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Illegal migrant crime soaring


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1 hour ago, concha said:

Google "major cities not reporting crime to fbi"

You learn English, first.

"U.S. violent and property crime rates have plunged since 1990s, regardless of data source"

Pew Research, an organization you use frequently when it coheres to your narratives, used both the FBI data *and* the BJS survey that you cited weeks ago.

Regardless, crime is way down over the years.

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What's funny is how concha tries to portray himself as a data/facts maven but when his narrative can't withstand said data/facts he implores people to Google a phrase.

Weeks ago I cited the FBI data. concha whined and said "what about the BJS survey!"

Now, I cite Pew which uses the BJS survey. concha whines "just Google something!"

These goalposts will continue to be moved.

Because concha is dishonest.

He will never acknowledge it.

What a clown.

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Andy is triggered.

If he'd bother to read the many sources that pop up when you google the phrase I mentioned - and actually read a few - there's alot going on out there.

Like cities with radical leftist prosecutors, immigrant gangs etc.  Much of the Mag Mile in Chicago is boarded up - one of the most famous and desirable shopping areas in the world.  Stores and shops have left San Fransicko and Oakland in droves. It goes on and on. Per the National Retail Security Survey, shoplifting losses in 2019 amounted to about $50 billion. For 2022? $112 billion.

The crime we speak of isn't really occurring in the burbs or rural areas where people won't put up with it.  But go to a Dem-run city with a radical DA? Hellholes.



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11 hours ago, concha said:

Andy is triggered.

The truth is that you probably didn't even look at the chart from Pew to see that they used the same BJS survey that you cited earlier.

Because that's how you operate.

You're a narrative pusher who never wavers.

You just fish for ways to continue believing in the discredited narratives that you began with.

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12 hours ago, concha said:

If he'd bother to read the many sources that pop up when you google the phrase I mentioned - and actually read a few - there's alot going on out there.

Me: Here's the FBI data. Crime is way down.

concha: You can't trust the FBI data! Large cities aren't reporting their statistics to the FBI!

Me: OK, here's New York City's crime stats directly from the source. It's also down.

concha: No, use the BJS victimization survey! It's way better!

Me: OK, here's Pew analyzing the BJS survey data. It's also down drastically.

concha: Forget all that stuff! Just Google! I just *feel* like crime is up!

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12 hours ago, concha said:

Like cities with radical leftist prosecutors, immigrant gangs etc.  Much of the Mag Mile in Chicago is boarded up - one of the most famous and desirable shopping areas in the world.  Stores and shops have left San Fransicko and Oakland in droves. It goes on and on. Per the National Retail Security Survey, shoplifting losses in 2019 amounted to about $50 billion. For 2022? $112 billion.

The crime we speak of isn't really occurring in the burbs or rural areas where people won't put up with it.  But go to a Dem-run city with a radical DA? Hellholes.

So basically just vibes. From a terminally online Pinochet admirer.

Remember when concha feverishly argued that the most important thing was how people miscalculated the number of unarmed black people who were killed by police in a year?

It was super important for him to post the crime data to prove that the vibes were wrong. And when he did so, the case was closed. Facts don't care about your feelings!

But when he gets bitch-slapped several times in a row by facts he immediately resorts to vibes guy with a lazy reliance on right-wing talking points he saw on Fox News and Tiktok.

concha (and his butt buddies) are where convenient narratives never die.

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