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Finally Gets his Pardon Thanks to President Trump


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I have been following this issue for years and Jack Johnson was a Fellow Texan and the 1st Athlete with Swag and a lot of it.  Racism cost him so much and some stupid racist Mann Act was used against him.  John McCain (Hero) along with Sylvester Stallone have been fighting for years to get him Pardoned.  Obama didn't do it nor did any of the others.  I am going to give President Trump his due credit on this one.  Thank you sir for correcting this horrific wrong and job well done.   Much respect to the President for this.




Trump pardons late boxer Jack Johnson



Brotha had Swag in 1912 when the Man hated him.  Loved nice cars and White Women.  Damn nothing has changed :D. Surely I jest.  Again President Trump Represented. 


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8 hours ago, DevilDog said:

I have been following this issue for years and Jack Johnson was a Fellow Texan and the 1st Athlete with Swag and a lot of it.  Racism cost him so much and some stupid racist Mann Act was used against him.  John McCain (Hero) along with Sylvester Stallone have been fighting for years to get him Pardoned.  Obama didn't do it nor did any of the others.  I am going to give President Trump his due credit on this one.  Thank you sir for correcting this horrific wrong and job well done.   Much respect to the President for this.




Trump pardons late boxer Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson was a hell of a fighter. At one stage he had to stage all his fights outside the USA both because he was wanted here and because no state would licence or sanction his fights. He finally lost the title to Big Jess Willard in Cuba in a fight many though he threw as he was counted out with a glove shielding his eyes from the blinding Cuban sun. 

AlI claims he learned the punch he used to knock Sunny Liston out with in the second fight from Jack Johnson, the famed anchor punch. I will begrudgingly give DJT credit for this pardon, though I don't think he knew who he was pardoning!

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43 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

Jack Johnson was a hell of a fighter. At one stage he had to stage all his fights outside the USA both because he was wanted here and because no state would licence or sanction his fights. He finally lost the title to Big Jess Willard in Cuba in a fight many though he threw as he was counted out with a glove shielding his eyes from the blinding Cuban sun. 

Ail claims he learned the punch he used to know Sunny Liston out with in the second fight from Jack Johnson, the famed anchor punch. I will begrudgingly give DJT credit for this pardon, though I don't think he knew who he was pardoning!

Great post and a MAN that have followed Jack Johnson.  Did you ever hear about the funny stories of his fast driving and numerous tickets.  :D And the old racial story that he invented the Monkey Wrench.   He did in fact fashion a tool that he called a Wrench.  Did you know it was the to be named later baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis who was the Judge at the time who sentenced him to federal Prison?  Sadly he died in a Car accident as well.  Even though President Trump didn't know him he corrected a historical wrong and for that I applaud him.  Cannot Punish him where others did nothing.  I Can't be that nitpicky myself.


Great story here.  I have a collection book of Los Angeles Times Sports stories from 1880-s - 1990-s and you should see the imagery they drew of him in U.S. Newspapers.  It was a gift from the Times for a subscription I had back in the day.  I still like it because I can go back and read old sports stories.

The night he won the Heavyweight Championship the Real Christians here went crazy and just start murdering Black people.  Read this sir.  Clearly I enjoy your knowledgeable Market postings and your other historical mentions. 


I do agree none of it can wash this type of B.S. away:  Damn Hypocrites.

 No one knows how many died in the wake of Johnson-Jeffries fight, but records show between 11 and 26 were killed. Likely hundreds were assaulted or beaten. To quell the disturbance, cities barred the fight video from being shown in theaters, and Congress tried to pass a bill to ban the screening of all boxing films.

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3 hours ago, DevilDog said:

I have been following this issue for years and Jack Johnson was a Fellow Texan and the 1st Athlete with Swag and a lot of it.  Racism cost him so much and some stupid racist Mann Act was used against him.  John McCain (Hero) along with Sylvester Stallone have been fighting for years to get him Pardoned.  Obama didn't do it nor did any of the others.  I am going to give President Trump his due credit on this one.  Thank you sir for correcting this horrific wrong and job well done.   Much respect to the President for this.




Trump pardons late boxer Jack Johnson



Brotha had Swag in 1912 when the Man hated him.  Loved nice cars and White Women.  Damn nothing has changed :D. Surely I jest.  Again President Trump Represented. 


