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Getting rid of the police


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14 minutes ago, The Guru said:

concha can't defend against the charge that he's a toady who doesn't really care about police violence against unarmed black people.

So he just tries to dance around and change the subject.

Everybody knows this.

Even the other toadies who are on your side. Secretly, they know too.


Concha doesn't HAVE to do anything just because the chief liberal bootlicker spouts off. 

Hope this helps. 


Andy the Bootlicker's favorite flavor:



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47 minutes ago, concha said:

Concha doesn't HAVE to do anything just because the chief liberal bootlicker spouts off. 

Just like you don't have to care about black people being killed by police (which you clearly don't).

So then why do you continue to vomit all over these threads when you clearly don't care about the topic?

Everybody just has to see concha's dumb and ideological take on something that he doesn't care about.

Toady egos are so toady-like.

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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

Just like you don't have to care about black people being killed by police (which you clearly don't).

So then why do you continue to vomit all over these threads when you clearly don't care about the topic?

Everybody just has to see concha's dumb and ideological take on something that he doesn't care about.

Toady egos are so toady-like.


I love how Andy the Bootlicker prances around the board as official judge of who cares about what. 😂




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Just now, The Guru said:

concha is clearly flustered as usual.

Yeah, I point out who doesn't care about a topic and I'm right. No effort is made to prove me otherwise either.

Maybe because the analysis is simple and accurate.


I now we're into fantasy land where Andy the Bootlicker just makes more shit up.  Predictable as the sun rising in the east.


You're doing great, Andy.


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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

Aaaaaaaaaaand still no argument otherwise.

So concha just freaking out again so everybody can get a load of his ideological laziness.


Nothing to argue, Andy.

That the party you serve as chief bootlicker is running the worst areas in the country for African-American murder rates and crime and has done so generally for generations and decades is not really disputable. That they have thus been in charge of the police departments there is indisputable.


Andy hard at work...





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14 minutes ago, The Guru said:

That you're a toady who doesn't actually care about black people being killed by the police.

If you think that should stand on it's own then great. I agree.


More verbal diarrhea from Bootlicker trying to point fingers while the party he shills for rules over the areas of this country that see the most black deaths from violence and police malfeasance. For generations.

His brazen hypocrisy would be amusing if it was not so galling and sad.



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17 minutes ago, concha said:

More verbal diarrhea from Bootlicker trying to point fingers while the party he shills for rules over the areas of this country that see the most black deaths from violence and police malfeasance. For generations.

Look at these pathetic dodges.

concha knows he's a toady and he has no recourse to refute the charge so he just does.....whatever this is.

Somehow he still thinks that the party of a mayor is the cause of systemic police misconduct.

And that this is his ultimate trump card to charges that he's a toady.



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Just now, The Guru said:

Look at these pathetic dodges.

concha knows he's a toady and he has no recourse to refute the charge so he just does.....whatever this is.

Somehow he still thinks that the party of a mayor is the cause of systemic police misconduct.

And that this is his ultimate trump card to charges that he's a toady.




Bootlicker in lather, rinse, repeat mode.

A sad shill for a hypocritical and culpable party.

Obvious to all.



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As an aside to concha's obvious subject-changing, here's an example of an actual bootlicker (other than concha, of course):

What George P. Bush's endorsement of Donald Trump tells us about Republican politics

So George P. is doing the only thing he can do to preserve his political future: Standing in absolute lockstep with Trump. In doing so, George P. is backing a man who spent more than a year personally attacking his father, mother, uncle and grandfather at every turn.

Imagine being as much of a pussy as George P. Bush?


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3 minutes ago, The Guru said:

As an aside to concha's obvious subject-changing, here's an example of an actual bootlicker (other than concha, of course):

What George P. Bush's endorsement of Donald Trump tells us about Republican politics

So George P. is doing the only thing he can do to preserve his political future: Standing in absolute lockstep with Trump. In doing so, George P. is backing a man who spent more than a year personally attacking his father, mother, uncle and grandfather at every turn.

Imagine being as much of a pussy as George P. Bush?



Imagine posting an article by Chris Cillizza and talking abut it as a serious piece of work.  🤣

Hardly shocking seeing the site's premier bootlicker and shill posting work by one of CNN's premier bootlickers and shills.



Chris Cillizza  🤣



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concha is unhinged now.

An article merely giving background on a factual event is "not serious" because of the name of the author.

This is exactly what someone like concha would say. The same guy who immediately looks up who the mayor is of the city where the most recent police killing occurred so he can change the subject. 

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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

concha is unhinged now.

An article merely giving background on a factual event is "not serious" because of the name of the author.

This is exactly what someone like concha would say. The same guy who immediately looks up who the mayor is of the city where the most recent police killing occurred so he can change the subject. 



I'm unhinged!  Gee, this isn't one of Andy's tired go to's.  


Says the guy posting Chris Cillizza.


Cillizza is a well known liberal shill.  YOU probably even know that, Andy. 🤡


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16 hours ago, Belly Bob said:

That's true.

Fundamental changes need to happen with the police and with the people they police. 

Lots to unpack in that sentence to better understand what you mean, but fwiw, after listening to and reading the more serious arguments for ‘defunding' (but not really defunding) the police, the term that a business consultant would use is something like  'reinvent' or 'rethink' the police.

It’s not clear to me how far the politics will go, but the questions being asked are important.   In an era of shrinking municipal budgets, the costs of America's current style of policing have major impacts on the ability of communities to provide other necessary public goods that are essential to vitality.    What roles should be reserved for the police in our cities, and what roles would better be served by hiring more teachers, social workers or mental health experts?

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24 minutes ago, concha said:



Says the guy posting Chris Cillizza.

Cillizza is a well known liberal shill.  YOU probably even know that, Andy. 🤡


So George P. Bush endorses Trump.

And concha reacts to a factual article about said event with unhinged lunacy.


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15 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

Lots to unpack in that sentence to better understand what you mean, but fwiw, after listening to and reading the more serious arguments for ‘defunding' (but not really defunding) the police, the term that a business consultant would use is something like  'reinvent' or 'rethink' the police.


The branding and wording of it is so egregiously dumb that it bears repeating.

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