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16 hours ago, concha said:

Did I mention that people and companies DO leave due to leftist policies?

Taxes, crime... just do a quick google, Andy. It's not hard.

concha: I have no actual evidence for my claims but just Google it!

No, *you* obsess about crime and taxes and therefore you think everyone else does too.

It's a tale as old as time.

Here's a question.

What do you think is the #1 state that Texans moved to in 2022?

I'll give you some time to ponder.

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Well there you have it.  Andy gives us images with no numbers. But I'm sure he's convinced that he's made a huge point. 🤡


Population change:


"...ten biggest states present a similar red/blue divide, with major population growth in Florida, Texas, North Carolina (which has a Democratic governor and a Republican legislature), and Georgia against major declines in New York, Illinois, and California."



"Overall, the fastest-growing states over that period are seven red states, two states with red legislatures (one of which had a Republican governor through 2022), and one blue state:"



"The ten biggest population-loser states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, again are dominated by the big blues, with 1.46 million fewer people living in California, New York, and Illinois than there were just three years ago:"




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12 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha: I have no actual evidence for my claims but just Google it!

No, *you* obsess about crime and taxes and therefore you think everyone else does too.

It's a tale as old as time.

Here's a question.

What do you think is the #1 state that Texans moved to in 2022?

I'll give you some time to ponder.


Says the guy who is famous for sifting through years old posts.

You want to know why you don't show interest in taxes and crime? Because your side has a piss poor story to tell. It was put on display with your histrionics and bedwetting over the fact and statistic laden crime article I posted recently.

I have no need nor desire to prove the obvious to you. Can you explain the high net outflows from Blue states and the high net inflows to Red ones? If you were honest you could. But you aren't.

As regards Texans moving places, who cares? People move all the time and 42k Texans moving to California for whatever reason pales in comparison to the 100k+ who moved from California to Texas. Overall, in net migration California is a big loser and Texas a big winner. Blue states are new losers and Red states are big winners.

Why is a mystery only to you, Andy (though everyone knows that you know exactly why).


More ridiculous Andy jazz hands.


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13 minutes ago, concha said:

I have no need nor desire to prove the obvious to you.

Then why are you here?

You seem super needy and want to "prove" various other things to us.

But somehow when it comes to backing up any of your cockamamie claims you somehow have no "desire" for it.


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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

We know this really, really bothers you. Having your actual beliefs, ideas, claims and quotes cited.


Wrong as usual.

It's just kinda obsessive and pathetic and you rarely if ever get it right.


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39 minutes ago, concha said:

Well there you have it.  Andy gives us images with no numbers. But I'm sure he's convinced that he's made a huge point. 🤡

That's straight from the Census Bureau.

I'm sure that it has no chance against the behemoth that is......a projected 2030 electoral vote map?

It's comical watching you grasp at straws to connect your sources to the actual topic.

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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Then why are you here?

You seem super needy and want to "prove" various other things to us.

But somehow when it comes to backing up any of your cockamamie claims you somehow have no "desire" for it.



And your explanation for the net migration divide between red and blue is.....?

We all know.

Why don't you?


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

That's straight from the Census Bureau.

I'm sure that it has no chance against the behemoth that is......a projected 2030 electoral vote map?

It's comical watching you grasp at straws to connect your sources to the actual topic.


It literally showed nothing regarding scale or net difference between red and blue states.  🤡 🤣

I actually posted numbers.  WIth red and blue states clearly identified.

This is where you just advertise what a complete clown and d-nozzle you are. You think any turd you post is actually a giant nugget of 24k gold.

What does your gold nugget turd accomplish in disproving that there is a significant net blue-to-red state migration occurring? NOTHING. 🤣




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50 minutes ago, concha said:

Well there you have it.  Andy gives us images with no numbers. But I'm sure he's convinced that he's made a huge point. 🤡


Population change:


"...ten biggest states present a similar red/blue divide, with major population growth in Florida, Texas, North Carolina (which has a Democratic governor and a Republican legislature), and Georgia against major declines in New York, Illinois, and California."



"Overall, the fastest-growing states over that period are seven red states, two states with red legislatures (one of which had a Republican governor through 2022), and one blue state:"



"The ten biggest population-loser states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, again are dominated by the big blues, with 1.46 million fewer people living in California, New York, and Illinois than there were just three years ago:"


I would look at the source of this data but, as usual, concha doesn't tell us where it's from.

There are many, many angles in which to attack this shoddy and lazy analysis.

First of which is labeling Arizona (which has a Democratic Governor, two Democratic Senators and which Biden won in 2020), or Georgia (which has two Democratic Senators and which Biden won in 2020) a red state.

It would even be generous to call North Carolina anything but a purple state.

