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Muslim Obama


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5 hours ago, ORabidOne said:

HALLELUUUUYAH! I figured you for a RAGHEAD! Why else would a United States Marine endorse two individuals(Barry and Hills) who HATE the military and hate AMERICA? I'm surprised your unit survived your JIHAD in the Middle East!

And how do you know the Muslim women have nice skin, since they're ALWAYS COVERED with long skirts, long sleeves, and a vail!?

I figured you were a ignorant pointed PILLOWHEAD!  See how that works.  Why else would a United States Sailor endorse two (Trump & Pence) who hate minorities and Hate the Truth>  i'm surprised your unit survived your Klan meetings in Viet Nam.  And how do I know your women are fat with bad skin,  they walk around half naked with tons of makeup covering up their horrible skin.


See  how that works.  I never said I was a Muslim.  Combating your ignorance doesn't make me anything but being smarter than you.  I bet you have high blood pressure and there is a great chance a Muslim doctor is treating your swine eating body.  xD


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On 3/10/2017 at 8:02 PM, TheRealCAJ said:

Time for me to fly.....

This forum is just too fuck0ing ignorant.

Good luck.....whatever.

Take some of these ignorant ass, non educated far right wingers with ya.

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9 minutes ago, GloryDays said:

Shut it comrade.


And explain...






That's the way the world works!!!! 

Damn it! You want me to say it. Fuck!!! 

Ok, Trump has conspired with Putin!!!! 

Are you happy now????  Jesus, I only put on this facade about liking Trump for the sake of my sanity man!!! I know we're screwed. 

Do you know where I can find a gun, gas mask and high ground??

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2 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Much more that people know..Wright baptized his kids ....Can you imagine.. I know horror stories about those that nobama keeps company with.. A devil in sheeps clothing...

And what was the impact of all this alleged evilness from him?  He's out of office now and there were no devilish cataclysmic events from his time in office.  All of this is non eventful conspiracy

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49 minutes ago, ORabidOne said:

You MAY be WRIGHT! He was a frequent attendee of Rev. Wright's Church of G D AMERICA!>:(

Would it have been better if he was in Falwell's or Silly Graham's church teaching him to obey his earthly masters and eat swine's flesh while being subservient no matter what hell they put you through.  The hypocrisy is just damn ridiculous. Listen to  the whole freaking statement by Rev. Wright another MARINE you can hate on.  Listen to the full damn speech.  He told the Freaking truth and a helluva lot smarter than your ass.   What lie is he telling?


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2 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

And what was the impact of all this alleged evilness from him?  He's out of office now and there were no devilish cataclysmic events from his time in office.  All of this is non eventful conspiracy

If they listen to the whole damn speech they would understand why he said G.D. America. But the ignorant asses just grabbed what Faux broadcasted and Obama to protect his career and cater to the whims of a certain segment obliged them.  Pretty sad really.  Reverend Wright is a former Marine and as you can see not very afraid but well versed. 


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3 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

If they listen to the whole damn speech they would understand why he said G.D. America. But the ignorant asses just grabbed what Faux broadcasted and Obama to protect his career and cater to the whims of a certain segment obliged them.  Pretty sad really.  Reverend Wright is a former Marine and as you can see not very afraid but well versed. 


This is what they do, take excerpts from speeches and distort the truth.  Of course you and I know this has been a tactic for decades to paint a person or group a certain way

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13 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

This is what they do, take excerpts from speeches and distort the truth.  Of course you and I know this has been a tactic for decades to paint a person or group a certain way

Exactly he didn't  tell a lie and he said G.D. America after giving a history lesson of the B.S. that America has prospered off and the hypocrisy within it. Reverend Wright is very intelligent.   One smart man.  Black churches preach his type of sermon every damn Sunday.  Hannity is a damn joke.

Notice he doesn't back down to this clown on Faux news. 


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20 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

Exactly he didn't  tell a lie and he said G.D. America after giving a history lesson of the B.S. that America has prospered off and the hypocrisy within it. Reverend Wright is very intelligent.   One smart man.  Black churches preach his type of sermon every damn Sunday.  Hannity is a damn joke.

Notice he doesn't back down to this clown on Faux news. 


You so right, his msg and firey delivery is typical of a lot of churches

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Yet the hypocrisy is amazing take Bob Jones and his B.S. University. This guy was a open segregationist and racist. 

Bob Jones, Sr.'s April 17, 1960, Easter Sunday sermon, broadcast on the radio, entitled "Is Segregation Scriptural?

Nevertheless, Jones remained a segregationist into the era of the Civil Rights Movement, when he was in his 70s. There are few references to race in Jones's sermons and chapel messages until the late 1950s, but in a 1960 radio address, Jones declared that God had been the author of segregation and that opposition to segregation was opposition to God.  

Yet today RepubliKKKan's can't wait to give tax breaks and speak there.   How damn stupid do these people think one is in this day and age.

All the right wing nutz still flock there every election.  But they harp on Wright. Unbelievable.  Damn I am so glad I keep my head in a book.


Look up the Repblican's that flock there to speak to this day.  From Ted Cruz who has to be one of the foolish people around.  But not a peep from the Freedom Lovers.  You see their god Only hates Homosexuals and abortion.  He doesn't give a damn about the Poor, Healthcare, Clean air and Water nor protection of the land.   Oh he does care that you obey them and their moral high ground. 


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32 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Education, because almost all on this board don't know history,why they are pissed, nobamas background and who those  were who influenced him.. Only that Iran now will get a bomb, were gave them over 2biooion and the fact you just said what you said is more than I need to know about you... Appeaser..

Again, show cause and more importantly effect of his questionable background.

the money given to Iran was theirs that was unfrozen, secondly, the Iran deal was not unilaterally approved.  Other P5 nations signed off.

how did you feel about Iran Contra?

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19 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

IRAN contra, bad deal..Appeasement or helping rebels usually a bad idea.. Read the book,KILLING THE RISING SUN.... Great book..

Helping rebels was not the parallel I was drawing upon, it's the illegal selling of weapons to an enemy in Iran, but you get beside yourself speculating in Obama's wrongdoing in the Iran deal.  

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1 minute ago, Horsefly said:

Helping rebels was not the parallel I was drawing upon, it's the illegal selling of weapons to an enemy in Iran,  but you get beside yourself  speculating in Obama's wrongdoing in the Iran deal.  

It's in your fantasy of hate and lack of truth.  I think I will put that on a T-shirt. It is damn catchy in its lack of answering anything.

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11 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Or like Eric Holder selling guns to drug dealers in Mexico.. Then, a border patrol agent gets killed with one those guns.. Helloooooooo

I'm talking Iran and you throw out Fast and Furious.  Lol

I didn't bring it up as it wasn't, what's the word? ....   Relevant to the discussion of Iran!!

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1 minute ago, Drummer61 said:

Ed But Holder and nobama lied about helping Mexican drug lords !!!! Denied it !!!  But relevant as to one of a plethora  of causes as to why that group were voted out of office.. They weakened America and I used it to show people that the nobama administration was replete with corruption.. I bet very few knew about this yet they all bitch about the new president..

Fast and furious is not new, I already knew about it.  The funny thing is you didn't vote Obama out of office, he fulfilled his term.  Let's see if you hold onto your high horse with trump and the record he will leave after this term.

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