I wonder why so many prez passed on pardoning him? Mann Act? That would suck to be that dudes family, having such a sick Act attached to their name.

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1 hour ago, AztecPadre said:

I wonder why so many prez passed on pardoning him? Mann Act? That would suck to be that dudes family, having such a sick Act attached to their name.

 John McCain even pressed President Obama to Pardon and him and he didn't do it so you have to give president Trump all of the credit.   I applaud president Trump cuz this is been a long time coming with so many just letting it pass.  I would assume because he's dead that's why.  

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6 hours ago, DevilDog said:

Great story here.  I have a collection book of Los Angeles Times Sports stories from 1880-s - 1990-s and you should see the imagery they drew of him in U.S. Newspapers.  It was a gift from the Times for a subscription I had back in the day.  I still like it because I can go back and read old sports stories.

The night he won the Heavyweight Championship the Real Christians here went crazy and just start murdering Black people.  Read this sir.  Clearly I enjoy your knowledgeable Market postings and your other historical mentions. 


I do agree none of it can wash this type of B.S. away:  Damn Hypocrites.

 No one knows how many died in the wake of Johnson-Jeffries fight, but records show between 11 and 26 were killed. Likely hundreds were assaulted or beaten. To quell the disturbance, cities barred the fight video from being shown in theaters, and Congress tried to pass a bill to ban the screening of all boxing films.

Johnson's reign led to the era of the Great White Hope. Jeffries came out retirement to try and wrest the title from him and suffered a horrendous beating. JJ was an in your face man who did not give a damn about what society though of him. And, he had the talent to back it up!

Thanks for the article you linked. It made for an interesting read. I first read about Johnson in the Public Library in Jamaica when I was nine years old. I found his story both saddening and inspirational at the same time. He may not have been a saint, but he was every inch a man! And, while he died relatively young, I suspect he died just the way he would have chosen, doing what he loved!

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2 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

Johnson's reign led to the era of the Great White Hope. Jeffries came out retirement to try and wrest the title from him and suffered a horrendous beating. JJ was an in your face man who did not give a damn about what society though of him. And, he had the talent to back it up!

Thanks for the article you linked. It made for an interesting read. I first read about Johnson in the Public Library in Jamaica when I was nine years old. I found his story both saddening and inspirational at the same time. He may not have been a saint, but he was every inch a man! And, while he died relatively young, I suspect he died just the way he would have chosen, doing what he loved!

Mad respect to you Brotha.  Well read and extremely articulate. I need to have some of your Knowledge in regards to my own Stocks.  I enjoy your info.  Now so glad you read the article.  I became fascinated with him when I was around the age of 8 or 9.   How ironic that you did too at that age   I saw the Movie the Great White Hope and James Earl Ray played him at that . Being from Texas and finding out he was from Texas and loving my History> I went all in to learn about him.  Dude had Swag, Confidence, Pride and he was vocal and most of all Fearless in an era where Fear was the rule of Law.  Everything that Was hated he exhibited with Swag.  You know the Uppity ones they declared.  That short article in a nutshell reveal the utter Hatred and sickness of  this Nation was founded on.  You can't honor him without exposing this Nations virulent infecton.  Unbelievable the core values of those people.  He did die doing what he loved.  Isn't it interesting the parallel with him and Ali. Both considered needing to know their place.  Stripped of the opportunity to earn a living.  Government harassment.  Yet they kicked ass, Talked about kicking your ass and failed to appease to Hypocrisy.    His parents were Slaves.  I am the way I am because I have always been fascinated by the Strong uncompromising ones before me.  Nat Turner (if you get a chance pull his trial transcripts.  I have read the whole trial of my true revolutionary hero (check out the Nat Turner Project).  Jack Johnson,   Ali, Malcolm X, Denmark Vesey,  Toussaint Louverture, Kwami Ture all have been big influences on me and taught me that Knowledge of self and Pride will give you the courage to stand on your convictions and prevail in situations where others would just quit.  

