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The EPA has stopped enforcing environmental laws because of the outbreak

World Citizen

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I'm not sure how allowing industry to pollute will help anybody except industry's bottom line as they can now do what they want without any cost to them.  



I get that this is unprecedented times we are in but the cost to our health, even if for only a few months, will be significant.  IMO.  These companies are to act responsibly and self monitor?  That has never worked and if it did there would be no need for the EPA.  

I know most of you do not care about this but you should imo.  There should be another way to keep people safe while trying to keep people safe from the virus.  These companies have always tried to lessen the regulatory burden and now they have their perfect opportunity.  


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I saw this when the announcement first got made. I thought it was kind of odd considering this covid-19 thing was all a big nothing burger and overblown press created hysteria. 

Figured it was a large waste of time to even try discussing with the mentally challenged group that frequents this OT section. 

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5 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I saw this when the announcement first got made. I thought it was kind of odd considering this covid-19 thing was all a big nothing burger and overblown press created hysteria. 

Figured it was a large waste of time to even try discussing with the mentally challenged group that frequents this OT section. 

Your probably correct about the waste of time but that is what I have been doing anyway.  At any rate, I've almost ran out of things I want to do around the house and the honey-do-list that is constantly being updated is starting to annoy me.  

Now for an unrelated meme.


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2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I saw this when the announcement first got made. I thought it was kind of odd considering this covid-19 thing was all a big nothing burger and overblown press created hysteria. 

Figured it was a large waste of time to even try discussing with the mentally challenged group that frequents this OT section. 

Yeah...right.... then why did you claim that Greta was happy with all the cars off the road.....and less pollution?  🤣

Why is that always the case with  global warming/CO2 conspiracy theorists??? 🤔



What WC posts here should be more the priority....

real pollution should always be.

just sayin'


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While Trump was shutting down China in regards to travel, the democrats were trying and failing to impeach him. He said the democrats mass hysteria was the hoax. He down played the outbreak because he didn’t want to cause chaos and hysteria. He said from the very beginning that is serious and will be monitored accordingly. 

But when you have 350 million people living in one country with millions traveling daily it can spread pretty damn fast. Faster than any professional or expert can predict. So he is doing the best he can with the resources provided. 

How is this related to the pollution? I don’t know and I dont give a shit. Just wanted to post it in a thread that wasnt already 20 pages long 😂

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

But when you have 350 million people living in one country with millions traveling daily it can spread pretty damn fast. Faster than any professional or expert can predict. 


This did not spread faster than the experts predicted. I wonder what ass you pulled that from.

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1 hour ago, Troll said:

Yeah...right.... then why did you claim that Greta was happy with all the cars off the road.....and less pollution?  🤣

Why is that always the case with  global warming/CO2 conspiracy theorists??? 🤔



What WC posts here should be more the priority....

real pollution should always be.

just sayin'


What does this have to do with me suggesting it's a waste of time to discuss? It's not like I stuck around and tried to discuss anything about environment with you clowns. 

You thought you'd be funny posting some meme with that little autistic girl who is trying to champion environmental protections, and I made a statement about how she's probably excited about the lack of pollutants hitting the atmosphere right now. 

Somehow, you think you found a "gotcha moment" in that now I guess. 

The next time you see me give a dissertation on environment over here with you guys, I welcome you to reenter this post I quoted claiming me trying to discuss environmental impacts. :P

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Just now, HawgGoneIt said:

What does this have to do with me suggesting it's a waste of time to discuss? It's not like I stuck around and tried to discuss anything about environment with you clowns. 

You thought you'd be funny posting some meme with that little autistic girl who is trying to champion environmental protections, and I made a statement about how she's probably excited about the lack of pollutants hitting the atmosphere right now. 

Somehow, you think you found a "gotcha moment" in that now I guess. 

The next time you see me give a dissertation on environment over here with you guys, I welcome you to reenter this post I quoted claiming me trying to discuss environmental impacts. :P


just another conspiracy theorist climate alarmist...🤣

that's hating on plant food...🤔

anytime you care to discuss 😉


such a waste of time....i know,

 only worth two, of your opposing views...


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10 minutes ago, Troll said:


just another conspiracy theorist climate alarmist...🤣

that's hating on plant food...🤔

anytime you care to discuss 😉


such a waste of time....i know,

 only worth two, of your opposing views...


Yep, definitely a waste of time with the likes of the folks I've been reading from on here for several years. 

I can't think of a bigger waste of time at all to be honest. Hence my extended hiatus. As you know, it took a disaster like covid-19, cancellation of all sports and entertainment for me to spend much time at all over here. 

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