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donald trump Sucks At Making Deals, Con King Of Bankruptcy — Duh


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Consider this: A con man from Queens has run out his potential in New York City, so he takes his show on the road. Before long, he’s a national name, and he’s known to be such a big business failure that no American bank will touch him. How does he survive?

Cash from the shady side of the street (hey, money launderers make money too), show business (comes naturally to someone who has been pretending for decades), and a big con on the people outside the city who know nothing of his loser reputation, people who think TV Donnie is the real Donnie.

How many movies, stories, jokes are there of city slickers conning some good ol’ country folk? Why does this narrative repeat itself across time periods?

But I have to say, up till now, I didn’t give “Don the Con” Trump much credit. He learned a few simple rules of branding — keep the message simple, say it no matter what, and repeat, repeat, repeat … and repeat, repeat, repeat … and repeat, repeat, repeat. But holy shit — this guy apparently pulled off the biggest con in history. He didn’t just lose more money than any other American in the 1980s — he lost almost double the second biggest loser. And he had the nerve — or perseverance — to publish The Art of the Deal during that time! (Okay, he just talked nonsense while Tony Schwartz ghostwrote it for him, but still.)

Nonetheless, despite being a massive business failure, Don the Con got a TV show on NBC, a TV show portraying Donnie as the opposite of what he was, as a business figure worth learning something from. Donnie also didn’t go bankrupt as an individual, something I’ll get back to after a few tweets and videos.

Aside from “reality TV” (fake news TV), which helped out Don the Con perhaps more than anything else, starting out a billionaire helped Donald to escape personal bankruptcy despite so much business failure. Getting bailed out by his dad (repeatedly) and siblings also helped with that. But, eventually, dad was gone and no one was going to help save poor Donnie from his lack of business understanding.

Luckily, Russian oligarchs who had been laundering money through Don the Con’s properties for decades saw a slim opportunity. Help a brother out and he might help out a mob dictator some day.

You honestly don’t have to take anyone’s word for it other than Donald Trump Jr.’s and Eric Trump’s. They’ve both said at not-inconsequential times that Russians provided their company with a lot of money.

What did Russia expect in return? Well, I think we’re finding out.

In the end, there are very likely two big bangs Don the Con doesn’t want people to see while digging through his taxes:

  1. He’s a horrible, horrible businessman.
  2. Russians (and other oligarchs from sketchy regimes) have funneled him a ton of money to keep him afloat ever since daddy died.

You may be a billionaire by birth, but if the business world finds out you lose more money that anyone else in the country — by a lot — there’s not much to do. You just have to go into show business and con the non-business community.

The problem is, Donald conned himself into the White House and is now screwing up the country. Yes, we’re facing record debt (something Republicans care a ton about until they are in power and balloon the hell out of it again) and Donnie is also destroying Constitutional separation of powers, important government agencies that keep Americans safe and healthy (agencies that have been failing for decades due to Republican neglect, but are now collapsing), and the rule of law. He’s destroying the concept that we have a democracy, or a democratic republic, not a kingdom in which the king is above the law. He’s destroying the idea that we should be governed by public servants, not mobsters. He’s destroying the USA’s position in the world by making us an unpredictable, harmful, insanely ignorant laughing stock.

Yes, country voters have been tricked and hurt by a con man from Queens and his mobster buddies in Russia and the Middle East. No, he’s not going to come around and deliver on numerous promises to help rural or urban working class people — quite the opposite. He’ll keep doing rallies — entertainment — for the fools who continue to buy his con. And maybe he should just steal the phrase from the original circus kings and call this nonsense version of democracy the “greatest show on Earth.”


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1 hour ago, RedZone said:

Donnie is also destroying Constitutional separation of powers, important government agencies that keep Americans safe and healthy (agencies that have been failing for decades due to Republican neglect, but are now collapsing), and the rule of law. He’s destroying the concept that we have a democracy, or a democratic republic, not a kingdom in which the king is above the law.

This is the truly the scary and pathetic part.

We may NEVER recover as a nation.



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Burn America down... It's the far left that set the bridge on fire. 

No matter how bad you think Trump is, we will survive if congress can get past the combative stage and actually work on important problems. As of now, a lot of the Left are hurting more than fixing America. Liar, cheater, racist, womaniser, etc... Trump is the POTUS, like him or not we need to work with him.

BTW, he has worked very hard on a lot of problems. Very few times will the left praise him for doing a good job.

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7 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

Burn America down... It's the far left that set the bridge on fire. 

No matter how bad you think Trump is, we will survive if congress can get past the combative stage and actually work on important problems. As of now, a lot of the Left are hurting more than fixing America. Liar, cheater, racist, womaniser, etc... Trump is the POTUS, like him or not we need to work with him.

