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Anyone watching scotus hearing


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Graham just brought heller 

And abortion

Two very important cases that are headed to the Supreme Court 

Scotus hasn't been willing to deal with gun cases due to roberts. 

No precedent for the ACA......If amy gets confirmed the ACA is done 

I absolutely love were Graham is taking his questions 

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Feinstein is now comparing 1950 america to 2020 america 

Hey Feinstein in the 1950 your party was hanging blacks 

Again with the roe v wade. Roe v wade will not be overturned. 

Kavanagh said he wouldn't touch it. ABC said she wouldn't touch it.

Perfect answer ABC. You go in and look at precedent when it comes to cases. No political agenda. Ever case has to be looked at independently. 

Great job Amy. 

Hey Feinstein who know who impacts millions of millions of women THEMSELVES. Tell them to keep their legs closed 

Oh Amy is absolutely destroying Feinstein. This is great to watch. I'm the only one in the office celebrating this right now 

Yes gun sales Feinstein is our constitutional right. When you have democrats destroying cities esp democrat cities people want to protect themselves. 

So Feinstein just went after guns. So anyone who says the democrats are against your guns is absolutely right. Great job Amy bringing up heller. 

Very even keel Amy. All about precedent. Just keep saying it. Its all about precedent 

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She is a smart, beautiful, and articulate woman. We can only pray more American girls grow up with ACB as their inspiration. 

We need less garbage like Cardi B and Beyonce and much more Amy Coney Barrett! 

Biden and Democrats keep saying we are in a battle for our soul. They are right. We need to push back on this satanic abortion, pedophilia, rioting, Black lives matter terrorism that has taken over. 

When little girls are twerking because Democrat actors and celebrities told them too, you know we have societal rot. 


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21 minutes ago, noonereal said:


how so? because her values are warped by religion?

most people that back her do so as having a very "constitutionalist" viewpoint...

....also the mold which shaped the apprentice

was another SCJ with constitutionalist views.

just sayin'



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1 hour ago, noonereal said:


how so? because her values are warped by religion?

Your comments are WITHOUT STANDING...Show us all her DECISIONS that are based on Religion,her faith and NOT BASED ON LAW OR PRESIDENT....They don't don't exist and are a cruel and vicious claim, without merit by you and others who don't like her...Come on....your comments are below and are the the type RZ spews....

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