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OT: Scientists protest


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"We need to make more of our decision based on facts again and less on emotions,"

I read this line and thought of the posters here. Especially the ones that dismiss Cal. 
To draw in some politics, I am  reposing this line too. "Science is not a liberal conspiracy,"
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2 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

Weather has not been tracked long enough or with the right information or equipment to come to valid conclusions as to why we may now be in a warming faze..

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we go full on honey badger about curtaining climate change! SO WHAT? That's the USA versus the 90% of the REST of the fucking WORLD, who don't give a RAT'S ASS about climate maladies!!

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Just now, Drummer61 said:

Notice, no response or even an attempted comeback.. The liberal, in some cases go silent when solid evidence or other facts present a crushing blow.... Ocala is nice,but to rural for us.....No casino..

Remember we are the right wing nut jobs which I take as a badge of honor.

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7 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Notice, no response or even an attempted comeback.. The liberal, in some cases go silent when solid evidence or other facts present a crushing blow.... Ocala is nice,but to rural for us.....No casino..

What solid evidence are you speaking of?  What fact have you presented?  If you want to know about the ice age, Google it and discover for yourself.  You wouldn't believe any explanation by a "liberal" anyway.  Do some research yourself, it is empowering.  

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4 hours ago, noonereal said:

"We need to make more of our decision based on facts again and less on emotions,"

I read this line and thought of the posters here. Especially the ones that dismiss Cal. 
To draw in some politics, I am  reposing this line too. "Science is not a liberal conspiracy,"

Science is one of those topics that if ignored or dismissed will doom this country for generations to third world status.  No place in our world for stupid people to have any success in life.  A country who willingly goes down that road is a stupid people.  I'm afraid that those responsible for leading is away from science will never pay any price for their sticking their heads in the sand.

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6 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Read my post about the ICE AGE.......Then comment on my two posts..

I did.  You asked about the ice age.  I said you should look it up yourself.  I already did my research and am not going to do yours.  If you understood about the ice age then you'll be a believer in climate change being caused by human activity?  I doubt that is all it would take.  

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20 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Iam still wondering about the Ice Age and how it was melted  with the cycle of global warming episode..without pollution.

Notice from the enclosed image, the release of natural(non-pollution) C02 from the ocean floor as the planet started back on it's 23,000 year portion of orbit that keeps it nearer to the sun. 





Anyway... That ice age began and ended as a natural occurrence.

Notice that the release of CO2 is considered the primary contributer. Can you help us all out and tell us what has changed on this planet since that last melting? Could it be the industrial revolution where humans began dumping CO2 in huge amounts into the atmosphere? Could this be on top of the natural release of CO2 that we see in the above image? 


If you ever feel like becoming a tree hugging liberal, maybe you can find the time and $2.99 investment to watch Before The Flood. 





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9 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

Climate changes for millions of years,but the causes are up for debate...However, I have never heard any of them mention the ICE AGEI or why it happened and why it got so hot as to melt it.. noon please explain or find out why this is never mentioned...No pollution at the time,yet ITS NEVER MENTIONED !!!!! 

The ICE AGE... only theories apply as there is no provable facts.

One, a tilt of the Earth. Climate change in many areas of the Earth were affected. 

Two, Meteor hit, Dust and particles block the sun and cause a climate shift.

Three, Solar Flare causes a hole to appear in the Ozone layer, heat soars, Forest Fires burn rampant over the globe blocking out the sun light. 

Four, A mega volcanic eruption causing the end of summers for several years.

For those that didn't know. There was a year of Winter. 

Snow in June, freezing temperatures in July, a killer frost in August: "The most gloomy and extraordinary weather ever seen," according to one Vermont farmer.Two centuries ago, 1816 became the year without a summer for millions of people in parts of North America and Europe, leading to failed crops and near-famine conditions.While they didn't know the chill's cause at the time, scientists and historians now know that the biggest volcanic eruption in human history, on the other side of the world — Mount Tambora in Indonesia in April 1815 — spewed millions of tons of dust, ash and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, temporarily changing the world's climate and dropping global temperatures by as much as 3 degrees. 

3 degrees is more than you think when it is global. BTW, last year marked the 200 year anniversary.

Also it gave us the plot of Mary Shelly's epic horror novel Frankenstein.

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5 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

The ICE AGE... only theories apply as there is no provable facts.

One, a tilt of the Earth. Climate change in many areas of the Earth were affected. 

Two, Meteor hit, Dust and particles block the sun and cause a climate shift.

There, Solar Flare causes a hole to appear in the Ozone layer, heat soars, Forest Fires burn rampant over the globe blocking out the sun light. 

Four, A mega volcanic eruption causing the end of summers for several years.

For those that didn't know. There was a year of Winter. 

Snow in June, freezing temperatures in July, a killer frost in August: "The most gloomy and extraordinary weather ever seen," according to one Vermont farmer.Two centuries ago, 1816 became the year without a summer for millions of people in parts of North America and Europe, leading to failed crops and near-famine conditions.While they didn't know the chill's cause at the time, scientists and historians now know that the biggest volcanic eruption in human history, on the other side of the world — Mount Tambora in Indonesia in April 1815 — spewed millions of tons of dust, ash and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, temporarily changing the world's climate and dropping global temperatures by as much as 3 degrees. 

3 degrees is more than you think when it is global.

Also it gave us the plot of Mary Shelly's epic horror novel Frankenstein.


I really don't get the argument posed against climate change. Folks like Drummer want to see theorists chase their tail in order to prove or disprove that humans can/are contributing to the faster warming of the planet with CO2 emissions and many other agents that damage the ozone like chlorine as a big one. 


We all know that the planet will warm and cool naturally, as it's thought that there is a 100,000 year orbit cycle which has us closer to our star for half and further away for the other half. That of course means cooler or warmer temps in and of itself. Add to that loss of ozone due to pollutants and the addition of huge amounts of CO2 and I can't really see how one can argue that we have zero effect on the warming of the planet. 

If we know what the eventual results of global warming could/will be... Why wouldn't we make some attempt at slowing it down or even curbing the progression? 

Starvation is on the menu for most of the planet. Whether or not we can do anything about it is questionable, but I think that without a doubt we should try.

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at the close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. -- Dylan Thomas

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Just now, GloryDays said:

We would try to tax common sense, but Republicans have been writing it out of education standards the last decade.  


No ROI for us tree huggers.  

Yea that's why nearly 80% of my taxes went to the local school system in NJ and in Az. I believe its nearly 70%. Just might be the dumb ass liberal teachers who get paid good money for doing nothing especially those with tenure?

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