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Trumptards maga maggots ignorant pubicans ignorant demos and just the utterly useless trash that resides on here... 

It is not my job to educate you crack heads high school drop outs klan members racist bigots about any matters concerning this country or any other country for that matter.

It isn't my job to educate you on the black community or any community that you love to degrade and blame for problems that you caused. 

Cause and effect: educate yourself on the term and then educate yourselves on what problems you are bitching about. I am not talking about news outlets nolegirl. I know it will be extremely hard for you but go read a book. 

Meanwhile while you idiots are on here spreading ignorance Im here trying to better future generations so they don't end up like nolegirl or the jersey girls.

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5 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

Trumptards maga maggots ignorant pubicans ignorant demos and just the utterly useless trash that resides on here... 

It is not my job to educate you crack heads high school drop outs klan members racist bigots about any matters concerning this country or any other country for that matter.

It isn't my job to educate you on the black community or any community that you love to degrade and blame for problems that you caused. 

Cause and effect: educate yourself on the term and then educate yourselves on what problems you are bitching about. I am not talking about news outlets nolegirl. I know it will be extremely hard for you but go read a book. 

Meanwhile while you idiots are on here spreading ignorance Im here trying to better future generations so they don't end up like nolegirl or the jersey girls.


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2 hours ago, Ga96 said:

It is not my job to educate you crack heads high school drop outs klan members racist bigots about any matters concerning this country or any other country for that matter.

It isn't my job to educate you on the black community or any community that you love to degrade and blame for problems that you caused. 

[...]  Im here trying to better future generations so they don't end up like nolegirl [...]

The bigotry of your use of "girl" here notwithstanding, I'm a little confused:

If it's not your job to educate these people, then what exactly are you doing here to better future generations? 

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2 hours ago, Ga96 said:

Trumptards maga maggots ignorant pubicans ignorant demos and just the utterly useless trash that resides on here... 

It is not my job to educate you crack heads high school drop outs klan members racist bigots about any matters concerning this country or any other country for that matter.

It isn't my job to educate you on the black community or any community that you love to degrade and blame for problems that you caused. 

Cause and effect: educate yourself on the term and then educate yourselves on what problems you are bitching about. I am not talking about news outlets nolegirl. I know it will be extremely hard for you but go read a book. 

Meanwhile while you idiots are on here spreading ignorance Im here trying to better future generations so they don't end up like nolegirl or the jersey girls.

You support crime and violence, u make a big deal when a white person does something then have a manic episode when news comes out that the guy wasn’t white

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