BTW, he has worked very hard on a lot of problems. Very few times will the left praise him for doing a good job.

Oh, I like the tax cut, but the mounting deficit has fallen on deaf ears from those conservatives (Tea Party in particular) who only since the Fall of 2016 have not been heard from..not a peep. The hypocrisy has no political boundaries....(IMO) the deficit should always be 2nd to the welfare of America's citizens. 

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2 hours ago, RedZone said:

Yes, country voters have been tricked and hurt by a con man from Queens and his mobster buddies in Russia and the Middle East. No, he’s not going to come around and deliver on numerous promises to help rural or urban working class people — quite the opposite. He’ll keep doing rallies — entertainment

king trump was in Louisiana yesterday and promised to build a brand new bridge to replace the Calcasieu River Bridge if he wins in 2020......SO, WE will be a crappy state ranking at the bottom of everything thanks to republicans with a BRAND NEW BRIDGE thanks to the king. xD......

I don't  guess get you can make this stuff up.

Trump said in a speech Tuesday at a natural gas terminal near Lake Charles, Louisiana, that if he wins in 2020, “we’re giving you a brand new I-10 bridge” starting the day after the election.

The declaration was met by loud applause from his audience. “I didn’t know it was going to be that popular,” the president remarked.

"“We’ll start work on it right away, in terms of planning, everything” Trump said Tuesday of the I-10 span, called the Calcasieu River Bridge. “It’s a very unsafe bridge, a lot of problems, and we’re going to give you a new one. They’ve been trying to do it for a long time, so we’re going to start planning and development right away and we’ll have it all set to go, day one, right after the election.”

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12 hours ago, RedZone said:

king trump was in Louisiana yesterday and promised to build a brand new bridge to replace the Calcasieu River Bridge if he wins in 2020......SO, WE will be a crappy state ranking at the bottom of everything thanks to republicans with a BRAND NEW BRIDGE thanks to the king. xD......

I don't  guess get you can make this stuff up.

Trump said in a speech Tuesday at a natural gas terminal near Lake Charles, Louisiana, that if he wins in 2020, “we’re giving you a brand new I-10 bridge” starting the day after the election.

The declaration was met by loud applause from his audience. “I didn’t know it was going to be that popular,” the president remarked.

"“We’ll start work on it right away, in terms of planning, everything” Trump said Tuesday of the I-10 span, called the Calcasieu River Bridge. “It’s a very unsafe bridge, a lot of problems, and we’re going to give you a new one. They’ve been trying to do it for a long time, so we’re going to start planning and development right away and we’ll have it all set to go, day one, right after the election.”

How many people here think Louisiana is getting a brand new 1-10 bridge from king trump starting the day after the election if he were to win?


Stand up and be counted.


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12 hours ago, RedZone said:

and mobster with russian ties.

What's your secret to supporting this guy?....walk around blind and deaf everyday?

In all fairness you asked me why I support Trump. The answer is basic. He is the CIC and PODUS. I support every PODUS. It ins't in my interest to have a negative attitude toward the leader of our nation. I except the change of leadership, like it or not, but will not go around telling everyone how terrible the boss is. I will point out my views if he were to ask me. But I don't expect others to tell me how to believe, I try not to do that to others.   

12 hours ago, RedZone said:

Evidently......that's sad in it's own right.

I agree it was a sad reply. You expected a conditioned response maybe?

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15 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

In all fairness you asked me why I support Trump. The answer is basic. He is the CIC and PODUS. I support every PODUS. It ins't in my interest to have a negative attitude toward the leader of our nation. I except the change of leadership, like it or not, but will not go around telling everyone how terrible the boss is. I will point out my views if he were to ask me. But I don't expect others to tell me how to believe, I try not to do that to others.   


if don j trump was REAL I might could stomach him.....he has created a "fake universe" where everything is fake unless he say's it's true. I can't live like that. Anyone that feels "safe" in this sort of environment where even kids are "faking for money" has MORE "let's go President" than me.

Just the way it is in my heart.


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56 minutes ago, RedZone said:

How many people here think Louisiana is getting a brand new 1-10 bridge from king trump starting the day after the election if he were to win?


Stand up and be counted.


Biden should promise the same... Balance.

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12 minutes ago, Troll said:

dude's crapping his pants and going ape shiite because he was promised infrastructure assistance from a politician..

I was promised Mexico was going to pay $10 billion dollars for a new Border Wall too......weren't you?

I quit chanting, yelling and cheerleading at political rallies when I was 12. 

You come back even stranger than when you left........



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