Again I thank Senator John McCain for never giving up the good fight and President Trump for doing what was right.  May Elaha bring Peace upon each of them.   But most of all let the Ancestors rejoice for they had very little of that in life and rest good Warrior Mr. Johnson for giving me Pride as a 9 year old.  You truly fought the good fight.  I never make excuses because hell if he could do that in 1909.  How could I damage his legacy by being a failure?   Not an option and never will be. 

 My Heroes.  Tell it CHAMP.  Notice all the Groups he mentioned that would have had his back .   😂



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5 hours ago, DevilDog said:

Mad respect to you Brotha.  Well read and extremely articulate. I need to have some of your Knowledge in regards to my own Stocks.  I enjoy your info.  Now so glad you read the article.  I became fascinated with him when I was around the age of 8 or 9.   How ironic that you did too at that age   I saw the Movie the Great White Hope and James Earl Ray played him at that . Being from Texas and finding out he was from Texas and loving my History> I went all in to learn about him.  Dude had Swag, Confidence, Pride and he was vocal and most of all Fearless in an era where Fear was the rule of Law.  Everything that Was hated he exhibited with Swag.  You know the Uppity ones they declared.  That short article in a nutshell reveal the utter Hatred and sickness of  this Nation was founded on.  You can't honor him without exposing this Nations virulent infecton.  Unbelievable the core values of those people.  He did die doing what he loved.  Isn't it interesting the parallel with him and Ali. Both considered needing to know their place.  Stripped of the opportunity to earn a living.  Government harassment.  Yet they kicked ass, Talked about kicking your ass and failed to appease to Hypocrisy.    His parents were Slaves.  I am the way I am because I have always been fascinated by the Strong uncompromising ones before me.  Nat Turner (if you get a chance pull his trial transcripts.  I have read the whole trial of my true revolutionary hero (check out the Nat Turner Project).  Jack Johnson,   Ali, Malcolm X, Denmark Vesey,  Toussaint Louverture, Kwami Ture all have been big influences on me and taught me that Knowledge of self and Pride will give you the courage to stand on your convictions and prevail in situations where others would just quit.  

Again I thank Senator John McCain for never giving up the good fight and President Trump for doing what was right.  May Elaha bring Peace upon each of them.   But most of all let the Ancestors rejoice for they had very little of that in life and rest good Warrior Mr. Johnson for giving me Pride as a 9 year old.  You truly fought the good fight.  I never make excuses because hell if he could do that in 1909.  How could I damage his legacy by being a failure?   Not an option and never will be. 

 My Heroes.  Tell it CHAMP.  Notice all the Groups he mentioned that would have had his back .   😂



I will check out Nat Turner, too. I will admit I have not read much on him. But do greatly respect him from the little I know. After Willard took the title from Johnson, a black man did not get a shot at the heavyweight title again until Joe Louis defeated Cinderella Man, James Braddock in the late 1930s. Willard, Dempsey, Tunney, and all the others, assiduously avoided giving a black man a shot at the title until Braddock finally agreed to fight Louis.

Joe was probably more acceptable to whites because he was a more quiet, "respectful" negro. I will give him credit, though. He was a hell of a puncher, who successfully defended his title 22 or 23 times. It is criminal what the US government did to him late in his career when the IRS destroyed him financially for alleged back taxes he owed. Whether he did or not, I am sure Joe did not willfully refuse to pay, and this was probably caused by either ineptitude of his management, or the fact they did not have his best interest at heart. Still for a man who voluntarily signed up to serve in the army during WW2 and spent his time entertaining the troops for free with exhibitions, it was, to me criminal what they did to him after his career was over. It forced the man to become a professional wrestler to put bread on his table. One of his sons, ended up going to Princeton University in the late 1960s.

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3 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

I will check out Nat Turner, too. I will admit I have not read much on him. But do greatly respect him from the little I know. After Willard took the title from Johnson, a black man did not get a shot at the heavyweight title again until Joe Louis defeated Cinderella Man, James Braddock in the late 1930s. Willard, Dempsey, Tunney, and all the others, assiduously avoided giving a black man a shot at the title until Braddock finally agreed to fight Louis.

