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1 hour ago, Sweetlarry said:

Is there really a limit as to how many reclassified kids a team can have, or was it a self imposed thing by dubble? 

No troll, serious question.

Yes, there is a limit.  It's zero.  Students have four consecutive years of athletic eligibility once they start 9th grade, whether they participate or not.

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9 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

News to me. I was told they were at their self-imposed limit. Please post the tweet. Thx. 

Edit: @Sweetlarry That was a repeat Tweet. That baller originally committed on 2/27 around the same time as the others. #iacceptyourapology


It was another kid. He posted his senior highlights and said he was going to play for USA next year. 

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49 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Please post the actual tweet. 

I stand corrected. It was the Fulton kid who has reclassified, but was reminding everyone he was open as far as his COLLEGE recruitment goes. 


I don’t keep up with all of the kids who have committed to USA. I see them because of the people I follow and that follow me on Twitter and they show up on mine.


Still, my question was is the reclassify thing a dub enforced thing, an AHSAA thing or a National thing? I saw where somebody said the clock starts once you enroll in HS that you have four consecutive years, whether you participate or not. I thought that was correct, but not sure now. 

I don’t know But would like to. 

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NFHS and AHSAA don't allow "redshirting" or "reclassifying."  USA Academy is not a member of any athletic association, and private schools in Alabama aren't regulated by the Alabama State Department of Education, so they can make up their own rules and do anything they want.  The only constraints would be whatever their opponents are willing to stomach.

USA keeps pointing to the age limitation rule but the purpose of that rule is to allow students who started late or repeated a grade early in their education to still participate in sports for all four years of high school.  It is not meant to allow a 5th year of athletic eligibility for certain students.  That is why there is an accompanying maximum participation rule.

NFHS Handbook

Maximum Participation

A maximum participation requirement: promotes timely progress toward graduation by discouraging students from delaying or interrupting their high school education; disallows students to enroll for one semester each school year to increase athletic ability and skill; promotes equality of competition; diminishes risks stemming from unequal competition, and places emphasis on the academic mission of the school.

A maximum participation requirement promotes harmony and fair competition among member schools by maintaining equality of eligibility.  Each student is afforded the same number of semesters of athletic eligibility, which increases the number of students who will have an opportunity to participate in interscholastic athletics.

A maximum participation requirement is conducive to the prevention of redshirting; helps avoid exploitation by coaches or boosters who otherwise might seek to obtain transfers or to delay a student's normal progress through school, and prevents displacement of younger student-athletes by older student-athletes wishing to protract unfairly their high school athletic careers.

AHSAA Bylaws

Rule 1 - Eligibility

Section 5.  Participation Limitations.

(a) Eight Semester Rule.  A student may be eligible only eight consecutive semesters after entering the ninth grade.

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1 hour ago, CODBEARD said:

I guess they don't really have all those verbal commitments like they thought and opened up the re-class recruitment again..😂  It's one thing to say your coming it's another thing to write the check..

Yes. Those parents heard “scholarship” and thought that shit was free. Even at $25,000 with room, board and all that sound light. 


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On 3/27/2020 at 11:08 AM, Severino said:

NFHS and AHSAA don't allow "redshirting" or "reclassifying."  USA Academy is not a member of any athletic association, and private schools in Alabama aren't regulated by the Alabama State Department of Education, so they can make up their own rules and do anything they want.  The only constraints would be whatever their opponents are willing to stomach.

USA keeps pointing to the age limitation rule but the purpose of that rule is to allow students who started late or repeated a grade early in their education to still participate in sports for all four years of high school.  It is not meant to allow a 5th year of athletic eligibility for certain students.  That is why there is an accompanying maximum participation rule.

NFHS Handbook

Maximum Participation

A maximum participation requirement: promotes timely progress toward graduation by discouraging students from delaying or interrupting their high school education; disallows students to enroll for one semester each school year to increase athletic ability and skill; promotes equality of competition; diminishes risks stemming from unequal competition, and places emphasis on the academic mission of the school.

A maximum participation requirement promotes harmony and fair competition among member schools by maintaining equality of eligibility.  Each student is afforded the same number of semesters of athletic eligibility, which increases the number of students who will have an opportunity to participate in interscholastic athletics.

A maximum participation requirement is conducive to the prevention of redshirting; helps avoid exploitation by coaches or boosters who otherwise might seek to obtain transfers or to delay a student's normal progress through school, and prevents displacement of younger student-athletes by older student-athletes wishing to protract unfairly their high school athletic careers.

AHSAA Bylaws

Rule 1 - Eligibility

Section 5.  Participation Limitations.

(a) Eight Semester Rule.  A student may be eligible only eight consecutive semesters after entering the ninth grade.

As I have stated before they are not a AHSAA member rules do not apply to them.

In rare cases the AHSAA has granted 5 years or more due to extreme events medical issues and having to miss a year of school for example. 

Two examples of this are 1. player before school starts he or she is involved in a horrible wreck takes 6-8 months for recovery AHSAA allows player to play his senior year. 2. Girl lives with grandmother no parents involved only has grandmother , grandmother gets very sick has to take chemo bed ridden for months girls has to stay with her for care grandmother takes 6-8  months to recover from illness AHSAA grants another year.

Only extreme issues has the AHSAA granted another year.

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