Other low-hanging fruit includes the fact that in D.C., for instance, people moved away to.......Virginia and Maryland.

Again from the Census Bureau.

The District of Columbia had the highest (46.6%) outmigration rate, with most people moving to neighboring Maryland (17,770) or Virginia (13,582).

So nobody in that case was fleeing a "blue" state for a "red" one.

Or people moving from New York all the way out to.......New Jersey.

Other large state-to-state migration flows involved people moving from highly populated to neighboring states. For example, many people moved from New York, the fourth most populous state, to New Jersey.

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36 minutes ago, concha said:

People move all the time 

Yet, when it's convenient for your narrative it's a big deal(!) and means that people are fleeing liberal hellholes (!).

But when the largest number of Texas out-migrations go to California it's....who cares?!

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39 minutes ago, concha said:

Why is a mystery only to you, Andy (though everyone knows that you know exactly why).

No, I just don't make stuff up like you do.

People have been moving to Texas, Florida and other smaller, warmer states for 50+ years. Even when those states were blue or purple.

You never prove any causation with any of your wild-eyed claims. Its always just correlation and then (crickets) we're supposed to just believe you.

The fact that you're so strenuously groveling for people to believe you proves how weak your claims are. If you had evidence, you'd provide it.

But we all know that you don't.

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15 minutes ago, concha said:

It literally showed nothing regarding scale or net difference between red and blue states.  🤡 🤣

Because the chart was regarding states being above or below the national migration percentage.

In other words, professional demographers providing relevant data on a topic of interest.

They're not political hacks like you.

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18 minutes ago, concha said:

I actually posted numbers.  WIth red and blue states clearly identified.

Yes, but you didn't link the source and we all know from your track record that you don't actually know how to read charts or analyze numbers.

I guess we'll have to let the people decide who's more competent: a trained liar (you) or trained demographers (Census Bureau).

Tough call!

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

I would look at the source of this data but, as usual, concha doesn't tell us where it's from.

There are many, many angles in which to attack this shoddy and lazy analysis.

First of which is labeling Arizona (which has a Democratic Governor, two Democratic Senators and which Biden won in 2020), or Georgia (which has two Democratic Senators and which Biden won in 2020) a red state.

It would even be generous to call North Carolina anything but a purple state.

Other low-hanging fruit includes the fact that in D.C., for instance, people moved away to.......Virginia and Maryland.

Again from the Census Bureau.

The District of Columbia had the highest (46.6%) outmigration rate, with most people moving to neighboring Maryland (17,770) or Virginia (13,582).

So nobody in that case was fleeing a "blue" state for a "red" one.

Or people moving from New York all the way out to.......New Jersey.

Other large state-to-state migration flows involved people moving from highly populated to neighboring states. For example, many people moved from New York, the fourth most populous state, to New Jersey.


The source used census baseline data. Feel free to refute the numbers.

AZ and GA are historically red states in which Trump is ahead in the polls by 3.9% and 5.9%, respectively (538 polling averages, run by a Dem). The most recent NYT/Siena poll has Trump up by 6% in Arizona and 9% in Georgia.

North Carolina? Also historically red and Trump is up 6.1%.

And not sure why you make a big deal about DC as it is small and we are talking net overall migration.  But you need to throw around as much monkey shit as you can in these situations.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "net", Andy? 🤡 


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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Yet, when it's convenient for your narrative it's a big deal(!) and means that people are fleeing liberal hellholes (!).

But when the largest number of Texas out-migrations go to California it's....who cares?!


Which part about years of significant NET transfers from blue states to red don't you understand, Andy?

Texas NET migration with California was +60K.  The number of Californians going to Texas was 2.5x the number going the other way.

You're doing great, Andy. 🤣

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12 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

If you count blue states like Arizona, and purple states like Georgia and North Carolina, as red states then for sure.


Math-challenged Andy doesn't realize that even if you count AZ, GA and NC as pure blue, the net migration from blue to red is still massively in favor of red states.

This is hilarious.


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

I actually linked to the Census Bureau so obviously I'm not refuting their numbers. But you seem to be?


You didn't post numbers.

You're really flailing here.

Try to refute the numbers, Andy.

Dazzle us.


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5 minutes ago, concha said:

And not sure why you make a big deal about DC as it is small and we are talking net overall migration.

"DC is a terrible blue place where fleeing!......(all the way to Virginia and Maryland)."

DC has a negative net migration.....of people moving across the river or over to Maryland.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

"DC is a terrible blue place where fleeing!......(all the way to Virginia and Maryland)."

DC has a negative net migration.....of people moving across the river or over to Maryland.


I literally never mentioned DC.

This is pure Andy histrionics as the relevant numbers prove my point and he can't refute them.

Andy solution:  Babble about DC and count on people thinking he's actually saying something relevant. 🤡


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