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I AM IRONMAN last won the day on May 14

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  1. Rhetorical…lol but he must’ve shit a brick reading my post.
  2. An incredible passing team…best I’ve seen in a looooong time
  3. Yeah…..Jaylen Brown is a beast….smart too, taught at MIT. People hated losing Marcus Smart, turning out great so far.
  4. Absolutely horrific…….and that smug look (insert libs crying it’s a mental illness and not its fault!😭) That look on the dads face 😢 no tax payer funded life in prison….no injection, then sleepy time. This animal needs the chair, and hope there’s a malfunction so it doesn’t do the job on the first switch….and the second switch comes a few minutes later. Oh and no need to tape its eyeballs …let ‘em pop.
  5. There ya go Dandy boy, the first step in the long journey is admittance 🫡👍
  6. Straight up fair right?🤣 Its 4 years later, Joe’s mental decline has SIGNIFICANTLY gotten worse and Trump is fired up for so many obvious reasons. Its cute how you guys think!
  7. Maybe if the bar is 6 inches high, but then Sleepy Joe will still trip over it 🤣🫵
  8. These are just the one caught…..open borders…..yay! IMG_0159.mov
  9. Yeah, be afraid of debating mush mouth! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫵 IMG_0158.mov
  10. Have you seen Biden lately? Hell the last 3 years? You guys crack me up…dumb and blind.
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