Joe was probably more acceptable to whites because he was a more quiet, "respectful" negro. I will give him credit, though. He was a hell of a puncher, who successfully defended his title 22 or 23 times. It is criminal what the US government did to him late in his career when the IRS destroyed him financially for alleged back taxes he owed. Whether he did or not, I am sure Joe did not willfully refuse to pay, and this was probably caused by either ineptitude of his management, or the fact they did not have his best interest at heart. Still for a man who voluntarily signed up to serve in the army during WW2 and spent his time entertaining the troops for free with exhibitions, it was, to me criminal what they did to him after his career was over. It forced the man to become a professional wrestler to put bread on his table. One of his sons, ended up going to Princeton University in the late 1960s.

Man the more I read from you the more impressed I am.  You are so correct on Joe Louis. They celebrated him beating Max Schmeling as if he was the conquering American over Nazism yet he couldn't eat in places or stay in Hotels in over half the Nation.  What a bunch of damn Hypocrites.  The IRS taxed him at crazy interest rates and then they crafted this image of him realizing what JACK JOHNSON had went thru.  Did you know they drafted Commandments for his personal conduct?  Check this out

(1) Never have his picture taken with a white woman  (2) Never gloat over a fallen opponent (3) Never engage in fixed fights     (4) Live and fight clean.  Resulting in this :  As a result, Louis was generally portrayed in the white media as a modest, clean-living person, which facilitated his burgeoning celebrity status.  That is code word for he was a damn Coon.

Those same hypocrites that shaped his image stole his money. He earned over 4.6 million but only received 800K and then the IRS troubles.  And you are correct he was bad with his own money an vulnerable.   What's incredible and you know this is the short period between Johnson, Louis and then Ali.   Yeah he turned into a character with Wrestling and greeting tourists in Vegas Hotels like Ceasars Palace.   My grandmother used to tell me how when he would fight all the black people would gather in one place around the radio and just rejoice over him whipping a white boy.  Imagine living in time when that was such a big thing for your pride.  It's truly sad the indignation they went thru for the most simplest things in life like boxing and just to play Baseball.  Too much hell for me yet I respect the ancestors and the reason I always say let them rejoice.  Peace be unto you.  Awesome dialogue with such an astute Brother.  You keep promulgating and standing on the shoulders of William Banneker (please learn about this Brother) and pass it along to others. 

"I and I" xD

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1 minute ago, thc6795 said:

do you practice... or does being an asshole just come naturally? 

Brotha Warrior I think he was referencing all the Presidents prior including Obama who didn't pardon him.  But I could be mistaken it is Drummer. And if that was his reference then I agree with his assessment too. 

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1 minute ago, DevilDog said:

Brotha Warrior I think he was referencing all the Presidents prior including Obama who didn't pardon him.  But I could be mistaken it is Drummer. And if that was his reference then I agree with his assessment too. 

"Led by one of his own" Is one of his own other Presidents or Black men? Fuck him

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15 hours ago, AztecPadre said:

I wonder why so many prez passed on pardoning him? Mann Act? That would suck to be that dudes family, having such a sick Act attached to their name.

Brother this question intrigued me and I did a little research because I was curious why President Obama and Mr. Holder would not Pardon him and I found out why.  Mr. Holder said yes He was treated wrong but there were serious issues about him being abusive to women and that is why they didn't do it. . 

And this is some of the bad things he did to women:

Johnson met Etta Terry Duryea, a Brooklyn socialite and former wife of Clarence Duryea, at a car race in 1909. In 1910, Johnson hired a private investigator to follow Duryea after suspecting she was having an affair with his chauffeur. On Christmas day, Johnson confronted Duryea and beat her so badly she was hospitalized. They reconciled and were married in January 1911. Prone to depression, her condition worsened because of Johnson's abuse and infidelity. She committed suicide in September 1912, shooting herself.  On December 4, 1912, Johnson married Lucille Cameron. Cameron divorced him in 1924 because of infidelity.

Here is a quote from Jack

Jack's Women

"There have been countless women in my life. They have participated in my triumphs and suffered with me in my moments of dissapointment. They have inspired me to attainment and they have balked me; they have caused me joy and they have heaped misery upon me; they have been faithful to the utmost and they have been faithless; they have praised and loved me and they have hated and denounced me. Always, a woman has swayed me — sometimes many have demanded my attention at the same moment."
— Jack Johnson
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8 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

"Led by one of his own" Is one of his own other Presidents or Black men? Fuck him

Clearly you are correct it was not lead by one of his own.  I missed that.  Thanks for the perspective.  I completely missed that.

