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Trump is alienating his base


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All this talk of his Presidency being "over" from both sides is silly.  Do I love him dealing with the Rats - no.   But the GOP Congress has been worthless to the max - so he has to deal with someone.  DACA is going to stay - the comments in Congress show that.  I want the wall for sure - but what I really want is illegals deported in large numbers, as is beginning to happen.  He is not a dictator - he has to find votes someplace.  Remember Bill Clinton and "triangulation".

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21 minutes ago, Bormio said:

All this talk of his Presidency being "over" from both sides is silly.  Do I love him dealing with the Rats - no.   But the GOP Congress has been worthless to the max - so he has to deal with someone.  DACA is going to stay - the comments in Congress show that.  I want the wall for sure - but what I really want is illegals deported in large numbers, as is beginning to happen.  He is not a dictator - he has to find votes someplace.  Remember Bill Clinton and "triangulation".

I would like that 2 but giving amnesty to these people is not the way to go. And making deals with Pelosi and Schumer is like making deals with the devil. id rather the trump presidency do nothing then make deals with them

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Just now, legendsofthefall said:

Not passing his bills? Have you checked the news this morning? He's about to pass some sort of DACA plan working with the Dems. And he's not even going to get his wall either lol The GOP is striking out left and right lol

yea exactly. thats not one of his bills. Thats him caving to the swamp. Not a good look for Trump at all

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Just now, HSFBfan said:

yea exactly. thats not one of his bills. Thats him caving to the swamp. Not a good look for Trump at all

That is his bill and it needs Presidential approval to be signed into law. Like I said he just wants any of his bills to get passed at this point and he's a free agent going to the highest bidder. He's a President without a base.

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Just now, legendsofthefall said:

That is his bill and it needs Presidential approval to be signed into law. Like I said he just wants any of his bills to get passed at this point and he's a free agent going to the highest bidder. He's a President without a base.

If he signs it he is dead. I am one of the biggest Trump supporters you can find and this topic is a very big one for me. If he caves to the swamp like i said he cant win in 2020

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Republicans keep picking the same stupid fights.  They always try to hold something popular hostage to try and get something controversial.  In this case, DACA versus the wall.  It does not work, and they always back down and look like idiots.  Doing the same damn thing for 20 years.  If you have to give something, just give it.  Pick smart fights.  Trump dealing with the Dems tells Ryan and McConnell they need to get their act together and start acting like the majority party.

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31 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Republicans keep picking the same stupid fights.  They always try to hold something popular hostage to try and get something controversial.  In this case, DACA versus the wall.  It does not work, and they always back down and look like idiots.  Doing the same damn thing for 20 years.  If you have to give something, just give it.  Pick smart fights.  Trump dealing with the Dems tells Ryan and McConnell they need to get their act together and start acting like the majority party.

He shouldnt give up on the wall and killing DACA. If he does his base is gonna revolt

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Has the Congress passed the wall?  Ryan privately said there was one member of Congress that wanted the wall.  Meanwhile there are probably 400 votes in the House to keep DACA.  And you think DACA is leverage for the wall?  Get real.  If you want the wall you have to link it with something the Dems want but cannot otherwise get.  Trump's base understands political reality better than you think.

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6 hours ago, Bormio said:

Has the Congress passed the wall?  Ryan privately said there was one member of Congress that wanted the wall.  Meanwhile there are probably 400 votes in the House to keep DACA.  And you think DACA is leverage for the wall?  Get real.  If you want the wall you have to link it with something the Dems want but cannot otherwise get.  Trump's base understands political reality better than you think.

i wouldnt give the Dems anything. we had 8 years of the dems shoving things down our throat

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I saw some pundits this morning, asserting that Trump is of course all about Trump, but that he is also taking the country toward a 3 party system, maybe even 4 depending on how one views the current republican party being divided to a pretty extreme extent. 

I can see some substance to this theory. He is doing exactly what some of us said he would do during the election. Perhaps he creates a new populist party, that is separate from both of the republican groups and the democrats. 

We have been watching and some of us thinking he is really mucking this politics thing up, but maybe he is smarter than we thought.

According to the pundit this morning... He can't win with the base he used this last time, and he knows it. Nationally he hovers at around 40% approval. You can't win with that, if the other side runs a more popular person with a good message. However, if you carve a niche out and have a legitimate 3rd party, 40% could win every time. 


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7 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I saw some pundits this morning, asserting that Trump is of course all about Trump, but that he is also taking the country toward a 3 party system, maybe even 4 depending on how one views the current republican party being divided to a pretty extreme extent. 

I can see some substance to this theory. He is doing exactly what some of us said he would do during the election. Perhaps he creates a new populist party, that is separate from both of the republican groups and the democrats. 

We have been watching and some of us thinking he is really mucking this politics thing up, but maybe he is smarter than we thought.

According to the pundit this morning... He can't win with the base he used this last time, and he knows it. Nationally he hovers at around 40% approval. You can't win with that, if the other side runs a more popular person with a good message. However, if you carve a niche out and have a legitimate 3rd party, 40% could win every time. 


3rd-4th  party will hurt Dems more than republicans imo. 

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1 hour ago, NorCalRuss said:

3rd-4th  party will hurt Dems more than republicans imo. 

Well, the Dems already have a Green party to deal with that siphons a small percentage of their vote. 

It appears that a populist party would likely feed majority off of the farther right types of the republican cause. I don't doubt that it could pick up some middle of the road types as well, depending on messaging. Independents may find reason to flutter that way at times as well. Seems like what we would end up with could be an establishment republican grouping, all other republicans becoming the populist party, then democrats and the green party. 

It does stand to reason that if Trump carved a niche for a new party  that it would originate from the same groups that got him elected this time, which of course would hurt both establishment parties. Likely the republican establishment worse, but who knows. People are so wishy-washy. The populist group could float to and fro between the populist and republican establishment depending on candidate, message and atmosphere at any given time. 

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On 9/14/2017 at 8:02 AM, HSFBfan said:

If he goes to bed with Pelosi and Schumer on this DACA thing he will be done as president. Thats my opinion. Trust level on any promise he has made will be very low. Will be interesting to see what republicans run against him in 2020 and who can actually keep a promise

What's PRESIDENT Trump SUPPOSED to do? Ryan, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Graham, and McCain, are ALL RINOS!>:( Those bitches ran as REPUBS in red states, to be able to sabotage the legislative process! It's ALL part of the mantra of the DEEP STATE! It wasn't obvious with the DEMS in power! But NOW, with a changed narrative and a supposedly RED Congressional majority! The story is the SAME! It just goes to show how incompetent Barry was! What with a significant majority of DEMS and RINOS in Congress! He STILL couldn't get anything passed but Barry Care!

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12 hours ago, ORabidOne said:

What's PRESIDENT Trump SUPPOSED to do? Ryan, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Graham, and McCain, are ALL RINOS!>:( Those bitches ran as REPUBS in red states, to be able to sabotage the legislative process! It's ALL part of the mantra of the DEEP STATE! It wasn't obvious with the DEMS in power! But NOW, with a changed narrative and a supposedly RED Congressional majority! The story is the SAME! It just goes to show how incompetent Barry was! What with a significant majority of DEMS and RINOS in Congress! He STILL couldn't get anything passed but Barry Care!

Well if Roy Moore wins in Alabama some of the GOP senators are threatening to leave. Lets hope next week Moore wins

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