or more importantly get access to more important other accounts of yours.   Nobody really cares what you message unless you have a jealous girlfriend or are a terrorist.

As far as messaging hacks, yup there's an app for that.xD.......BUT, purchase at your own risk...any good hack app WILL ALSO compromise the buyer:ph34r:

That said, No biggie, feel free to use Facebook.  Nothing to hide means nothing to worry about generally.  It's just a social platform that you should not be doing anything serious (like money or business) on anyways.  Acting on the internet is the same as acting in public (with the exception that much is preserved for posterity.)  

Besides ten times that information is being collected from your cell phone right now.....

The thing that you DO NOT WANT TO DO is use your facebook profile as a home base to sign on to all your other online accounts....yeah it's really easy to click the little blue  'signon using facebook' bar but therein lies the real danger..............

NEVER LINK YOUR ONLINE ACCOUNTS....just login from scratch EVERY TIME for each account...yeah it sucks, but it's exponentially safer.





If I can pick your brain... I deduced a long time ago that the only thing I wanted to use my I phone for was to make and receive calls and text ( when I have to ) no e mails or apple store apps etc.

What bothers me is that I am used to windows and from what I have read, there is a rather large privacy issue with windows 10 that Microsoft really exploits. ( I assume Apple does to ). Is there any way to restrict MS access to what's done on my computer?

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15 hours ago, Gospeeder said:

If I can pick your brain... I deduced a long time ago that the only thing I wanted to use my I phone for was to make and receive calls and text ( when I have to ) no e mails or apple store apps etc.

What bothers me is that I am used to windows and from what I have read, there is a rather large privacy issue with windows 10 that Microsoft really exploits. ( I assume Apple does to ). Is there any way to restrict MS access to what's done on my computer?

I wish I could remember what I did... 

But 1 crucial step. 

If you have Cortana disable and shut that bitch down.... 

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On 9/18/2017 at 1:40 AM, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Ok. Im all for freedom of choice...  

But if you buy the Iphone 8 or X... you deserve to go into debt....


1st off: 

Iphone X: 

No expandable memory... Still come on apple....  

No home button... it was a stupid feature on the note 8. But apple will find a way to fuck this up I assure you... 

Wireless charging only.... oh boy idk where to start.... 

Wireless charging isnt bad...  but having it as the sole and only option is a terrible idea... 

No headphone jack and it only works with apple airbuds... which are abyssmal... and cost almost 120$. 

Im not spending over 100$ for headphones... 

Hell I have a pair I spent 40 on 10 months ago. They still work just fine.

And the real dealbreaker....

Only and I mean only opens up by facial recognition.... TERRIBLE idea. 

Y'know my S8 is password protected and I'm satisfied with that... 

Oh and if that didnt deter you.... 

Starting price... 1000$ not to mention if you want a home button thats a seperate accessory... Dumbasses.... 

And the Iphone 8? Just a slightly better 7... I mean ever so slightly... 

But you know what really hurts me... 

A lot of people will spend over 2000$ getting these damn phones... 

Oh and warning... both phones have glass backs again... so have fun with that one... 

I'm guilty of paying high prices for my phones. A lot of us are... I got my S8 for 600$ yes I know I sound like a hypocrite for criticizing people who buy apple products. 

But you know what the difference is? 

I saved up 480$ and sold my old phone for 250. So I had enough to buy it and get a case and still had some left over.... 

I was smart about it. I didnt just see it and say "Hey I'm gonna go put myself in massive debt over the newest phone". 

On top of that I didnt go out and buy every accessory that existed for the S8... 

And another thing... 

Everybodys asskissing apple about wireless charging. 

Its been out for almost 9 years now... 

Its been out since the last legs of the Iphone 4... but now its some sort of big deal because apple has announced that their phones will finally be compatible. 


But you still have no VR. 



Why do people buy the newest edition car.. Bragging rights 

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On 9/18/2017 at 1:40 AM, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Ok. Im all for freedom of choice...  

But if you buy the Iphone 8 or X... you deserve to go into debt....


1st off: 

Iphone X: 

No expandable memory... Still come on apple....  

No home button... it was a stupid feature on the note 8. But apple will find a way to fuck this up I assure you... 

Wireless charging only.... oh boy idk where to start.... 

Wireless charging isnt bad...  but having it as the sole and only option is a terrible idea... 

No headphone jack and it only works with apple airbuds... which are abyssmal... and cost almost 120$. 

Im not spending over 100$ for headphones... 

Hell I have a pair I spent 40 on 10 months ago. They still work just fine.

And the real dealbreaker....

Only and I mean only opens up by facial recognition.... TERRIBLE idea. 

Y'know my S8 is password protected and I'm satisfied with that... 

Oh and if that didnt deter you.... 

Starting price... 1000$ not to mention if you want a home button thats a seperate accessory... Dumbasses.... 

And the Iphone 8? Just a slightly better 7... I mean ever so slightly... 

But you know what really hurts me... 

A lot of people will spend over 2000$ getting these damn phones... 

Oh and warning... both phones have glass backs again... so have fun with that one... 

I'm guilty of paying high prices for my phones. A lot of us are... I got my S8 for 600$ yes I know I sound like a hypocrite for criticizing people who buy apple products. 

But you know what the difference is? 

I saved up 480$ and sold my old phone for 250. So I had enough to buy it and get a case and still had some left over.... 

I was smart about it. I didnt just see it and say "Hey I'm gonna go put myself in massive debt over the newest phone". 

On top of that I didnt go out and buy every accessory that existed for the S8... 

And another thing... 

Everybodys asskissing apple about wireless charging. 

Its been out for almost 9 years now... 

Its been out since the last legs of the Iphone 4... but now its some sort of big deal because apple has announced that their phones will finally be compatible. 


But you still have no VR. 



How bout THIS? What if you're in an accident! And someone has to access your emergency data to phone a friend? I know how you 21st century metro sexuals, hesitate to write that type stuff down for your wallet!:(

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