At least President Obama  and Holder explained why they didn't and it was because of Johnson's Treatment of women who coincidently were white.  So they stood on principle, but I have no idea why the others didn't. 


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1 minute ago, Drummer61 said:

Well,well the women like him but nobama,NAACP, Black Caucus and Eric Holder would not give him the time of day...Your talking about his comments on women, wow,, you are and enlightened man...Your pathetic and your game is weak.....👎👎👎😒👎

seriously choke yourself. 

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4 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Well,well the women like him but nobama,NAACP, Black Caucus and Eric Holder would not give him the time of day...Your talking about his comments on women, wow,, you are and enlightened man...Your pathetic and your game is weak.....👎👎👎😒👎

WTF you talking about you damn Clown.  Stay in your lane that would be far right of the Highway.  The fast lane of knowledge is to the left and way too fast for you.   Go find someone to call Marxist and Liberals.  This is way over your head.

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Just now, DevilDog said:

Clearly you are correct it was not lead by one of his own.  I missed that.  Thanks for the perspective.  I completely missed that.

At least President Obama  and Holder explained why they didn't and it was because of Johnson's Treatment of women who coincidently were white.  


this fucking guy is worse then Rab and Nut. They are in your face straight up racists. This lump of shit drummer is a snake. 

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3 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

this fucking guy is worse then Rab and Nut. They are in your face straight up racists. This lump of shit drummer is a snake. 

Crazy he is turning this into an NAACP, President Obama thing.  Jack Johnson was a Fighter in the early 1900's and does this damn fool know how many WHITE PRESIDENTS there have been.  Yet this is on Obama.  You can't reason with these damn mental midgets on any meaningful subjects.  I could unleash a torrent of knowledge of the hell JJ went thru and none of it was from Black People.  Unbelievable. 


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Only drummer could take a good thread and turn in racial within 5 posts. 

Spot on DD I agree it was about time this was done and I am glad Trump did it. I also agree why Obama didnt. Can you imagine the backlash he would have received had he pardoned a accused of beating women? 

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2 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

Crazy he is turning this into an NAACP, President Obama thing.  Jack Johnson was a Fighter in the early 1900's and does this damn fool know how many WHITE PRESIDENTS there have been.  Yet this is on Obama.  You can't reason with these damn mental midgets on any meaningful subjects.  I could unleash a torrent of knowledge of the hell JJ went thru and none of it was from Black People.  Unbelievable. 


Just way to many like him. 

Good talking with you DD. Ball cant get here soon enough.

Back to my self imposed ban. 

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1 hour ago, DevilDog said:

Those same hypocrites that shaped his image stole his money. He earned over 4.6 million but only received 800K and then the IRS troubles.  And you are correct he was bad with his own money an vulnerable.   What's incredible and you know this is the short period between Johnson, Louis and then Ali.   Yeah he turned into a character with Wrestling and greeting tourists in Vegas Hotels like Ceasars Palace.   My grandmother used to tell me how when he would fight all the black people would gather in one place around the radio and just rejoice over him whipping a white boy.  Imagine living in time when that was such a big thing for your pride.  It's truly sad the indignation they went thru for the most simplest things in life like boxing and just to play Baseball.  Too much hell for me yet I respect the ancestors and the reason I always say let them rejoice.  Peace be unto you.  Awesome dialogue with such an astute Brother.  You keep promulgating and standing on the shoulders of William Banneker (please learn about this Brother) and pass it along to others. 

"I and I" xD

That's so funny. For in Jamaica, he was a hero to my father's generation. People used to gather at the local watering holes to listen to the Louis' fights on the radio. He gave Jamaicans a sense of pride and popularized boxing on the island. Mike "The Body Snatcher" McCallum, perhaps our greatest locally raised fighter, credits film he watched on both Louis and Ray Robinson on helping him develop and hone his craft. 

If I make it to Texas again in the future I would like to meet up with you as you seem to be a very cool man. I have a niece who lives in El Paso, which I know is a ways from your area, whom I have been meaning to visit for the past few years. Her husband is in the Army and just decided to make a career out of it as he is now an officer. 

Anyway, Jah Rastafari! Peace. 

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